The 30th anniversary of the first fly!Long March No. 2 Ding, and then start again

Author:Our space Time:2022.08.09

At 21:28 on July 29th

Long March 2 Ding Yunzai Rocket

Take off at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center

Success will be remote sensing 35 group 03 satellites

A star, B star, C star

Send a predetermined orbit

The launch task has achieved a complete success

This launch is the Long March series of carrier rockets

429th launch

It is also the 61st launch task performed by the long Erding Rocket

As a "veteran" in the "Long March Series" family

Long Erding Rockets after another escort for victory again

We ushered in its "Thirty Anniversary of the First Flying" anniversary

August 9, 1992

The long two -ding rocket launched the return satellite for the first time

Get a successful success

Since then, the long Erding Rockets have been steadily fighting all the way

Along with the "high" of China's aerospace industry

Created one after another achievement

The title of "Gold Medal Rocket" won

Long Erding Lange Rocket

Developed by the Eighth Hospital of China Aerospace Science and Technology Group

It is among my country's single -level carrier rocket

The most carrier capacity

Has high reliability, high security

Low cost, short cycle and other characteristics

It can be combined with the upper level of the expedition series

Provide multi -star heterodium network network deployment launch

Significantly increase the capacity of 1,000 kilometers of rail height above the height

Early 1990s

The "Long Erding Lange Rocket" project starts project

At that time, China ’s space industry was developing more difficult

Long Erding Rockets came out

The performance is bright

Three consecutive times to successfully complete the return satellite launch task

For the majority of astronauts

Inject a "strong heart"


The long Erding Rocket opened the "model worker" mode

I do not know how tirelessly "send the stars" in the sky

In its "passenger"

There are some "net red" satellites that we know well

For example, dark matter particles detect satellite "Goku"

China's first solar detection science and technology test satellite "Xihe"

Quantum science experiment satellite "Mozi" and so on

From the "Dragon Raise" in the 1990s

"Light dawn" in the early stages of the new crown epidemic

Then to the future "continuous force"

Long March 2 Ding Yunzai Rocket

In "the year of standing", ushered in "the year of beating"

Will set off again, again, again,

Help China's aerospace industry take off

forever Young

Always on the road

Source: Our space integrated from China Aerospace News

- END -

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