Air strike the Iranian goal, the Supreme General of the United States planned, the signal of war?Will the Middle East chaos?

Author:Chenlong Military Time:2022.08.27

The picture shows the highest general Miri Mi Li

Recently, when the negotiation of the Iran nuclear agreement on the verge of collapse ushered in the transfer, the US President Biden taught the US military to crack down on Iranian military facilities in Delzer in Syria. According to the current tension, no, no, no The U.S. military will continue to launch air strikes in the narrative. So what is the purpose of the U.S. air strike in Iranian military facilities in Syria? The current US -Iranlier relations have a trend of continued deterioration. Will the Middle East chaos if the United States started war? Once the Middle East is in a chaos, will Russia and Turkey involve? Regarding the above three issues, I will follow the latest progress of the Iraqi Nuclear negotiations, and combine the US military's attack on the Syrian incident to deeply analyze the subsequent development of the Middle East situation.

According to a senior official in the United States, the US military's attack on the Iranian goal of Syria this time was personally planned by the US highest general Milly. This was a countermeasure against the US military's attack on the Syrian base. Earlier, the Syrian government exposed the "bandit behavior" of the United States in its territory, and the militia armed forces supported by Iran began to retaliate against the United States. They launched several rockets to the US base. Surgery, but the frequent attacks of militia armed forces also threatened the U.S. military base and the nearby oil fields, so the U.S. military mitigated military actions. In the long run, between the US military and the militia organizations supported by Iran, this intermittent confrontation will probably continue, so will this be the signal of the US -Ichida war? On the one hand, since the organization supported by the United States and Iran has often conflicted in Syria and Iraq, the U.S. military may also get used to the outbreak of this small conflict, so it will not cause a larger -scale war. Another On the other hand, the current Iran nuclear agreement negotiations are being prepared. After Bayeng came to power, he also intends to return to the Iran nuclear agreement. Therefore, the possibility of the US -Iranian war in the short term is relatively small.

The first question: What is the purpose of the U.S. air strike in Iranian military facilities in Syria?

In fact, without Syria's permission, the Bayeng government allowed the U.S. military to attack the Iranian military facilities in Syria. Establishing a pro -American regime in Syria, so what is his greater purpose in addition to pressure on the Syrian government?

The Iranian military facility in Syria's air strike in Syria is to put pressure on Iran to make a greater concession on the current Iran nuclear agreement negotiation. Since the full restoration of the Iranian nuclear negotiations, Iran and the European Union have explored the solution to the Iranian nuclear agreement in the twists and turns. Whether the text "can promote the ultimate opinion of the United States to reach a lot of expectations, but the actual situation is that the" final text "proposed by the European Union upholds a negative attitude. Far. It is not difficult to speculate that there may be a large gap between the current Iran nuclear agreement and the expectations of Washington. Therefore, the United States uses military means to force Tehran to make greater concessions in the Iran nuclear agreement.

Isse is the most stable ally in the United States in the Middle East, but the two countries have disagreed because of the Iranian nuclear issue. Therefore, the Bayeng government announced that the Iranian military facilities in Syria were also to appease Israel. During his tenure, Trump resolutely withdrawn from the public opinion response from the international community and resolutely withdrew from the Iranian nuclear agreement, causing the US -Iraq relations to fall into tension for a time. Trump's policy was quite tough during the Iranian policy, so Iran's number one enemy in the Middle East supported Israel. After Biden came to power, it began to release a signal to lead the United States to return to the Iran nuclear agreement, which will inevitably cause Israeli strong opposition. Therefore, the Israeli government has frequently seen the decline in the recently launched Iraqi Agreement negotiations, and even said that the nuclear nuclear nucleus also said The agreement will not only prevent Iran's development of nuclear weapons, but also bring huge fiscal revenue to Tehran. Israel is more inclined to use the U.S. military means to use radical military means to force Iran to abandon the development of nuclear weapons. Therefore, the U.S. military's implementation of air strikes is to pass on Israel to pass the new Iran nuclear agreement, and the United States will continue to maintain tough information on Iran.

