"Lu Xun Literature Award" Writer Li Hao: Inspiration, mainly from three places

Author:Pole news Time:2022.09.14

Extreme news reporter Xu Ying

People who are good at writing must tell stories very much. Li Hao, a representative writer and "Lu Xun Literature Award" after the 70s, is a typical representative of storytelling. His novels have obvious style of clearing high, persistence, and ambitious. The world with magical sense.

Li Hao, a professor at the School of Arts of Hebei Normal University. Member of the Chinese Writers Association, vice chairman of the Hebei Provincial Writers Association. He has authored the novel collection "Self, Mirror and Library", "Rural Poet Notes", "N King and their territory", "Who Born", "Mirror on the Side", "Blue Test Paper", "Father, Mirror and Tree" "Notes", the novel "Ruogui Hotel", "Father in the Mirror", and commented on "Craftsman's Square: Chinese Short Story for Ten Class", "Reading, Fiction" and so on.

On the evening of September 13th, Li Hao was invited by Guangxi Normal University Publishing House. The media including the news shared its own creative secrets.

Writer Li Hao

Li Hao shared the novel's triple anchor

Even as a representative of a vanguard, Li Hao particularly emphasized that all novels need stories and the story of the novel, even in pioneer writing.

Li Hao shared that the novel settings will have triple anchors. The first is the anchor of the story. What kind of story I want to tell; the second is the theme anchor; the third is the anchor of the climax. With these three anchors, the novels generally become, which basically guarantees its ideological and literary face.

Where does the inspiration from writing come from? When is inspiration and when did not inspire? Will you not find inspiration with age? Regarding this topic, Li Hao said frankly that writing has a basic routine and basic method. Read more and write more can make the writer keen and wit. Skills need to be continuously trained and disciplined. The writer's brain must be kept in a state of thinking. Naturally, he will get more opportunities to meet with inspiration.

New Book Seal

The first source is life

In Li Hao's view, the inspiration of writing generally has three sources. The first source is that everyone is familiar with life.

"There is nothing wrong with life, but life may not be able to enter the novel directly. It requires a series of complex and profound changes to enter the novel. This series is a profound and complicated change, which is to mention the novelist to our novelist One requirement. "

For example, Li Hao said that, for example, his novel "Father Tree" is inspired by life. "My hometown is in the northern countryside, and the grave of his ancestors in his own family is on his own self -reserved land, or it is on the home, or it is just on the home. Next to. Many times, my father, my elder brother and my uncle, if you are tired of the ground, will probably be close to those ancestors' graves, lie next to him, sit for a while, talk. "Li Hao. He said that he got a revelation from here -there is a unique point in our culture, the continuation of civilization, slowly entering our bodies through memory, affection, and blood.

Therefore, Li Hao conceived the novel "Father Tree", and the novel was relatively pioneer. The general story was: "Father is old, suffers from the torture of the disease, very uncomfortable and painful. He asked us (I and I and I Brother) Buried him into the ground. After he died, his father's grave had a tree. This tree, at the beginning, still has the face of his father. He even answered us in his usual way, chatting with us, answered or not, right or wrong. Over time, his father and our communication became less and less. Look, and we, especially me, when you are happy, when you are unhappy, when you are in pain, when you have a mind, you will be willing to go under this tree, talk to this tree to talk, try to get there comfort."

New Book Seal

From the stories or sentences written by others, you can also get inspiration

Talking about the second source of inspiration, Li Hao said that from the reading, from the books of others, from the sentences of others, from the details of others, in a very inconspicuous corner material, you can get some inspirations to get some inspiration Then use the magic of writing to make it a big tree.

For example, Li Hao said, "For example, a novel" Transformer Magic ", in fact, it is an inspiration caused by a legendary story I read in a book of a writer friend." There was a reed, and unrelated folklore in his hometown, saying that one of the generals of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom died there. After the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was defeated, he had to be anonymous and came to the most desolate reeds to hide. Farmers, at the same time, also given others to treat others. In the end he died, he exposed his identity. My novel wrote how he was deified by residents in a long process of residents, and then how to be demonized in a short period of time. "I am as a fulcrum provided by the legendary story, continuing my thinking about life and writing this novel." Li Hao said.

The third source of inspiration is thinking

Li Hao's third source of inspiration is thinking. Think about meditation, refine and appreciate your thinking and discovery of life, life, life, and world fate.

Li Hao shared the novel "Ding Xi, and his death" he wrote.The messenger hooked Ding Xi's soul and arrived in the prefecture, because he was collected by an error instruction, every area in the prefecture could not be placed on him.Li Hao said that the inspiration of this novel comes from his thinking about life."With the development of science and technology and the proceduralization of management, people are increasingly replaced by a variety of forms, various QR codes, and various cards. Our specific and lively lifeInstead, when we were retreated, once we lack these things that symbolize our identity, we almost become difficult to do. "

Li Hao believes that how to make thoughts as a story in the process of creation is the most expensive and most reflecting the design ability of the writer. The author's patience and repeated weighing.

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