Shakev's literary development in the Soviet Area

Author:Unity News Time:2022.06.23


Shakev was born in 1903 and died in 1961, and was from Haining, Zhejiang. Formerly known as Chen Weimin, he used to use pseudonym minimally, Koff, etc., and is an important pioneer in my country's revolutionary literary and artistic cause. Shakov loved literature and art and eager to transform the old society. He went to France and the Soviet Union to study in his youth to study systematic art and revolutionary theory. After arriving in the Soviet Area, Shakov carried out many explorations and practice in terms of publicity, creation, and literary theory. These accumulation laid the foundation for him to carry out literary and artistic work after he was founded during the Yan'an period and even the founding of New China.

From the rich man to the revolutionary youth

In 1903, Shakov was born in Xincang Town (now Dingqiao Town) by the Qiantang River in Haining, Zhejiang. In his teenager, his father Chen Zesheng made a job because he found the "Shanghai Customs Jingjiang Sub -Office", and the Chen family gradually became a big Haining household. The father who is eager to continue the family glory cultivates Shakov with traditional feudal education ideas, but has been conflicted with Shakefov who loves literature and art from childhood to change the old society from an advanced knowledge. In 1917, Shakov decided not to go to private school, but instead asked to study in a new school -Haining County, Yuanhua Town, to study.

In school, through extensive learning English, literature, piano and other courses, Shakef not only has literary expertise such as playing piano, opera performance, and singing. He also gradually learned about the October Revolution and Lenin under the guidance of the teacher Lou Shaoqing, accepting it, accepting it. Enlightenment of modern thought.

After being admitted to the Shanghai Nanyang Public School in 1920, Shakov learned the idea of ​​progress hungry, and after experiencing the May 30th Movement and participating in various progressive parade demonstrations, he even determined his idea of ​​investing in the revolution. Therefore, on the one hand, Shakov used the opportunity to be an English and music teachers in the Shanghai Youth Society as an English -year -old translator in English and in the United States to cultivate progressive youths. The magazine published articles such as "After the Destruction of Love" and "Disassembling Western Mirror", which widely spread new ideas, and encouraged everyone to "be a young man engaged in social transformation." In order to further encourage the youth to break the feudal shackles and get out of the house, in 1924, Shakov used the summer vacation to return to his hometown, and founded the "Mochi Society" and the newspaper "Red Flower". "Actual cause", hopes that people of insight can come forward in the wind and rain, and fight for national rejuvenation.

As the world is deeper, Shakov feels more and more to save China. He should go to Western countries to learn advanced experience and gradually develop the idea of ​​studying abroad. Although his thoughts were opposed by his family, Shakov was unmoved. After repeated communication with his family, he set foot on the cruise ship of voyage in early 1926 and started his nearly five years of overseas study tour. And gradually realized the transformation from the rich children of the traditional feudal family to the revolutionary youth.

Overseas Red Study

From 1926 to 1931, Shakev traveled to study in Paris and Moscow, respectively. This valuable overseas study experience laid an important foundation for his later exploration and practice revolutionary literature and art.

In 1926, in order to adapt to the new learning and living environment, Shakev, who first arrived in Paris, first learned with private music teachers. The course content included music theory, composition, piano, violin, etc. at the same time tuned French. After having a certain learning foundation, he transferred to a local music school to continue his studies.

In addition to learning music systematically, Shakov also read a large number of newspapers and magazines founded by Chinese progressive youths overseas, such as "Juvenile" and "Red Light", and actively participated in revolutionary activities. Due to actively organizing students to support the revolution during the Northern Expedition, Shakov was elected as a member of the Northern Expedition of the Northern Expeditionary of France, and quickly joined the Chinese Communist Youth League. At the end of 1926, after the introduction of Xiong Yujiu and Xiao Zhenhan, Sha Kefu became a member of the Communist Party of China and served as the secretary of the CCP's general branch and the editor of "Red Light". He began to work for the party.

In 1927, after the April Two anti -revolutionary coup, the Kuomintang Government's embassy in France stepped up the persecution of the Communist Party organizations and revolutionary students in France. In order to ensure everyone's safety, the party organization arranged Shakov and others to go to Moscow's Sun Yat -sen University to study. There, the teacher took the name of Russian students to each Chinese student, and the name Alexander Aleksey Shakov came.

Because he has studied music in the Paris system and has high literary and artistic accomplishment, after entering Moscow's Sun Yat -sen University, Shakov quickly became the backbone of the school and served as the head of the school club. Because most students did not have systematically studied literature and art, when they first organized literary and artistic activities, Shakev led the students to start the simplest chorus, and then tried further drama performances and creation. "Destruction" (also translated as "Broken") is a drama created by Soviet drama Rafleini. After Shatov translated it, he organized Li Bozhao and Shen Zeming to rehearse. After hard work, not only everyone's performance was widely praised, but also gradually made the drama performance an important cultural activity affecting Chinese students in Moscow's Zhongshan University. When the classmates were depressed because of the failure of the Great Revolution and their hometown, the drama "Tomorrow" created by Shakov in 1928 helped everyone establish the confidence of the revolutionary victory and swept the clouds brought by the failure of the Revolution. In addition, in order to improve everyone's artistic literacy, Shakov also encouraged students to hunt the Soviet Union and world literary masterpieces extensively, carefully observe the drama and song and dance of the Soviet Union and other countries, and improve artistic accomplishment.

