"Yi" Road has you, such as "seven"!Zhengzhou Huiyi Wanyi Hotel ushered in the seventh anniversary of the opening

On September 15, 2022, Zhengzhou Huiyi Wanyi Hotel ushered in the seventh annivers...

Exclusive purchase order

After the reporter of Economic Observation Network, Chen Yueqin Ding Wenting's aut...

Bohu Management Department made every effort to do a good job of various tasks

Since September 2nd, according to the needs of the epidemic, the Bozhou Housing Pr...

The latest data!House prices in various tier cities have declined or declined

The website of the National Bureau of Statistics on September 16 news, the Chief S...

Another community in Jiading will install an elevator, poke in detail →

good news!Another community in Jiading will be installed with an elevator. The pla...

Hesheng Management Department visiting companies listening to demands efficient services to promote development

In order to further help the company's rescue work, recently, while the Bayzhou Ho...

Farming in the property market: positive changes and expected defenders

21st Century Business Herald Reporter Kong Haili Beijing reportUnder the influence of a series of policies for the stability of the people's livelihood, some positive changes have begun to be reflecte

Focus on the improvement of urban energy levels to accelerate the development of urban and rural integration

In recent years, Wan Berlin District, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province has firmly established the concept of urban and rural areas, adhered to the development of urban and rural integration, and the loca

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