The picture is highly comfortable!The Rocket Army will be operated, look at →

Author:Dongfeng Express Time:2022.08.25

Recently, a training ground in the Rocket Army, a queue that ignited the "boiling point" ignited the training of the military will start fiercely.

The queue will be fucking, and the order of the game is determined by drawing. From the team leader to the office officer, from the squad leader's backbone to the comrades of the soldiers, the staff of all levels went into battle to start fierce competition.

"One, two, three, four ..." The queue kicked off in the powerful slogan. The officers and soldiers on the field were full of spirit, their heads were upright, and they were full of anger.

The neat movement, firm and powerful steps, the sound of friction between the sleeves and trousers is crisp and nostrise, the sound of the feet hit the ground is neat and loud, all show the strong disciplinary consciousness and good spiritual style of the officers and soldiers.

Over time, the temperature at the scene continued to rise, the camouflage clothes of officers and soldiers were already soaked, and sweat beads were hung on their cheeks. However, the officers and soldiers at the scene, whether they were on the field, were being operated on the field, or sitting on the stage for observation.

With warm applause, the climax of the game was higher than the waves. On each side of each side, professional judges have a judgment score based on on -site performance.

In the end, the three units stood out, and the queue ended in thunderous applause.

In the early stage, the department's regular management and training were carried out in an orderly manner. This time is not only a test of training effects, but also a consolidation and improvement. The officers and soldiers of the ministry will continue to strengthen the literacy, strengthen the style of work style, strengthen the awareness of the precedent, and welcome the 20th victory of the party with a high spiritual appearance.

Author: Wang Mengjun, Yao Zhe, Yin Jiaquan, Qu Dingguo

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