China's "Kirin" Four Battle and Four Brokers!National Defense University of Science and Technology won the World Championship

Author:Hunan Provincial Department of Time:2022.09.22

A few days ago, the 6th International Unmanned System Innovation Challenge (UMSIC) hosted by the Egyptian Ministry of Defense ended in Cairo. The team of Intelligent Sciences of the University of Defense Science and Technology has won the ground unmanned system challenge (UGVC) championship with excellent performance.

Championship trophy

Award certificate

Return to the international arena, the perfect appearance after two years

The online participating team is composed of the main players of Yanyi and the three main players and the undergraduate echelon players. "Our goal is the champion!", All the team members rubbed their hands and devoted themselves to preparing for the competition.

On the first competition day, facing the experts and judges of the Egyptian side, the defense player Zhao Haojun's English technical defense. This is the first debut of the team's independent design and development of the wheel -fin unmanned platform, Kylin Fighter. Its complete functional design and outstanding performance advantage made the experts of the Fang Fang of the defense committee nodded frequently.

Technical defense

The scorching sun is empty, and the heat waves are rolling. The surface temperature of nearly 60 ° C fully tests the heat dissipation performance of the platform, and also tests each participant. In the control station, the platform operating player Yin Zizhen and the robotic arm operating hand Yu Hongbo was not affected. He stared at the interactive interface and controlled the unmanned platform to complete the terrain crossing tasks and equipment service tasks in turn. Everything was nervous. Promote orderly. When the "wounded" in the last sub -mission was transferred to a safe zone, a warm applause sounded at the same time in the control station and online conference room.

"Perfect! Full points!" This is the evaluation of Dr. Tamer Attia, the referee of the Egyptian referee on Kylin Fighter's independent navigation mission.


Equipment service

Independent navigation

After spring, summer, autumn and winter, 300 days and nights of R & D and preparations

In November 2021, the Intelligent Science College of Intelligent Sciences, which undertaken the competition, launched the UGVC2022 preparation work, selected 12 2018 outstanding undergraduate students, and 6 2019 echelon students to form a new UGVC team.

Compared with previous years, the rules of UGVC2022 have been fully revised. The terrain crossing tasks have expanded to more complex and diverse natural terrain, and newly added independent tasks such as GNSS refusal conditions navigation and multi -target recognition. Equipment service tasks tend to be practical, fine The difficulty of the overall implementation has increased significantly.

"Machinery is the foundation. Adapting to the new rules must be fundamentally innovated." Qiao Dongyang, who is also the captain of the team and the leader of the mechanical group, led the team members to innovate the mechanical structure of the wheel fins. Under the guidance of Teacher Lei, the design demonstration of the walking mechanism, chassis structure and auxiliary mechanical and electrical systems was completed.

With point -to -face, innovative engines are accelerating the upgrade and optimization of unmanned platforms. Xiao Hanqing of the electrical group introduced the modular design concept of the mechanical machine into the real -time monitoring system design; Xu Zhihong, who was responsible for the control of the mechanical arm control, designed and produced a finger joint instructions and tapping devices; Su Xiaolong, responsible for the communication module, took the lead in applying ROS2 to software development; in addition Technology analysis, path tracking optimization, neural network and other technologies have also been applied ...

Autonomous Group Experiment

From A to F named, the team's six years changes and unchanged

After the team won the championship, Tang Tao, who accompanied UGVC through the road to defending nearly three years, wrote in the circle of friends, "The inheritance of the one after the end, each journey has the whole process of team teachers and comrades' comrades. With full support, we can write the Kylin legend of the UGVC team with youth and blood. "

The platform naming is changing, the structural function is changing, but what is always the same is the continuation struggle of the UGVC team and the in -depth thinking of the unmanned equipment into the battlefield. Talking about the secrets of the team's repeated battle, "inheritance" and "innovation" are the most keywords. "Inheritance of innovation in inheritance is the only way for our experience accumulation and technological breakthrough." This is the instructions of Xu Xiaohong, a team instructor Xu Xiaohong.

A gold medal in the stadium must be very effort, and the defense is very important to rely on all the people. In the next step, for the team members who continue to stay in school and are about to enter the job, they will always adhere to a diligent and pragmatic mentality, carry forward the fine traditions of the UGVC team, and maintain the toughness and hard work in the new battle position as always, for the battle for the battle for the battle for the war And research and war, strive to be the pioneer of the "unmanned area" in the intelligent era.

Source: National Defense University of Science and Technology

Wen: Zhao Haojun, Tang Tao

Picture: Xu Xiaohong, Zhao Haojun, Liu Ruochen, Lu Shengyang

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