How to choose the postgraduate goal?"Citizen has an appointment" invites school experts to guide

Jimu Journalist Li BansongOn September 27th, the online forecast name of the National Master's Graduate Admissions Examination in 2023 ended, and officially registered on October 5.Since 2016, the num

The latest release of the Dalian Education Bureau

A few days ago,Dalian Education Bureau released Dalian Primary School,Junior high ...

Note that this test is postponed

On September 26, the Ministry of Justice issued an announcement that the National ...

What should I do if I do n’t care about the words, do things, poor hands -on ability, and poor concentration?Senior big coffee to support

Expressing a word is not intentional, no logic, unclear, others do not understand;...

Focusing on the world's problems, she is Zhao Ziman!

Zhao ZimanZhao Ziman, a member of the CCP, a master's degree in food processing an...

The Lord of the Languard Department in 2022 freshmen reported and returned to school to work smoothly

One -handed luggage, dreaming, with new joy, new longing, and new pursuits, with n...

Teacher Development Center held the 98th teaching salon

On the evening of September 23, the 98th teaching salon of the Teacher Development...

Listening to the Hall of Hot Comment | Rather than discussing the qualification certificate of tens of millions of people, it is better to pay attention to how to improve the treatment of teachers

Recently, is it a good thing for tens of millions of people to take the qualification certificate of teachers? Ascend the hot search, triggering discussions. Data show that in 2016, the number of teac

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