People are in the trough, and they depend on these 4 things by themselves

Author:reader Time:2022.07.01

Mandela once said: "The greatest glory of life is not to never fall, but that after falling, it can rise again."

The world is changing, the tide rises, the peak of life is sometimes, and the trough is sometimes.

When you fall into the trough, some people complain about Ai, and some people are looking forward;

There is no so -called savior in the world, people are in the trough, and self -crossing is the only antidote.

Only after the darkness of the layers can we usher in the night.

In the trough, insist on doing these 4 things, life may bottom out.

Keep silent, don't blame

There is a question on Zhihu: Why grow and become more silent?

One of them answered, poke the heart:

"No one really likes silence, just afraid of disappointment."

Those injuries that are rowing and heartbroken for themselves may be light in the eyes of others, not worth mentioning.

It is difficult to have a real feeling in this world. The more complaints and complaints, the more disappointment.

A friend has told his own story.

My friend's husband likes to charge money to play online games. He spent his home and owed a lot of online loans. The two were divorced.

In order to avoid entanglement, friends moved out of the house, but the debt -registered person could always find and block her. She was insomnia all night and was frightened.

On the other side, she has to endure the entanglement of her husband and has been fighting a divorce lawsuit.

When she was struggling, she occasionally complained to a good colleague.

Unexpectedly, in the bathroom, she heard her colleagues being told to others as a joke.

She suddenly understood that she could see her wounds open to others. It was meaningless except to increase troubles.

Falling into a trough and silence is the biggest decentness.

Only when people are silent, can it be easier to see themselves.

Picture source: panorama vision

When the writer Shi Tiesheng just took the wheelchair, he often complained about the injustice of destiny. He was irritable and moody. He didn't know where his life was out, and he was responsible for asking God and asking for fate.

Until he got married with the earth, he went to the earth altar alone and observed his life with a silent gesture.

He observed the grass and trees, ancient monuments, and various people in the earth altar, and slowly realized that the small and small people were small.

He started reading and writing under the tree, looking for comfort in the text.

As a result, he regained his childhood literary dream, opened territory in the literary world, and found a way for himself.

Complaints will only destroy will, reduce enthusiasm, and make people feel more sinking; while silence, a sad heart is calm, reflecting from the introspection, and finding the problem.

Someone once asked the writer Bi Shumin how he spent the low tide of life.

Bi Shumin replied: "Wait quietly."

People are in the trough. Silence is the best weapon to protect themselves, and it is also a force for the Jedi to survive.

Clear zero in time, don't read in time

There is a famous "throwing coin" experiment.

The coin is thrown. If it is positive, the participants will receive $ 150. If it is the back, it will lose $ 100.

For participants, this experiment must make it stable for a long time.

But most people still refuse to participate. They believe that the pain of losing $ 100 is far greater than the happiness of $ 150.

This is the concept of psychological "losses and disgust".

Compared to getting, people are often more afraid of losing.

Especially in the trough of life, people are more likely to sink in the past and miss the past and hover.

As everyone knows, Shen Yan is the biggest loss.

If you fall into the bottom of the valley, you can clear the burden in a timely manner and start again.

As if there is a saying: "When you stagnate, returning to the origin may be the biggest progress."

Singer Zhou Huajian told his story in an interview.

He said that in 2000, he encountered a low tide of career and began to doubt whether he would continue to sing his career.

Image source: network

The market wind direction has changed, record sales are sluggish, and the song style cannot keep up with the times.

He felt that he had been repeating, the theme of the song was repeated, and the singing was repeated.

The state lasted for three or four years. He had no energy and felt that it was meaningless.

And who supports him through that dim time is to bring everything to zero and start again.

"Full of zero, then you can slowly catch back, reflect on what you can do, do n’t do it if you do n’t do it well, do n’t waste your brain and physical strength."

He re -organized his life, deleted complexity, cleaned up and lost he had been, and then set off with a new attitude, and then stood on the stage of glowing again.

I miss the past, and I can't change the status quo; if I don't want to be in the past, it will not come in the future.

As Mo Yan said:

"The world is like a book, and one page is turned over. People must look forward and turn over the old account of history."

People are in a trough, and learn to clear zero in time in order to get new steps faster.

Low -key storage, not decadent

Some people say that there is another name in the trough period, called "counterattack charging period".

Those who are tough and not mourning can accumulate the power of turning over in the trough.

In the movie "Shawshank's Redemption", the protagonist Andy's wife and her lover were shot, and Andy was charged as a murderer and was imprisoned with injustice.

He was a banker, but he became a prisoner overnight, swallowing a cold meal, and suffered from non -human torture in prison.

But he has never given up, and he is tried to be released and left every day.

He secretly saved his strength, guarded hope, and waited for the opportunity. Occasionally, when he heard that the prison man was distressed to pay taxes, he stood up boldly and helped the Dian Prison officials reasonably avoid taxes based on his professional knowledge.

As a result, Andy was trusted by the chief of the prison, was promoted to the administrator of the prison library, and got rid of the harassment of other prison friends.

Picture source: "Shawshank's Redemption"

In the 15th year of Andy's being closed, a prisoner named Tommy appeared. He was the only person in the world that could prove that Andy was innocent.

However, in order to continue to support Andy, Dian Prison shot Tommy.

And Di saw that he had nothing to do, and only himself.

He accelerated the pace of jailbreak, and created a new identity when he helped Dian Prison's long money laundering.

After 19 years, the tunnel was dug, and he was arrested by a new identity.

He finally regained his freedom. The little effort made by those years, and the final remittance became a huge force to take him through the puppet.

The more you are in the trough of your life, the more you can't be mourned, but you are not anxious or impatient.

Every time the trough is for the next high power.

Firm belief, do not fall

Roman Roland said:

"The most terrible enemy is that there is no strong belief."

Belief is the ultimate force that supports a person's constant movement. If people's beliefs are not fell, they have power.

J.K. Rowling, a well -known writer because of "Harry Potter", was just a single mother with depression and impoverished murder before the work was published.

She has no place to live with her young daughter and live by relief.

And she has always had a firm conviction, and her career and love failure has never made her shrink back, as she said:

"Perhaps it is to fulfill the dream of years, maybe to discharge the unhappiness in my heart, or maybe to tell my daughter the story that can be edited every night."

In this way, she kept writing, even if "Harry Potter" was rejected by the publisher 12 times.

She firmly believes that her work will be recognized by the reader, and it will continue to write it until "Harry Potter" is translated into 35 languages ​​in the world.

The belief is a key to break the deadlock. It makes people still have light in their hearts.

In the movie "Being Happiness", Chris was owned by a failed investment.

He couldn't afford the rent, he couldn't afford the ticket, and he had to sell it every day with heavy machines every day to eat closed doors. What's more terrible is that his wife also left, and he took his son alone.

Picture source: "When Happiness Comes to Knock the Door"

But even if life is difficult, he firmly believes that there will be a day of getting better and work hard.

In order to get an interview opportunity, he waited downstairs in the securities company for a month.

After being hired, on the crowded street, he tears in his eyes and applauds himself silently.

The writer Ding Ling once said:

"People, as long as there is a belief, pursuit, can tolerate everything, and can adapt to any environment."

The more you are in the trough, the more you must be firm.

Balzac once said:

"The deserted of a flower cannot be the whole spring, and a setback can not be deserted throughout life."

Once the trough period is more like a Nirvana, the pain of the fire, and then fresh.

In the silence, the impetuous mood is zero.

Silently accumulating, and then re -set off.

The sinking of life is to make a better flight; the day when the fall to the bottom of the valley is the time when the rebound is rejuvenated.

- END -

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