Baijia | Zhang Yiwei: My interest in people is converting into interest in human beings

Author:Yangcheng Evening News Yangche Time:2022.09.18

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all -media reporter Sun Leitu/Interviewee confessed

She is diligent, pragmatic, and not romantic.

At the age of 35, Zhang Yiwei has published 13 collection of novels, more than a dozen essays and academic research works.

Zhang Yiwei

Zhang Yiwei is not a genius author, but his works have won important literary awards. The latest short story collection "Sihe Ruyi" (published by People's Literature Publishing House) immediately aroused the attention of the literary world.

In describing her in the city's new village in Shanghai, she has seen her eyes in the new field in the new work, and describes the life and emotional changes of the "social media generation" through 12 short stories.

Zhang Yiwei believes that "Sihe Ruyi" is the best collection of novels she has written, the theme is clearer, the style is lighter, and also pays more attention to creative skills.

From the theme of youth to family writing, to paying attention to "machines and world affairs", Zhang Yifei's writing field of writing has become more and more open, and its strokes have been further extended to the relationship between technology and human relations, gender situation, and hometown of hometown.

While writing her personal daily life, she also tried to use literature to illuminate sociology and anthropology.

Social media's desire to show people's performance and potential needs

E -commerce live broadcasts, barrage, emoticons, friends circle ... In "The Sihe Ruyi", Internet elements are everywhere. Zhang Yiwei said that when he was going to explore the question of "what should be in the novel", the writer could not avoid the huge impact of technology on daily life.

As early as 2019, Zhang Yiwei was thinking about the ethical issues developed through the "machine", and wrote several novels in this regard, trying to contact the relationship between various machines and our lives, such as mobile phones, musical instruments (syntheties), VR,,,, VR,,,,, VR,,,,,, VR,,,,,, VR,,,,,,, Emotional stories formed by Siri (mobile phone voice robot), artificial dolls, etc. in our real life, these stories are also reflected in new books.

"Drunk Taiping" wrote "mobile girlfriend" and "blind date girlfriend"; "Wait" wrote that young people only completed the obligation of filial piety on their mobile phones because of their busy work; Transnational romance ...

Seems to be writing new technologies, but Zhang Yi's writing is still a proposition of the long -lasting literature -human emotional experience. The new work continues her previous writing style, and uses dense details to write personnel and portray people's hearts.

Zhang Yiwei in life was also a "heavy" live user. During the fragments of dishes and stir -fried dishes and nucleic acid queuing, she would turn on her mobile phone to watch various shopping live broadcasts. Pay attention to the strange and weird Douyin blogger.

However, Zhang Yiwei has now quit the live broadcast, but the online office model during the epidemic has made her have to continue to "expose" in social media. As a "social terror" house girl, she often felt helpless and embarrassing.

This part of the experience is also written in the novel chapter "Ran Ran Cloud". A listener's feelings and radio anchors are based on digital media. At the end of the novel, Zhang Yiwei pulled back to the real life from the virtual world from the virtual world, so that he had to face his chaotic relationship from the virtual world.

In Zhang Yiwei's view, social media, like a mirror that is not easy to use, shows our desire to perform, and also shows our potential needs. Regardless of whether there is a social media, the distress of life exists, there are traumatic parent -child relationships, long -distance love, and fear of being old and sick. No one can escape the distress of life.

"The distress comes from our origin, our trauma experience, and the weight of real life, so that we can get a moment of joy in the virtual world. But you can only meet contradictions, tangles, wolf, and pain. "Zhang Yiwei said.

After writing "The Sihe Ruyi"

In the eyes of the world, Zhang Yi's road is very smooth. Since the debut of the new concept composition contest, his works have been launched one after another and have won awards. However, there are hardships behind the scenery. Writing is never a relaxed text game for Zhang Yiwei in the early years, but an important source of income from real life.

Born in Shanghai, she rarely foam cafes and does not go to a bar. In college, in addition to class, writing papers, and submission literature competitions, sometimes dozens of columns are written a month, up to tens of thousands of words.

When studying at the Political University of Taiwan, she had won the first prize of the Taipei Literature Award Prose Group. The manuscript fees and bonuses were used for the expenses of the reading period. "I have to support my studies."

Nowadays, Zhang Yiwei has a stable job and income. He coached the Chinese Department of Fudan University. Although he was very busy and his body was not very good, he still devoted himself to writing. Writing is now more pure for her, and her writing posture has become more calm and autonomous.

"I didn't come from a literary family. When I started writing, I didn't know what novels were. I only knew what I had seen before I saw it, let alone the mature novel view." From the first novel collection "Youth Taboo" "Game" to today's "The Sihe Ruyi", whether it is layout or creative skills, she has taken a long -term road and has improved significantly.

Zhang Yiwei told reporters that, compared with the previous writing, "The Sihe Ruyi" is a theme writing, not a short -story novel published by scattered. Its creative style is lighter, more humorous than before, and pays more attention to the sorrowfulness and balancing and structured nested.

