Guangdong construction culture strong province!Go to Beautiful Electric White Pin History and Charm

Author:China Well -off Time:2022.09.16

China Well -off Network Exclusive Specialty

Text | "Well -off" · China Well -off reporter Zhang Yurong

Electric and white cultural heritage is rich and diverse. It is known as "Mrs. Mrs.", "Hometown of Chinese Agarwood", "Hometown of Chinese Architecture", "Hometown of Litchi" and "Toward of Dragon Boats". For a long time, the local government has adhered to the work policy of protecting the main, rational use, and inheritance of development, and solidly promoted the work of intangible cultural heritage; continued to promote the integration of cultural tourism, successfully created a provincial -level tourism demonstration zone; continuously optimized the development environment, promoted the development of the cultural industry grow……

Reading the "past life" in a place often starts from the local museum.

In the Dianbai District of Maoming City, Guangdong Province, the city of this beach has a long history and a variety of cultural relics in the museum, which is amazing. Mrs. Xu's epitaph (Tang Dynasty), canoeing (Sui and Tang), Tang Jinzhang (Tang Dynasty) ... Many national cultural relics were well preserved, and the story behind was fascinating.

Electric and white cultural heritage is rich and diverse. It is known as "Mrs. Mrs.", "Hometown of Chinese Agarwood", "Hometown of Chinese Architecture", "Hometown of Litchi" and "Toward of Dragon Boats". For a long time, the Dianbai District has adhered to the working policy of protecting the main focus, reasonable use and inheritance, and solidly promoted the work of intangible cultural heritage, and achieved remarkable results.

Tracing history: Reading "Museum's Power"

"May 5th, dragon boat drum dance." The electric white boat called the dragon boat as the "dragon boat", and the dragon boat was called the "Dragon Boat". Electric Bai is "the hometown of Dragon Boat in Guangdong Province". Every Dragon Boat Festival, "Sai Long won the brocade" is a traditional event that local people like to see.

Entering the Museum of Electric and White District, the "Treasure of the Town Pavilion" was exhibited on the left side -the canoe, which was unearthed in the Sui and Tang canoe in the Dianbai Shalang River (Pohexin Town). The huge body of the boat is rare in the country. It has a history of more than 1,000 years of preservation. The three -door ancient cannon is displayed on the right, which shows the importance of electric Baihai defense in the past dynasties. Picking up to the exhibition hall on the second floor is the special exhibition hall of Mrs. History History. Mrs. 史 is the heroine of ancient books in Chinese history. He was born in Gao Liang. After the Southern Dynasties Liang and Chen and Sui Dynasty, he was the leader of the slang in the ancient Lingnan region. stable. In the museum exhibition, Mrs. Chen Youzhang's historical documents and more than 180 artifacts related to the unearthed Sui and Tang dynasties. "Mrs. Sui Yan State's Tomb" is the first example of the Sui and Tang Cemetery in Guangdong archeological discovery. It has a high historical and scientific research value of cemetery. Among them, the Sui Dynasty's designer in front of the tomb of Mrs. 夫 was called the "ID card" of Mrs. 冼 by archeologists. "Mrs. Sui Yan State's Tomb" was included in the key cultural relics protection unit in Guangdong Province in 2002, and was approved as a national key cultural relics protection unit in 2013.

"Well -off" reporter found that the museums include the rich cultural relics, including Mrs. 冼, and have gone through vicissitudes. In the museum, the new stone artifact era is up to the cultural relics of various historical periods in modern times. In addition to famous calligraphy and paintings, there are ancient ceramics, bronze, iron, jade, stone, silk fabrics, ancient wood carvings, etc., which concentratedly displayed the electric white area. Historical development and physical evidence of human survival environment. At present, there are more than 720 cultural relics (sets) in the museum, including 5 first -level cultural relics, 5 second -level cultural relics, and 110 third -level cultural relics. one.

The old ancestral temple of the old Wang family was Wang Wangong, a descendant of the Vietnamese Gong Wang Huagong, and other commemorative temples. It was built in the 44th year of the Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty (1705). Zhang Yurong / Photo

Today, a new building is about to be completed on the Hexin Island of Dianbai District. This is the key people's livelihood project of the Dianbai District- "One Museum, One Center" project, that is, the Dianbai District Museum and the Art Center. Architecture and a unique cultural landscape. The construction of the new museum is an important layout of "the power of the museum" in electricity and white. Through quality and expansion, it will become a multi -function of integrated exhibitions, science popularization, collection collection and other functions. Comprehensive museum.

