Twenty representative style | Miao Xiu: "positioning" within 0.005 mm accuracy

Harbin in the late autumn, the evening breeze swept across the city. One Saturday ...

State -owned enterprise reforms look at Shandong 丨 From Shandong Health Medical Group to see how the comprehensive big health industry cooperates with reform and development

Popular Network · Poster Journalist Shen Tong Jinan ReportShandong Health Medical Group, a wholly -owned subsidiary of Shandong Health Group, is a three main business focusing on medical services,

In 5 years, the new profit of the enterprise has added 170 million yuan to the "think tank" of the college teacher in Shandong

Popular Network · Poster Journalist Sun Jie Correspondent Wang LeibinWhen you go ...

British Bank of UK!Push 65 billion yuan to buy a debt purchase plan, but IMF is said to be "no targeted"

Zhongxin Jingwei, September 29. According to the British Bank of England's Bank of...

Autonomous research and development Breaking the monopoly focusing on the main business action frequently Dongfang Shenghong to accelerate the strategic layout of new materials

On September 27th, at the Petrochemical Industry Base in Lianyungang, Jiangsu, She...

Each year from China "gold" 50 billion yuan, the US company giants make a lot of wealth. Chinese people think they are domestic goods.

The daily chemical market is a consumer field that is closely related to everyone'...

The first batch of "warehousing cargo category supervision" enterprises in the first cross -provincial and municipal comprehensive bonded zone -Daxing Airport Comprehensive Insurance Zone

Ji Shi client report (Hebei Taiwan Li Chunxia Du Guangnan Wang Liang) On September...

The new drug of Xianyou Pharmaceutical reached 500 million US dollars overseas authorization transactions to set the highest record in the field of self -exemption

According to the terms of the agreement, Xianyou Pharmaceutical will collect 15 million US dollars of down payment of Almirall, and the possible results based on the possible results of multiple indic

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