At the same time, after writing "The Sihe Ruyi", Zhang Yiwei thought that his writing in the first 15 years was basically mature. In 15 years, a large number of creations, while improving literary skills, quickly consumed her personal life memory and experience. After writing herself and writing, she was able to go into battle lightly and regain the joy of creation.

"There must be a new exploration in the future, and the probability is a failure. But now, I have the ability to not care about the failure of the attempt." Zhang Yiwei said that in the future, I want to get involved in more different themes and open up from the land story to the ocean. From reality to historical novels.

She is a writer who is accustomed to formulating writing plans, and these explorations and attempts are brewing. "My time is scarce, I don't want to repeat myself."


▶▶ I like to see the story, let me gain my literary career

Yangcheng Evening News: It is said that Teacher Wang Anyi had pointed out "The Sihe Ruyi". Is your writing affected by her?

Zhang Yiwei: "The Sihe Ruyi" was originally published in "Everyone" magazine. I sent this magazine and some other published to Teacher Wang Anyi. She put forward a lot of revisions, which mentioned the "Sihe Ruyi". She did not praise these novels, but just pointed out a line in the story of "The Sihe Ruyi" -The international students prescribed the clues of the wedding of the offspring of foreign workers, which can be expanded.

So I wrote some other immigration stories, such as "Drunk Taiping", "Double Words", "Shandai" and so on. If it is an impact, it may be that I attach great importance to Teacher Wang's opinions. Although I did not go to the background of studying in the UK, I still completed some related theme fiction. Most of the students of Fudan University Creative Writing have been importantly influenced by Mr. Wang Anyi's literary concepts. I will also write some articles to trace back to how Teacher Wang collects materials and how to choose materials.

Yangcheng Evening News: Among these 12 stories, "Jin Tuodao" is the most emotional article. Because this article has personal life experience and memories?

Zhang Yiwei: Yes. "Jin Tuodao" wrote a bit in my heart, which may have something to do with learning music when I was a kid. It was a failure of artistic learning experience. In fact, I also learned to draw paintings and also failed. I accidentally liked to read the story, changed my life, in other words, let me gain my literary career.

The electronic piano symphony band mentioned in "Jin Guan Tao" later, one of my journalists found an advertisement in the electronic literature, which was notified by the band recruited in 2001. In addition, I have not left a record, I was a trainee.

But I didn't be a "monocular scripture player" in the novel at the time, but I was responsible for a very simple percussion. I never even touched the "drum", I just played it, there was a bitter absurd in the middle.

Yangcheng Evening News: Have you written so many works, have you ever wondered one day to write a best -selling book?

Zhang Yiwei: Unlikely. If it is not surprising, it is difficult to write the explosion in my writing, which is sold. I do n’t think about readers or market feedback now, and I choose what I want to write to create.

But I do pursue writing better novels. China is the country of the Book of Songs. Traditionally, poetry and essays are more responsible for the task of carrying the way, while novels have strong entertainment functions.

After the May 4th, the novel began to shoulder heavy responsibilities. But then with the integration of Western literary thoughts, too many metaphorical symbols made the novel slowly enter a narrow bee, and some became unsightly.

▶▶ Lack of daily life outside the work, go to the novel to build

Yangcheng Evening News: In the past, some people summarized your work as "world novels", saying that they paid attention to daily life. After years of continuous writing, have you changed the understanding of this?

Zhang Yiwei: I am still interested in people, but some have shifted to the interest of "humans". "World Love Novels" is not a very "advanced" word. I think many people actually despise it, because mature people have a complex view of the world. What about life experience?

I am also interested in daily life. This is precisely because I do n’t have the ups and daily life of the ups and downs. I cherish daily life.

Personally, I have almost no life outside of my work, but I have been talking about life, which is not healthy. My work content is to keep telling and encouraging students to tell, and to continue to explore how to tell more interesting. Fortunately, there are novels, I build and create daily life in the novel.

Yangcheng Evening News: At a professor of creative writing at Fudan University, he will come into contact with the creation of a large number of young people. What are they writing and what?

Zhang Yiwei: Most of them still write their own lives, such as the distressed childhood; I like some darked paragraphs, such as escaping marriage, or when they go to an unmanned realm, they suddenly see people, ghosts, or still There are no races named; there are also people who write a completely overhead world.

The newer weather is that some authors, such as a student Zhu Jiawen, wrote a time settings with a novel with a sense of gaming, which is different from our daily time. The main task of the game is to save the princess, but the text of this work has the kind of "not saving princess" ... I like it very much.

Brief introduction

Zhang Yiwei, born in 1987, young writer. Currently teaching at Fudan University's Chinese Department of Creative Writing.

He has won the first prize of the 6th National New Concept Composition Contest, the Judgment Award of the Taiwan Lianhe Daily Literature Award in 2013, and the 2014 Zijin "People's Literature Star" prose award.There are more than 20 works such as "Fine People's Feast", "Family Test" and "Cherry Tsing Yi".

Source | Yangcheng Evening News · Yangcheng School

Responsible editor | Deng Qiong

School pair | Peng Jiye

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