"Learning Strong Army" APP inserts information wings for ideological and political education

Author:Study legion Time:2022.06.15

73rd Army

Network empowerment strong lifeline

The PLA News (Reporter Lai Wenyong and special correspondent Liao Xiaobin) In early June, the 73rd Army organized a network lecture with the theme of "Military History Museum". In just a few minutes, many officers and soldiers entered the live broadcast room to listen to lectures, communicate and interact.

Not long ago, the group army was identified as one of the first "learning strong army" app promotion and use units in the whole army. "At present, many troops are being trained in the wild. Under the conditions of dynamic conditions, issues such as centralized education, difficulty coverage, and difficulty in formal innovation are more prominent." The troops carried out ideological and political education into information wings.

"The 'Learning Strong Army' APP is connected through the dedicated line, and the use of security and confidentiality is a good helper to carry out learning and education." Nie Lingfeng, the officer of the Group Army's Propaganda Division, told reporters that they use this app as the development of this app as the development of ideological and political education innovation and development. Important carriers, fully explore and excavate long -range teaching, resource sharing, exchanges and discussions, etc., to realize the "thousands of miles in a thousand miles" in different units.

The reporter saw at the scene that during the live broadcast, the interpreter remotely connected the honorary units such as the "Strong Army, Essence and Martial Arts", and led the officers and soldiers to the "Pickings" Group Army British Model Honor Unit. The officers and soldiers talked about their experiences and experiences by sending the barrage, and explained that the staff randomly judged the council speeches. The educators communicated and interacted with the teachers in both directions, and the learning atmosphere was strong.

"Online communication participation, strong interaction", "no longer simply 'you talk about me to listen to' instilling teaching mode" "learn everywhere, learn at any time, and education classrooms are more flexible" ... This educational mode is like.

The network enables the strong lifeline to practice the power. In the past few days, in multiple training fields of the group army, officers and soldiers have been fighting for the danger and difficulties, which has continued to set off a wave of training for military training.

▲ Published on June 15th Edition "PLA Daily"

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