Gaomi City: Improve the level of high -quality education resources and create "good education" at the door

Endeming pragmatic and full breakthroughs-Carry out the three -year tackling opera...

The Fourth Hohai University Harvest Festival opening

On September 24th, the 4th Haihai University Harvest Festival and Rural Water Cons...

The three teams of the Capital Normal University won the award in the "Rural Revitalization" Action Plan of the Capital College Teachers and Students in 2022

A few days ago, the Beijing School Ideological and Political Work Center issued the Announcement on the results of the results of the Rural Revitalization Action Plan for Teachers and Students 'Tea...

The leaders of Ningde Normal University led the team to conduct a large -scale campus safety inspection

On September 23, Wei Yuanzhu, Yan Guiyi, and Chen Wangyu of Ningde Normal Universi...

Hebei North College was commended during the social survey activities of the "Hebei" social survey of college students in Hebei Province in 2021

Recently, Hebei North College was commended by the Hebei Provincial Academy of Social Sciences, the Provincial Academy of Social Sciences, the Provincial Youth Federation, and the Provincial Federatio

Guangzhou Baiyun Industrial and Commercial Technician College another "New Enterprise New Apprentice System" training course starts

Recently, the first class of the first apprenticeship system of clothing enterpris...

The Seminar of Gaomi Primary School Curriculum Reform Promotion Seminar and Disciplinary Backbone Teacher Training Activities were held

In order to promote Gao Mi City's teaching improvement based on curriculum standar...

The Shanghai Development and Reform Commission went to Shanghai Electric Power University to investigate the basic construction work

On September 23, Chen Shiyan, deputy director of the Shanghai Development and Refo...

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