Although Shakev has devoted a lot of energy in the field of literature and art, he did not relax political theory. Li Bozhao once recalled, "Although he is interested in literature and music, he is still meticulous to political learning, obeying the party's requirements and completed his studies." It can be said that he has not only trained in Moscow's Sun Yat -sen University in Moscow. Shakov's literary talents have further improved his theoretical literacy of Marxism, laying a solid foundation for his revolutionary literary and art cause in the Soviet area. Literary Management and Publicity in the Soviet Area

"Red China" Pioneer Number

Since the end of 1930, the reactionary forces began to "encircle" the Soviet Area, and many cadres died in the battle. In order to supplement the revolutionary force, a large number of Chinese students studying at Moscow's Zhongshan University were recalled one after another, and Shakov was one of them. Between April and May 1932, Shakef passed the Fujin Soviet area and came to Ruijin. Considering Shakov's talents, the Central Soviet Area appointed him as deputy minister and director of the Central Education People's Committee and editor -in -chief of the Art Bureau and editor -in -chief of "Red China". In this job, Shakov mainly did the following major events:

The first is to participate in the establishment of multiple art schools and theater troupes. On the occasion of the Soviet Conference, the literary group responsible for the performance of the meeting in charge of the drama of "The Last Dinner" and "Black Snake" and other dramas. In order to continue these high -quality performing arts resources, after the meeting, participants and other staff formed the "Bayi Opera Troupe", and gradually had a great influence among the masses with various tour performances. In order to promote the standardization of literary and artistic performances and better guide the development of the literary and art cause, in September 1932, under the auspices of Shakov and others, the Gongnong Drama Club was established. Although the drama club was led by the Executive Bureau of the Soviet Area of ​​the National Federation of Trade Unions after March 1933, its business has been under the guidance of the Art Bureau. At the same time, in order to improve the performance level and skills, in April 1933, Shakov also formed the Blue Shirt School, which was the later Gorky Art School. The establishment and standardized management of these art school theater troupes play an important role in the gradual establishment and improvement of the Soviet area's literary and art management system.

The second is to cultivate many literary talents in the Soviet Union. Shakev mainly participated in the cultivation of two types of literary and artistic talents: First, professional and artistic talents. In the art school troupe, which was founded by Gorky Art School, Shakefu also served as faculty and meticulously treated teaching. Li Bozhao once recalled that "Comrade Sha Kef also walked more than 10 miles to go to the Ruijin Suburban Gorky Drama School for classmates." The main contents of Shakev's lectures are music, dance and drama, etc., which are loved by students. The second is amateur literary talents. Due to the large workload of literary and artistic performances and creation in the Soviet Union, people are often relatively scarce. In order to strengthen the development of literary and artistic undertakings, Shakov often encourages party and government cadres and ordinary people to participate in various literary and artistic undertakings. Cocke's invitation and encouragement to participate in literary performances. In addition, Shakov also advocates the establishment of a newspaper correspondent system to encourage and guide the cadres and the masses of various working fronts to conduct literary and artistic creation.

The third is to carry out extensive literary propaganda. During his tenure, Shakov used newspapers such as "Red China" to publish a large number of literary and artistic works, creating a good cultural atmosphere, strengthened the promotion of literature and art in the Soviet Area, and made important contributions to the development of the revolutionary and art cause of the Soviet area. Among them, the first supplement of the Soviet Area, which was founded under the host of Shakef, "Red Flame", "Red Chinese", has become an important position for the Soviet area to carry out literary propaganda, and realize the original intention of this pioneer "to grasp the art of art. The first -class struggle weapon, in the hands of workers and peasants to work hard to shatter all counter -revolutionary attacks on us. We should fight for the development of Soviet culture for the development of work and peasants. "

The fourth is to promote the institutionalization of literature and art. During his tenure, Shakov was responsible for the drafting and revision of legal documents such as the "Soviet Education Regulations", "The Organization of the Soviet Troupe" and "Dis -illiteration Policy". The constant standardization has also been included in the management of the literary theater and its performance activities. In addition, Shakov also formulated a series of rules and regulations for the editing and publication of literary and artistic works, providing institutional guarantees for better cultural work in the Soviet area.

Soviet District Literary Creation

In 1940, the crew of the drama "Mother" took a group photo. The play was adapted from the novel of the same name in Shatov and Hou Jinjing.

Shakov is not only an excellent literary manager, but also an excellent literary creator. He created more than 20 songs in the Soviet Area, 8 dramas, live news dramas, comedies, and many miscellaneous articles, which not only enriched the Soviet District literature and art, but also made important contributions to the revolution and cultural construction of the Soviet area.