Protection and inheritance: Rest activation and utilization of cultural heritage resources

Ancient architecture is the carrier of historical culture. In electric white, some old buildings interpret the heavy precipitation of history. The old ancestral temple of the Wang Family, Wang Wangong, the descendants of the Vietnamese Gong Wang Huagong. Essence

"The Wang's Ancestral Hall is not only long -standing in history and its independent craftsmanship, but more importantly, it has founded the school in the temple for more than 140 years, and has cultivated a large number of outstanding talents for the country. One of them. "Wang Ruyin, descendants of Wang, told the reporter of" Xiaokang "that after several repairs of the ancestral temple, the ancestral temple expanded the protected area and restored the ink gallery in the temple.

The Tianhou Palace in the Tsai Town of Dianbai District is also a provincial cultural relics protection unit. Entering this antique building, the reporter learned that the local Mazu culture inheritance has been 900 years. Regarding the predecessor of the Tianhou Palace of the building, according to the Qing Daoguang "Dianbai County Chronicle": It began in the four years of Song Huizong Xuanhe (1122), and he was summoned to the temple. A simple plaque hanging on the right wall of Tianhou Palace. Lin Weiquan, the managers of Tianhou Palace, told the reporter of "Xiaokang" that this plaque was made in the second year of Xuantong. It describes the incident of Tianhou Fengdian. In order to prevent the plaque and cultural protection facilities from corrupt or damage, cultural protection staff will regularly come over to prevent insects and repair, repair and maintenance. In recent years, the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage in the Dianbai District has continued to improve, the activation and utilization of cultural heritage resources has been continuously promoted, and the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage protection have been continuously strengthened. Through in -depth census, you can understand the bottom of the family, so as to comprehensively grasp the distribution and preservation status of cultural heritage, and conduct a comprehensive and scientific recording. In strengthening the protection and repair of cultural relics, the district actively strives for repair funds from the Guangdong Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau to protect and activate the provincial cultural protection. Electric and white also combines rich cultural heritage resources and the characteristics of deep cultural heritage to organize a historical and cultural traveler including non -mobile cultural relics, intangible cultural heritage and A -level scenic spots; actively promote the mining of red revolutionary resources, the red ruins, ruins, and red sites, and red sites, ruins, and red sites, sites, and red sites, sites, and red sites, sites, and red sites and sites. The scenic spots are connected into a red rural tourist route, trying to sort out the red culture of the area, and integrate the red cultural relics into the new museum Chen Zhanzhong. In order to enhance the awareness of the protection of cultural heritage of the masses, the district cultural department adopted pictures exhibitions, technical exhibitions, communities, and campuses to vigorously carry out the publicity and publicity of cultural heritage protection throughout the district, and achieved remarkable results.

Cultural Tourism Integration: Create a provincial global tourism demonstration zone

During the "Thirteenth Five -Year Plan" period, the integration of cultural and tourism in the Dianbai District continued to advance, and the successful establishment of a provincial -level tourism demonstration zone was the only region in western Guangdong. The two scenic spots of Nanhai Tourism Island · China First Beach and Laota Hoshili were named the title of National 4A Tourist Scenic Area. Two scenic spots of Zhongliang Agarwood Featured Pedestrian Street and Liotao Jewelry Creative Industrial Park were named the title of National 3A Tourist Scenic Area, so that The national A -level scenic spots in the district increased to 5 4A and 2 3A grades, and the counties and cities in the counties and cities in Maoming.

During the "Thirteenth Five -Year Plan" period, the electric white district initially formed a number of cultural industrial systems with electric and white characteristics such as Mrs. Culture, Tourism and Leisure Culture, and Red Culture. Mrs. 白 Culture is a characteristic business card of the electric and white cultural industry. The local characteristics of local characteristics such as agarwood culture, marine culture, litchi culture, and ecological culture have developed towards industrialization. By continuously optimizing the development environment, cultural industries such as literary and artistic performances, cultural and entertainment industry have been developed and expanded, and the number and scale have increased.

("Well -off" · China Well -off Exclusive Draft)

This article was published in "Well -off" in mid -September 2022

Author: Zhang Yurong

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