Sichuan dialect | Gou Fa Gang: brown skin filtering

Author:Cover news Time:2022.07.01

Text/Gou Fa Gang

The brown skin is palm skin, which is the leaf sheath fiber of the palm plant palm. Most of the people in the folk are made of brown skin. As soon as the rain falls on the clothes, it rolls down, and it is not easy to soak. In the past, when there were not many filtering tools, everyone often used brown skin to filter some foods or things. Extended, the brown skin filtering describes a person's carefulness or a stingy person.

Two people opened a market partnership and promised to invest in half of one person. One of them was compared. What kind of taxi costs, copied costs, and even a cluster needle was recorded on expenses. After looking at the ledger, he told other friends that his partners did something with brown skin. They were too small and didn't want to cooperate with him anymore. Friends advised him, this is also a good thing. When you come down to be a friend, you wo n’t be at the atmosphere. Cooperation and cooperation, friends belong to friends.

We went to a friend's house to play. This hostess loves cleanliness very much. I saw the house clean and neatly placed. A dust on the ground was not dyed. We teased the friend. Your wife was too capable. Filled by brown skin.

【Draft Notice】

Since the launch of the launch of the "Bowl Tea" of the "Width Wide Wide" of the West China Metropolis Daily, the Sichuan dialect dragon door array has been strongly supported by the authors of Sichuan dialects inside and outside the province. In order to make "Cover Bowl Tea" more lively and fragrant, the stories of dialects are endless, and we have signed a long time to the "Story" dialect author. There are good dialect stories and interesting dialect legends, which can be contributed to us. The number of words does not exceed 1200 words. Submitted mailbox: [email protected].

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