This training type is better than the highlights of martial arts

Author:Dongfeng Express Time:2022.07.27

Ice -breaking ideas are blocked, quenching three -foot podium. Recently, a "gunpowder flavor" excellent political instructor training -style competition kicked off in a certain part of the Rocket Army. In addition to the fierce competition between the instructor, these highlights should not be missed.

Highlight 1: Evaluation teachers covered widely

Starting training mobilization site

This competition, 50 outstanding political teachers from political organs and grass -roots lines gathered together through layers. Among them, there are political coach with rich experience in teaching, including military cadres who stand out from the front line, some are the primitives who are not afraid of the tiger, and there are medical workers who take root in the grassroots level ...

Competition assessment site

They holding the "excellent completion of the teaching task, and the satisfaction rate of more than 95%of the officers and soldiers", all of which are "stable" and have their own "secret recipes", eighteen martial arts competing on the same stage.

Highlight two: Live judging lineup strong

Professor Liu Zhengbin of National Defense University to teach

Liu Jun, a professor at the Rockets Military Officer School, and officers and soldiers discussed with officers and soldiers

In order to effectively improve the theoretical skills and lectures of political faculty, this competition invites experts and professors such as the Eastern theater, National Defense University, National Defense University of Science and Technology, Rocket Army Command School, Rockets Military Officer School and other political work fields to set up a judge group to conduct on -site scoring and comprehensive research judgment The scoring and bringing the "Guidance of the Internet Age" and "How to Master the Merit of Officers and Soldiers" and other deep ideas and rich content pre -match counseling classes, enlighten the wisdom of ideas for participants and inspiration.

Highlight three: Combat inspection content in full

The assessment site of the proposed education plan

Theoretical test inspection of knowledge reserves, class preparation case tests, accumulation of usual accumulation, realistic ideological guidance to show the ability to strain ... 8 links 28 evaluation standards have all -round quenching political teachers' ability level.

At the competition site, the players can be described as "the eight immortals cross the sea, each exhibition of magical powers". They closely follow the theme of education, close to the thoughts of officers and soldiers, and use the examples around them to clarify the profound truths and answer the doubts of officers and soldiers. The means to bring you a rich "spiritual feast".

Research and exchange site

Highlight 4: Energy radiation is large

New Teacher VS Old Teacher

In the early stage of competition, the participating units strictly planned and designed to strengthen the pre -set of talents. It was recommended that excellent mature teachers and trained potential young teachers to improve the steps of political faculty teams through competition.

Teachers randomly draw questions

Although the competition is over, the innovation of ideological and political education is endless. After the game, the outstanding teachers who stood out talked about the views and insights around the "New Era Political Teachers Team Construction". Everyone, you said, let the thoughts integrate and sublimate in the exchange, allow the ability to quench in the discussion, and continue to rejuvenate New vitality of ideological and political education, standing up the good look of ideological and political education in the new era!

Teachers View Dragon Tiger List

In order to further revitalize the education resources and expand the effectiveness of martial arts, the ministry will also compile 50 questionnaires, public opinion guidance, pre -war mobilization, military situation guidance, education plan, excellent lesson plan, problem research, etc. Provide the "breeding book" for political cadres at all levels, realize a lamp, establish a flag, drive a group of people, and continue to create a new situation of ideological and political education.

Author: Yin Jiaquan, Wang Mengjun, Li Kailin, Teng Peng

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