my country's successful launch test No. 14 and the test No. 15 satellite

Author:Xinhua News Agency Time:2022.09.25

Xinhua News Agency, Taiyuan, September 25 (Li Guoli, Hao Mingxin) At 6:55 on September 25th, my country uses the Kuaizhou No. 1 Rocket Rockets in the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center. The number and test No. 15 satellite launched the air, the satellite entered the scheduled track smoothly, and the launch task was successfully successful.

Test No. 14 satellites are mainly used in scientific tests and new technical verification. Test No. 15 satellites are mainly used in the fields of land surveys, urban planning, disaster prevention and minus reduction.

This mission is the 18th flight of the Kuaizhou No. 1 shipping rocket.

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