Both mother and son went to Zhejiang University, and she became the "school girl" of her son

What does the mother and child feel at Zhejiang University? Recently, Chen Lan, a nurse of Zhejiang Jinhua Central Hospital, admitted to Zhejiang University Medical College Nursing 2022 Doctoral Gradu

The eight departments jointly carried out the promotion of the national scientific morality and style construction promotion month activities in 2022

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 27th. 8 departments such as the China Association for Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Science and Technology have recently

"Chinese Bilingual" and "Garden" and Changnanfeng

In 2018, my company application for social security houseing (rental house) for me.In 2018, the company helped me apply for a security house (public rental house).AlwayS WANTED to Own. Said Huang Zhi

Latest Announcement!postpone!

According to the situation where the current national new crown pneumonia epidemic...

I have worked with the world | The Second North China Public Management Case Contest Hebei Provincial Competition was successfully held in our school

On September 25, 2022, the second session of the Graduate Graduate (MPA) Case Comp...

Running out the new record beyond self, Yang Jirui, Secretary of the Party Committee of Chengdu College of Sichuanwai, used ancient poems to send a new student with ancient poems

Cover news reporter Zhang YanI hope that every new classmate can have the courage ...

Many universities in Hunan adjust the National Day holiday arrangements

National Day is comingMany universities in Hunan announced the National Day holiday arrangementsThere are different degrees of adjustment during holidaysSome schools saidIncorporate the vacation that

Entrepreneurship and flexible employment, these preferential policies help you!

What preferential policies can be enjoyed by college graduates to entrepreneurship...

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