Never underestimate a person with introverted personality

Author:Ten o'clock reading Time:2022.06.28

There is a topic on Weibo: # 微 微 微 微 微 微? #

The pain points of countless people were poked, and the comment area fry the pot:

There is a low sense of existence everywhere, and it cannot be integrated into the circle;

Often unhappy, I feel like I am depressed but not sure;

Even if others owe money, I am embarrassed ...

In this world, people always encourage people to be cheerful and active, dare to say, and not be friendly to introverts.

Many introverted people were distressed by this, barely changed, but exhausted themselves.

I don't know, this is a certain misunderstanding of personality.

Introverting is not a disadvantage, but an advantage of being ignored.

The outward -oriented person is biased towards lively, good at expressing, just like the sun, warm and bright, always attracting attention in the crowd.

The introverted people are yearning for quietness, not good at talking, and they are not so good, and they are easily left out and isolated.

In fact, we only see the introverts' cramped and silent, and we don't know that they have huge potential inside.

I have seen a story online.

A girl is silent and has always been alone. Except for the necessary communication, she basically does not talk to everyone.

She has hardly participated in various activities organized by the bedroom. Even if the noise is overwhelming, she is still reading.

Over time, the roommates began to make a conclusion:

Lonely, selfish, indescribable, elusive, maybe one day to do something wrong.

But the girl's performance began to look at everyone:

If her English speech is suspended, even foreigners have reposted and praised;

She analyzes industry news and is in place;

Her articles are profound, making people shoot.

In my junior year, the girl was guaranteed to be sent to Peking University, and it was still the best major in the department.

Then everyone realized that it was their own prejudice that caused a cognitive deviation and misunderstood the girl.

In introverted people are not psychological problems, they are unwilling to be those on the surface, and they will not deliberately pursue the group.

Keep a sense of distance from others, not because it is not close, but because I don't like lively.

There is a saying good:

Internal character is not a disadvantage, it also has many advantages and flash points. You have to allow some people to have your own attributes.

The introverted people are low -key and restrained. They are less thanks to more, and have strong self -control and action.

They like to think independently, have their own opinions and ideas, and consider the problem more rigorous and comprehensive.

You can also step by step, stabilizing and stable, and will not disturb your rhythm because of the influence of the outside world.

In fact, the introverts who are ignored are the masters who are not revealed.

Psychologist Jung pointed out that the main difference between introverted personality and extroverts lies in the direction of psychological energy.

Extra -oriented people point to the external world to understand and transform their lives, and get recognition from the outside;

The introverted person points to the exploration and constructing the inner harmony and obtain energy from the inside.

The introverts like to be quiet. Using a single time to talk to the heart and adjust their own state, their inner world is not empty, but it is very colorful.

Murakami Murakami, his work has a huge influence on readers all over the world, but he admits that he is an absolute introvert.

He didn't like to talk, and he was very restrained to talk to others. The interview made him struggling, and he felt tiring to even the recovery email.

Even if he kept his mouthful forever, he would not feel the pain.

On the contrary, a person read the book, listen to music, go out, and play with cats, which will make him feel relaxed and comfortable.

When he was alone, he created a number of classic works, and also discovered the fun of running, which made him breathe in a tedious life and healed his body and mind.

As the book "Quiet: Competitiveness of Internal Personality" says:

At least one -third of the world is introverted. Compared to talking, they prefer to listen; relative to the party, they are more inclined to read quietly; they are committed to creating, but they are unwilling to sell themselves.

In this impetuous era, everyone is eager to show themselves, but ignores the inner construction and nourishment.

It is the most wise to bear the loneliness.

They know how to refuel and think in the uniqueness, stay away from the external disturbances and consumption, and invest time and energy into enthusiastic things.

Let your body and mind calm down, be able to see the nature of things, and clearly understand what you want.

So as to grasp the direction of the heart, find the fun in life and the most precious things in life, live more and more calm.

The more introverted the personality, the rich and powerful in the heart.

Luo Yonghao said: "Extreme people may control this world, but introverts can create the world."

70%of successful people in the world are introverted persons. They always calmly accumulate and affect our lives.

Investment boss Zhu Xiaohu almost looked at all the air outlets, but missed the bumper investment, which made him annoyed.

The reason is that Zhang Yiming, the founder of Zhu Xiaohu believes that the founder of byte beating is a bit introverted, and he can't see his personal edge.

And he believes that entrepreneurs should have wolfness, strong aura and offensiveness.

It is not a way, now the byte beating is like a day in the sky. During the 10 years, Zhang Yiming has been in the second place in the Hurun Rich List!

The unexpected things were reasonable.

A person with introverted personality, his talent and toughness will be beyond your imagination.

Introverts will not hinder a person's development, but will make him more sensitive, more focused, and easier to create miracles. Douyin blogger@Fang Fang said that we habitually think that the salesperson should talk about it. In fact, introverted people are more likely to become a sales champion.

Their company has a colleague who is not good at saying, but the results of each month must be the top three in the team.

He gives people a particularly sincere feeling, making people feel reliable, and chatting with him easily and comfortably.

He is good at listening, can quickly capture the needs of customers, seize the core point of the problem, and think from the perspective of the customer to make people feel happy.

It seems that it can be said that it is only a stepping stepping tile with people. Having a long -term killer with personality charm is a long -term relationship.

The introverted person is not taciturn, but cautious;

The way to open the world is not character, but abilities.

Without a perfect personality, everyone's biggest challenge is not to transform themselves, but to become themselves.

Look at your own characteristics, make it to the extreme, form a unique style, achieve your own value, and let yourself glow and heat, this is the way to stand.

Personal research expert Kane, wrote in the report:

No matter how much Bill Gates exercise social skills, it can't become President Clinton; no matter how much time Clinton flowers can play with the computer, it will not become Bill Gates.

Each personality has space suitable for development. As long as there is true work, you are not afraid of being pregnant.

So, how should introverted people play personality advantages? Share some suggestions:

1) Personal characteristics

Do a comprehensive analysis for yourself, understand the personality tendency, do a good job of self -positioning, face your own advantages and disadvantages, and cultivate confidence and courage.

2) Use the solo space

Leave noise, do some meditation and thinking, and enjoy the moment of peace.

Do something relaxed and happy to decompress yourself.

Or learn to exercise and charge yourself.

3) Set the goal of matching

Cultivate the relevant ability according to personality advantages, deeply cultivate in the field of your own good.

Don't like to say, you can try to write;

If you are not good at management, you can specialize in technology.

4) Regular review results

Regular the completion of the goal on a regular basis, make corresponding adjustments to the methods and methods, be brave to challenge yourself, and continuously improve the improvement.

Finally, in introverted you to create core competitiveness and become a better self.

Author | Xu Xiaosan, swallowed fireworks and pretended to be literary and artistic.

Picture | Visual China

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