The policy of "transferred" in Guangzhou second -hand housing is here!But it takes time to land

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all -media reporter Dai ManmanA few days ago, a news about the Internet of Guangzhou Branch of the People's Bank of China on the Internet that encourages the promotion of s

The artificial intelligence incubator and supporting engineering project of Qingsheng Hub officially started

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all -media reporter Liang DongxianOn September 21, the...

Xi'an City Sixth District Application for Residential Right Registration

In order to implement the relevant provisions of the Civil Code on the right to re...

Realize the "zero running" throughout the process!Qingdao realizes digital approval of the full process of real estate development enterprise qualifications

Qingdao Daily/Guanhai News, September 21, The company is anxious to get real estate qualifications to participate in the land bidding, but I did not expect that the declaration is completed according

Realize the "zero running" throughout the process!Qingdao realizes digital approval of the full process of real estate development enterprise qualifications

Qingdao Daily/Guanhai News, September 21, The company is anxious to get real estate qualifications to participate in the land bidding, but I did not expect that the declaration is completed according

There is no need to make money to settle down the mortgage. This first -tier city has pushed the "transfer of transfer"!The stock price of real estate agencies rose sharply

Guangzhou second -hand housing market will usher in major changes!According to the...

This project has made new progress again

On September 21, the main structure of the service housing of the G6 Kerqin Interc...

Zhengzhou acquired the first batch of 20,000 sets of (room) stocks for talent apartments

On September 21, the reporter was informed that the first batch of 20,000 (room) stocks in Zhengzhou City was basically completed in recent days, and some talent apartments at the end of the year can

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