[Yunnan attended the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China] Li Jing: Lidu Renjun Education

Lide Renjun Education -Li Jing, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of ...

"Boutique liberal arts+strong engineering"!Southeast University's first bolic degree program is here!

recentlySoutheast University's first sessionEnglish+Information Engineering dual b...

And different!New Art of Hexin Shuangquan Road Primary School "Heya Education"

Qinglian students studying etiquette to strive to be civilized students

Pay attention to the healthy growth of minorsRecently, the lecturer of the Shishi ...

These decade -education funding "good steel is used on the blade"

In 2021, there were 529,300 schools at all levels and 291 million students at all levels. Compared with 2012, the school increased more than 6,300 institutions and increased more than 28 million in sc

The opening ceremony of the Shishi Campus of Fujian Technician College was held

On the morning of September 27, the Stone Lion Campus of Fujian Technician College...

Some primary and secondary schools in Jining

Hong Kong City Elementary School Ren "Wanjiang" blessed the motherland

Yingbin Road Primary School held a theme flag raising ceremony. (The picture is pr...

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