First, carry out drama creation. The drama created by Shakov in the Soviet Area is rich in content and a wide range of themes. It is written to commemorate the September 18th Incident. After the Northeast Army's withdrawal from the Guan, the soldiers opposed the surrender of the Kuomintang and demanded that the drama "The Retreat of the North Ning Railway's retreat from the North Ning Railway was retired from the North Ning Railway. ", Also to commemorate the drama" Memorial 38 "created to commemorate the March 8th International Labor Women's Day, and also reflects the drama" Our Business ", which reflects the railway workers' resistance. Among them, the drama "I -Red Army" created by Shakov has strong resonance with the military and civilians of the Soviet Union because of the content, and became a popular drama that has been loved by the public. The beginning of the masses of workers and peasants ".

Secondly, write the ballad of the Soviet area. Ballads are one of the most favorite local literary forms in the Soviet area and have the characteristics of easy to sing. In order to better mobilize the masses, Shakov created a large number of ballads. These ballads are rich in content, and there are three categories: one is to describe the revolutionary war and mobilize the masses to participate in the revolution, such as "Red Army Song", "Our Red Army", "Anti -Emperor Entry Songs", etc.; "Division of Tian Songs", "Spring Flowing Songs", "Election of illiterate songs", "Helping the Red Army's Family", etc.; Third, show women and children's lives, such as "Welcome Little Comrade", "Children's Garden Game Songs", "Du Niang Song", etc.; There are also ballads written around some specific festivals, such as "Commemorating Guangzhou Riot Songs", "Memorial October Revolution" and "May Day" struggle. These ballads created by Shakov more comprehensively show the war and social life construction in the Soviet Union, which is a activated stone to understand the history of the Soviet area. Third, write a lot of miscellaneous articles. Shakev published a lot of essays in the Soviet Area, such as "Commemorating the Guangzhou Riot and Ningdu Riot", "Elimination of Enemies in the Soviet Union", "The Enthusiasty of the Revolution", "Strikes to Hammer" and so on. These articles are basically written by Shakov based on the process of war and social construction in the Soviet Union to encourage and call for the majority of military and civilians to actively invest in fighting and work. These articles are not long, but the pens are generally more exciting and hard -working, and they are very infectious. They are like a dagger and inserted on the enemy, making important contributions to the Society of the Soviet Union.

Explore and practice popular literary theory

During the Soviet Union, it was an important period for modern Chinese literature and art. Based on her own literary and artistic experience and creative experience, Shakov made more thoughts on how literary and artisticly should think.

The first is to encourage the public to participate and create their own art. In Shakov's view, only the masses participate in extensive participation can literature and art really go to the public. To this end, on the one hand, Shakov urges the enthusiasm of the masses to create art independently, and has carried out a large number of essay activities for this. Poetry has penetrated into the majority of workers and peasants, and this newspaper recently decided to compile a collection of revolutionary poetry in the October Revolution, and now he is specially submitted to the comrades who love literature and art in various places. "On the other hand, he also guided the masses to write the people around himself And things, integrate real life into the creation, and make literary works full of lively life atmosphere and vitality. As Shakev put forward in the article "Little Opinions", "I hope, on the line of fire, in the workshop, in the field, the young people in the studio, write your actual struggle life into literary works, and create for creation for creation. Work and peasants work hard. "

The second is to explore the art of the nation. At the beginning of the Literature and Art creation of the Soviet Union, Shakov imitations and borrowed more Soviet songs and drama forms. For example, "Spring Flowing Song" imitated the Soviet "why". However, with the in -depth understanding of the people and life in the Soviet area, Shakov began to advocate learning from folk art from the Soviet Area, encouraging everyone to collect folk songs, dialects and folklore. In education, explore the national art form that is truly suitable for the people of the Soviet area.

The third is equal emphasis on political learning and literary practice. In Shakov's view, literary and art workers should not be separated from the environment of the times, but should be brave to assume the mission given by the times. Therefore, Shakev asked to add political theory courses in the study courses of art schools and theater troupes, and often conducted discussions on current affairs. As he often said, "literary workers do not understand the situation and tasks, and it is difficult to do well, just like the blind people can't find the right direction."

The fourth is to promote literary and artistic creation with Marxist literature and art. When he was at Sun Yat -sen University in Moscow, Shakov tried to guide drama creation with Marxist literary ideology. After coming to the Soviet Area, he practiced a large scale. For example, Shakev made self -criticism in the article "Who's Sin" and his script, and put forward the biggest shortcomings in the script of "Who's Sin". Seeing the words about the opposition of the imperialist war from Lu Lian's mouth, and the "action" that indicates the actual action of this struggle is not at all ", it is believed that the lack of deep understanding of class problems; The article "The Period of Improving the Drama Movement to Lenin" pointed out that it is necessary to build the theory of Chinese Marxist literature and art, "use Marxist opinion to understand art, and build Marxist literary criticism. The correct literary theory of Marxism can be proposed to improve our literature and art (including drama movement) to the stage of Lenin. "

These insights of Shakov have been further deepened and developed during the Yan'an period, and have made important contributions to the development of Yan'an literature and art and even New China.

(Author: Xu Jiajia unit: Jiangxi Provincial Academy of Social Sciences)

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