"Entering 'Xiao Yan'an', and vowed for a long time ..."

Author:Casting Sword Central Plains Time:2022.07.07

Recently, the 83rd Army of the Field Training in the field was flexibly applied to the red resources of the resident site in the artillery team of the soldiers in the field. Firm ideals and beliefs, and are determined to fight for the strong army.

"Zhugou, known as the" Xiao Yan'an ", is the place where the Central Plains Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the Henan Provincial Party Committee. The Zhugou Revolutionary Memorial Hall is written by Premier Zhou Enlai ..." With the commentary from the commentary, a revolutionary revolution The scroll is presented in front of the officers and soldiers. One piece of wind and frost cultural relics, documents and files, and yellow photos, the officers and soldiers seemed to return to the era of the artillery fire, deeply felt the patriotic feelings of revolutionary martyrs into life and unswerving revolutionary beliefs.

"I volunteered to join the Communist Party of China and support the party's program ..." The vow of the party echoed in the Zhugou Revolution Memorial Hall. There were both the generosity of the new party members and the fist of the old party members. Each sentence is an oath from the heart.

"This is the 17th year of my joining the army, and the 10th year I joined the party ..." Pang Jintao, a first -level master, recalled his original intention of joining the party and his expression was firm. When the service period expired 16 years and facing the problem of stay, he resolutely chose to apply for an extension of service. Through the selection test, he continued to pick up the steel gun and exhausted enthusiastically on the road of strong army.

Reading the party's application for volunteer letters, telling the beginning of the party, learning ancestors' deeds, making a political birthday commemorative card ... The camp team collectively celebrated a political birthday for comrades who joined the party in July. This solemn birthday ceremony inspired party members to never forget their original intentions and keep their mission in mind, and enhanced the combat effectiveness, cohesion and centripetal force of grass -roots party organizations.

"Today's theme party day event is our firm answer to the party's loyalty. I want to continue to adhere to the mission of my original intention, work hard in the new era and new journey, realize new actions, and make new achievements." Warrior Yang Xingyi held it with holding. Political birthday commemorative card said.



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