How is a good show "refined"?Puxian's "Step of Umbrella" gives your answer

Author:Putian Evening News Time:2022.09.16

On the evening of September 15th, the 13th China Art Festival ended in Xiong'an New District, and the 17th Mandarin Awards list was announced simultaneously. The Xianxian opera "Stepping Umbrella", which was founded by the Fujian Puxian Theater, lived up to expectations, and referred to the "Mandarin Award". As soon as the news was announced, warm applause broke out at the award site. Subsequently, Putian citizens and even people in the literary and art circles in the province reposted this heavy news. The common voice was: the name is deserved.

How did a good show winning the "Wenhua Award" made? The "Stepping Umbrella" created by the Fujian Pianxian Theater step by step, in the stage of the highest specifications and influential national comprehensive culture and art events in my country, blooms unique light. "Write down a strong stroke, and for 15 years in our province, I won the" Mandarin Award "and continued to glory. The candlelight can also shine on the eyes. With the unique charm of the small drama, the Xianxian opera surrendered an answer sheet belonging to it.

Guizheng innovation

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The Ministry of Culture's 2017 script support project "organized adaptation of the screen", the 16th Chinese drama festival excellent repertoire, was selected as the national art fund funding project, the national stage art boutique creation support project of the year top ten key support dramas, the 100th anniversary stage of the Chinese Communist Party The key support works of the artistic creation project — the Xianxian opera "Step in the Umbrella" was directed by the well -known opera writer Zhou Changfu and the national first -level director Xu Chunlan. Once came out, he received many attention.

"Stepping on Umbrella" was born from the traditional drama material of the Xianxian opera such as "Shuangzhu Ji" and "Jiang Shilong". The screenwriter Zhou Changfu found a parent question that can communicate with modern people from the ancient story, and tapped the theme core creation with contemporary ideological value. And out. In terms of lyrics, we strictly follow the rhythm requirements of the traditional song cards of the Xianxian opera, and strive to sing the lyrics and beautiful rhythm. It not only highlights the characteristics of the drama, but also focuses on the cooperation with the plot, which restores the original drama style of the Xianxian opera.

As a simple and new screenwriter with only 10 actors, director Xu Chunlan injected new vitality into the ancient Xianxian drama and poured endless efforts. Since the premiere of "Step in the Umbrella", after four years of polishing, it has retained the traditional aesthetic style of the Xianxian opera in clothing, music, dance beauty, and performances, and injecting the performance characteristics of contemporary theater. Experience, on the basis of retaining its own characteristics and perfecting, it is compatible with the aesthetics of contemporary audiences, producing deafening and deliciousness.

The crew of "Step in the Umbrella" also brings together senior experts in industry experts such as Yao Qingshui, Qi Yuqing, Lin Guocheng, Wang Xiaobing, Luo Jiangtao, Qi Shiming, Wang Shaoyuan, Lin Jinbiao. Performing arts and other artistic characteristics.

Yao Qingshui, the art consultant of "Step in the Umbrella", said that the impact of the "Mandarin Award" has been refined and promoted again for "Step Walk". Wait, director Xu Chunlan also recognized the return of traditional art, actively explored in guarding the innovation, combined with the original puzzle of Xianxian opera, the three walking walks, and the "Big Three Six Sixth Six, Small questions 72" vocals. On the basis of it, designing many delicate and vivid limb movements for male and female actors. Through the innovation of music and dancing beauty, the stage makes the stage more vivid and dynamic, making it present a delicate and conciseness like Chinese painting in Chinese landscape paintings, and seeking life and life. The overall stage style of philosophy.

Liu Zuoyu, the former director of the national level and the former dean of the Beijing Theater of Fujian Province, commented on "Step Walk": whether it is script, director, dance beauty, lighting, or performance, both traditional and modern, giving people a beautiful enjoyment.

Yu Shouying, vice chairman and secretary -general of the Fujian Drama Association, watched the "Step Walk" who premiered the premiere of the Spring Mandarin Award for the Spring Mandarin Award. It is particularly representative. It has the rich connotation of traditional Puxian opera culture and the psychological elements of modern people. I believe that this play will go very far.

Yes, it is certain that "Stepping Umbrella", as a masterpiece of the restoration of the artistic vitality of the Xianxian opera, will be sharpened and promoted on the stage to surprise the long development of the Xianxian opera.


The highest prize of the national stage art government

"Yan Yan, at this time your eyes should have a collision with the actor, exchanges, instead of handing your eyes to the audience." "Tsinghua, you have to put your feet just next to the heels, so that she can stare at your feet." At the rehearsal scene of the Tianjin Binhu Theater, directors Xu Chunlan and other guidances were everywhere. They were slightly as good as a look and a movement. The actors are also very harsh on their own requirements. "No, the rhythm of my place is too slow, come again" "should be squatted, and the position of the hand is not right." This drama group has performed dozens of games, but everyone is still constantly polishing, only to have the pretty, willful, vivid, vivid Wang Huilan on the stage, the chic and elegant Chen Shizhong, the wise Mrs. Wang, the enthusiastic shop mother and the enthusiastic shop mother and the enthusiastic shop mother and the enthusiastic shop mother and the mother and the mother and the mother of the shop. The puppet and humorous inspector showed the audience with a strong visual impact and unique performance.

