How to use real -time scene shooting on the camera to take better photos

Author:Benevole Time:2022.06.22

How to use real -time scene shooting on the camera to take better photos

2022-06-20 19: 51 · Economic Popular

One of many camera functions that many photographers are not fully used are the real -time display screen on the back. Although it is slower than viewing the shot of real -time viewing, it has some advantages. Let's see how to use real -time screen screens to take better photos.

View the entire image

Have you taken a photo of the interference of the edge of the picture by carefully cut the edge of the picture through the viewfinder, and then when you look at the photos later, no matter what these interference is, it is still on the edge of the image? The reason is that the viewfinder of your camera only displays most of the images. Generally, it is about 95%(or 98%on a better camera). This is what it looks like.

Although this is usually not a big problem, it does mean that you sometimes need to cut off other good pixels to eliminate the interference you have not seen in the viewfinder. Use the real -time screen screen, you can see the entire image at any time.

See what will happen

You can not only see the entire image, but also the appearance of them in the final image. The viewfinder shows you the light that enters the camera and reflects directly from the mirror to your eyes. In order to pass enough light, the aperture is kept open. You won't see if your image is correctly exposed or the depth of the field looks like this is at least before you press the DOF preview button.

Using the real -time screen screen, your camera can display the actual appearance of the photo -or at least very similar photos. With a longer shutter speed, the real -time screen screen does not show any fuzzy movement.

Zoom in to get the focus

Focusing the focus accurately in one of the best ways you want (at least for the subject without movement) is to use real -time view screen manual focus. Place the camera on a tripod, switch the lens to the manual focus, and then click the zoom button on the back of the camera until it reaches the maximum zoom -usually 10 times.

Now you can fine -tune your focus. This is basically the only way to take good star photos.

Work in dark or use ND filter

In the dark night or when using a neutral density filter, the optical viewfinder becomes useless. You can't see anything through it. However, using the real -time screen screen, you can raise the ISO to 12,800 or even 25600.

Preview looks noisy and bad, but as long as there is a small amount of light, it should provide you with enough vision to focus and composition. Remember to lower your ISO later.

View real -time map

The histogram is a very useful tool that can be used to view the level distribution of the light level in the image. I like to check the histogram of your image occasionally to ensure that you have not destroyed your highlights or crushed your shadows.

When you use real -time shooting shooting, you can even view the real -time histogram when arranging the lens: Usually, click the information several times, it will be displayed. If you take pictures where the level of light is constantly changing, this is a great technology.

The live view screen is very suitable for slow and deliberate photography forms, such as landscape. Accurate focusing, appropriate preview, and histogram make better photos easier. This is not to say that the viewfinder is not useless: it is faster, it works better under strong light, and it is easier to hold the camera. One of the most interesting things without reflector cameras is that their electronic viewfinder combines the advantages of the two.

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