Yichuang Town has settled in a "teaching base in Zhejiang's intangible cultural heritage inheritance"

Author:Hangzhou.com Time:2022.06.22

Recently, the Hangzhou Qiantang Ceramics Culture and Art Exhibition Museum located in Yichuang Town was awarded the teaching base of Zhejiang's intangible cultural heritage inheritance. The total area of ​​the base is more than 2,000 square meters, and the first floor is mainly to exhibit more than 1,000 buildings of beef legs and cake mills; the second floor exhibition has various ancient ceramics. The museum hosted the night of the museum night, the children's art public welfare class, and other research and art salon activities to promote traditional Chinese culture and deepen patriotic education. It has also become a unique patriotic education base in Xihu District.

As a special exhibition hall, it was founded by Weng Heliang, a member of the Zhejiang Collection Association, a member of the Chinese Cultural Relics Society. Teacher Weng, 55, can be regarded as a collection of big coffees. It has been more than 30 years in collecting. He has collected nearly tens of thousands of old objects. These reports in this museum have been savored for many years. These antiquities are up to the Liangzhu period, and to the Republic of China, including wood and pottery and other categories. This exhibition hall is the "child" of Teacher Weng. He let Chinese traditional culture enter every friend who came here to visit. Value of Ceramic Culture and Art Exhibition Hall.

Intangible cultural heritage is a variety of traditional cultural expression forms and cultural spaces that are inherited from the people of all ethnic groups and closely related to the production and life of the people. We protect the intangible cultural heritage and strengthen the inheritance of national culture. It is an important cultural basis for enhancing national emotional bonds, enhancing national unity and maintaining national unified social stability. The unique cultural environment of Yinkuang Town has created a unique artistic culture. When you step into the Qiantang Ceramics Museum in the small town, the culture here will definitely bring you a different artistic experience.

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