Starring Wu Qinghua and Huang Yanyan have forgotten how many plays they have been in line. Since the official premiere of "Step in the Umbrella", after more than four years, the team has continued to be new with the endurance of polishing embroidery needles. When I learned that "Stepping Umbrella" was selected as the final evaluation of the 17th "Mandarin Award", the crew even retracted more than ten hours of super -intensity rehearsal per day for a few weeks. "As the only repertoire on behalf of our province, the highest award of the Chinese stage art government is the highest award, and the pressure is very high. This is not only the expectations of the people in the province, but also the expectations of each of us." Wu Qinghua said. Wu Qinghua said that the reporter was deeply touched. In May 2021, the crew of "Step in the Umbrella" went to Nanjing to participate in the highest award of Chinese drama performances- "Plum Blossom Award". This year, I followed the group again and found that the entire creative team did not complacent because of its achievements. Instead, it was more stringent, which made reporters lament the entertainer's adherence.

"Since the preparation of the Wenhua Award, the director has put forward higher requirements for the performance. In addition to the inheritance of the hands and eyes, the changes in each psychological level of the character must be subtle and accurate. Once, twice, three times, or even a dozen or dozens of times go to figure out and experience it. "In order to meet the requirements of Director Xu Chunlan, Huang Yanyan tirelessly carved his own movement expression, each sentence to speak for each sentence, and said with other other vocals, and with other other vocals, and other other vocals, and other other vocals, and other other vocals, and other other vocals, and other other vocals, and other other vocals, and other other vocals, and other other vocals, and other other vocals, and other other vocals, and other other vocals, and other other vocals, and other other vocals, and other other vocals, and other other vocals, and other other vocals, and other other vocals, and other others, with other others The actors are constantly running -in, just to express the charm of Xianxian more perfectly.

On August 30, "Stepping Umbrella" was evaluated by the judges of the Wenhua Awards experts at the Tianjin Binhu Theater. After the performance, when the director Xu Chunlan evaluated "this is a complete, superb and transcendence performance", Wu Qinghua's eyes became red instantly.

Last night, holding the heavy "Wenhua Award" plaque, Wu Qinghua said moved that "Stepping on Umbrella" won the "Mandarin Award", which is a milestone for the protection and development of Fujian's literary and artistic business. The major events and happy events are also a new starting point for the culture of the Xianxian opera. Thanks for the care of the provincial and municipal leaders, and the team's hard work and dedication.

Mian Fang Geng

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Citizen Ms. Wu is a senior fans of Xianxian. Since the premiere of "Step in the Umbrella" in 2018, she has followed all the way and witnessed the growth of "Step in the Umbrella" and the butterfly change. Last year, "Step in the Umbrella" sang the ancient capital Jinling and competed for the "Plum Blossom Award". She took a family and young and young, and went to the performance site to cheer for the crew. Because of the interview, she became a friend with reporters. This year, because of the epidemic, she failed to do it, but she kept watching online live broadcast on her mobile phone. She said happily: "" Step in the Umbrella "is the most beautiful Pixian drama I have seen in recent years. I can find the flashing point again and again.

"Stepping on Umbrella" performed at the Tianjin Binhu Theater. When the theater staff member Zhao was restrupted, the theater staff watched the rehearsal of "Pavilion". When the reporter asked the feelings, he said that he could only use "beauty" to describe it. "I have watched a lot of dramas in the theater, but the first time I watched the Xianxian drama. Although I did n’t understand it, it was unique in terms of dance, music, performance, and singing."

Mr. Pinghai, the folks who engaged in the building materials business in Tianjin for several years, have not returned home for several years. When they learned that Xixian opera came to Tianjin to participate in the show, he purchased the ticket for the first time, but eventually failed to watch the scene. Unfortunately, he will be broadcast live. See the end from the beginning. "You must go to your hometown to watch this year. This is not only a play, but also touched the emotional pain points of contemporary young people. There are alert significance. "The play cleverly transformed many ancient poems into the language of characters, which is also a place of appreciation of Mr. Wang. There is no sense of disobedience.

The Xianxian opera is one of the oldest history in traditional Chinese opera, the oldest form, the most abundant drama, and the most unique performance. Guo Hankheng, a well -known drama theorist and critic, once pointed out that "the value of the Xianxian opera is equivalent to the value of Chinese culture and Chinese drama." Excellent repertoire of the Xianxian opera has visited Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, France and other countries, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Welcome and love.

For the old concept of the Putian people, the biggest audience of the Xianxian opera is the elderly. Many folk drama groups in Putian have been active in various villages for many years, and as practitioners have always had their identity inferiority. Recently, affected by the epidemic, there are difficulties in the Puxian Drama Troupe, and many artists have changed their careers. When "Stepping Umbrella" participated in the Chinese Art Festival Show and took it back to the "Mandarin Award", whether it was in the "National" theater or the folk theater troupe, it caused a strong shock. The self -confidence in the industry will promote this ancient drama to adhere to the path of innovation.

A few days ago, the results of the selection of the "Chinese Children's Opera Little Plum Blossom" selection hosted by the Chinese Drama Association were announced. Guided by Wu Qinghua and Huang Yanyan, Putian Experimental Primary School students performed "Stepping Umbrella · Stepping Umbrella" and won the personal project "Little Little Project"The title of Plum Blossoms is a microcosm of the results of our city's increase in the results of the inheritance and protection of the Xianxian opera.In recent years, by increasing the help of actors, the teaching of famous teachers in the Xianxian opera, and promoting the enrollment of Puxian Opera to enter the campus, it will inevitably make the "Song and Yuan Nan opera live fossil" inherit a more dazzling light!"Cute Pixian drama, the romantic generation of generations." The Xianxian drama continued for thousands of years of artistic charm, "there is a drama"!

Source: Putian Evening News reporter Xu Boying

Responsible editor: Lin Hongxia

Editor: Yan Shaoxiang

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