In addition, the anti -phase effect of Russia and Ukraine has seriously affected the United States, and the United States has fallen into the vortex of inflation. Therefore, in order to transfer domestic pressure, the United States needs to create incidents in other countries through military means. At this time, Biden ’s Iranian target in Syria, according to the military strength of the United States, can almost destroy these Iranian militia organizations. In the protection of national interests. However, the Biden government chose to take the opportunity at this time to alleviate the focus of American internal worry. By adopting military actions in Syria, the United States still has sufficient ability to worry about the interests of the Middle East.

The second question: If the Meiyi starts the war, will the Middle East chaos?

Earlier, the senior Iranian military official Sulemani was assassinated, making the information of the Third World War quickly a network hotspot, and Washington has also become the center of the world public opinion. The international community has condemned the U.S. atrocities. This fall into the trough, and now the United States and Iran have staged again in Syria again. For a while, the Middle East was full of gunpowder. As the US -Iraq relationship continued to deteriorate. There are currently many allies in the United States in the world. Once the United States started war, it is Israel, which is the first to assist the United States in the Middle East. Although Israel is a Middle East country, because of historical reasons, he has been incompatible with the neighboring countries, and for Israel, once Iran has nuclear weapons, it may be the first to be hurt. Earlier, it was reported that the Israeli army was preparing for the US -Iraq that broke out, and its primary strike target may be Iran's nuclear facilities. In contrast, Iran's side, as its irony Lebanon Albon, may also join in the US war, and before the true part of the Allah also stated that if the United States or Israel starts the war in Iran, they will eliminate Israel. Therefore, when countries may participate in war, the Middle East may be chaotic.

If the United States broke out with Iran, as NATO, it would definitely take advantage of this opportunity to join the conflict of the Middle East. In March 2021, the U.S. military frequently applied military pressure to the Middle East. Its main target was Iran and Syria. After a few days after the air strike Syria, the US military's military base in Iraq was attacked. Who but the U.S. military has locked the target on Iran. At the same time, the British and French warships as NATO allies have approached the door of Iran's house. The sword refers to the Middle East, and the war of the Persian Gulf was ignited. It can be seen that once the United States and Iran have started war, NATO will definitely join the camp to crack down on Iran, and the Middle East War will be ignited again.

In addition, when Iran faced the power of the United States and the Middle East allies, it may also use nuclear power. Although there are currently no nuclear weapons, Iran has also possessed the ability to make nuclear weapons in a short time. At present, Iran has the ability to produce concentrated uranium with an abundance of 60%. If special needs are similar to the situation of war, Iran can also increase the abundance of concentrated uranium to 90%. Once the concentrated uranium exceeds 90%, it means that Tehran has mastered the technology of manufacturing nuclear weapons. Therefore, nuclear weapons will not be ruled out when Iran's opponents are involved. At that time, it will not only cause the Middle East to be in chaos, but I am afraid that the entire world will be dragged into the fire.

Third question: Will Russia and Turkey involve?

In addition to some traditional allies in the United States, the United States may intervene, and the attitude of Turkey, a regional country and a global power of Russia, is also worth observing. Always attracting attention, will the US and Iei war start, will Russia and Turkey involve? In this regard, I have the following three analysis for your reference. You are also welcome to leave a message in the comment area to participate in the discussion:

First of all, the US Yiruo broke out, and it was difficult for Russia to watch the fire from the other side. As long as the scale of the US -Iei conflict has not risen to an irreplaceable situation, then Russia is likely to be directly involved in the conflict between the two countries, but Russia It is likely to use aid weapons to support Iran. In addition, once the war broke out, it will definitely affect Iran's oil exports, and Russia is also used as a large energy power, and it will undoubtedly use this opportunity to earn rich profits.

Secondly, the relationship between Turkey and Iran and the United States is actually not too good. The influence of Turkey's continuous enhancement in the Southern Caucasus region constitutes a certain degree of threat to Iran. The obstacles on the influence road, if Iran is damaged from it, the outbreak of the United States and Iraq, then it is also conducive to the expansion of Turkey. In addition, although Turkey and the United States are both members of NATO, the differences between the two countries have continued in recent years. Therefore, Turkey is likely to watch tiger fighting in the United States and Iraq war.

In the end, the United States and Iran are both great powers. Once the two countries start war, they will not end in a short period of time, and they may also fall into the stage of consuming war. Therefore, there may be large fluctuations in the form of the battlefield, similar to Turkey and Russia. Such a country will also wait for the opportunity. Once they seize the most favorable opportunities for their national interests, they will not rule out that they will join the war.

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