What kind of black tea is Jiuqu Hongmei?I heard that it is comparable to Jin Junmei, is it true?

Author:Xiaochen Tea Time:2022.09.01

丨 This article is original by Xiao Chen tea

丨 First of the People's No.: Xiao Chen Tea

丨 Author: Village Grandma Chen


When I went to Hangzhou last time, it was also autumn, and I went to the tea garden of West Lake Longjing.

I went to Meiwu first, along the way, the tea gardens along the way.

When I arrived at the place, it was a straight street.

The decoration style of the house on both sides of the street is very small, and the pink walls are gray tiles.

The tea garden is built on the mountain on both sides of the street.

After the tourists come here, if you want to see the tea garden, you will continue to climb up.

If you want to eat and drink tea, there are shops on both sides of the road.

Because Mei Jiawu has a large number of people, most of the shop signboards are "Mei XX Tea Direct Sales Department".

Think about it, here was the house of the villagers.

Later, there were more tourists, and then gradually changed to this "front shop and back home" model.

Almost there are beautiful courtyards in front of the house, especially the charm of Jiangnan architecture.

Wandering around, I selected the lush dragon claw chrysanthemum and grapefruit tree and the courtyard in front of the house, and went in to drink tea.

Also, how can you not drink a drink when you come to Chacun?

That day we drank two glasses of green tea, a cup of pure Longjing, and a cup of autumn osmanthus Longjing.

At that time in Hangzhou, we brought two cans of tea.

A can of Longjing Green Tea, a can of Longjing Black Tea (Jiuqu Hongmei).

At first glance, many tea guests may feel strange. What kind of black tea is it?


What is the source of Jiuqu Hongmei and West Lake Longjing?

When it comes to tea, the Jiangsu and Zhejiang area is the main producing area of ​​green tea, and Hangzhou is the base camp of West Lake Longjing.

The West Lake Longjing is famous, but few people know the same Jiuqu Hongmei as it.

However, in the hearts of the locals, West Lake Longjing and Jiuqu Hongmei, one green and one red is the pride of the Hangzhou tea area.

Zhejiang itself is a large tea -producing province and is famous for all kinds of green tea.

Jiuqu Hongmei is in it, which can be described as "a little red in the green cluster", which is a very special existence.

Moreover, between Jiuqu Hongmei and West Lake Longjing, there is a different source.

Their production areas are the same and are produced in Hangzhou.

Their trees are similar. Whether it is Longjing Green Tea or Longjing Black Tea, it is preferably the Longjing group according to the traditional practice.

Their raw materials are relatively delicate.

Naturally, West Lake Longjing does not need to say more. As a green tea that focuses on the delicate appearance, it is not too good to adopt the righteousness.

But Jiuqu Hongmei's raw materials are also more tender than other black tea.

There are buds and leaves, and the bud tip is obvious.

From the perspective of slender, curly and tight dry tea, the shape is very mini and cute!


According to the category of black tea, Jiuqu Hongmei belongs to Gongfu black tea.

When making tea, no smoke processing like a small cigarette species is mainly based on withered, twisting, fermentation, and dryness.

From the perspective of traceability, the "Jiuqu" of Jiuqu Hongmei is closely related to Wuyi Mountain.

Jiuquxi is one of the mother rivers of Wuyi Mountain. It originated from Tongmu High Mountain.

Last year, the drifting of bamboo rafts in Wuyi Mountain was in the scenic section of Jiuquxi.

Along the way, there are one, two songs, three songs, and four songs.

Among them, the four songs are quite famous.

After Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the "waste group tea, Xing San tea", the Royal Tea Garden moved from Jianqi to the bank of Siqu.

At this point, the rise of Wuyi tea has been driven.

When it comes to Wuyi Tea, there are two local flowers in the local area -Wuyi Rock Tea and Wuyi Black Tea.

Wuyi black tea includes Zhengshan small species and Jin Junmei.

According to the "Black Tea Development History of the World Black Tea Development" by scholars such as Li Lihua and Zhou Yuyu.

Black tea was first known as Wuyi tea in the West.

According to information, the Dutch in the thirty -five years of Wanli (1607) has trapped tea to Java and then trapped Europe.

In 1637, the British first arrived in Guangzhou to buy tea. In 1644, they were transported from Xiamen to Wuyi Tea.

It can be seen that Wuyi black tea spread to the West as early as the 16th to 17th centuries.

The small species of Zhengshan is the originator of the world black tea.

According to the history of the development of black tea, there are small breeding black tea, then a timely black tea, and finally red broken tea.

As for the birth of Jiuqu black tea, it can be traced back to such a past in the tea circle.

During the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom period, the situation was turbulent, and the war was on the northern Fujian and southern Zhejiang area.

At that time, the villagers in Wuyishan left their hometown in order to avoid the war.

Along the way north, to the area of ​​Dawu Mountain in Hangzhou, the wasteland planting grain was settled.

At this point, these villagers have spread their hometown of tea and tea -making technology.

Based on the local vegetable tea in Hangzhou as the raw material, it produced a unique black tea.

Because of nostalgia, "Jiuqu" was added when named.

Jiuqu Hongmei, so it is named.


Jiuqu Hongmei's dry tea is quite curly.

The strip is slender, tightly clever, looks like a fish hook.

Pick up a handful of tea, you will find an interesting thing.

There are many dried tea like the small fish hook.

Two or three dried tea are connected in series, it is common.

The main color of the dry tea is dark, and the black black is obvious.

Take it with a close -up lens, you can see that the surface of dry tea has a lot of tea.

In order to see, you can see that the grade of tea picking is quite high.

I have heard such a ridicule before, saying that Jiuqu Hongmei is the Hangzhou version of Jin Junmei.

But this statement is incomplete.

Although the raw materials of Jiuqu Hongmei are delicate, after all, it has buds and tender leaves.

It is not the same as Jin Junmei's buds -based tea collection standards!

Aside from the appearance, from the aroma of dry tea, Jiuqu Hongmei is also quite remarkable.

Find out a can of tea you bought before, weighing 5 grams, and put it on the tea.

After the pot is hot cup, put it in dry tea while it is hot.

Gently shake the bowl and then open it. After the dry tea is smoked by the hot air, it is divergent sweet and sweet flowers. It is wonderful.


After smelling dry tea, it was officially brewed.

Gongfu black tea like Jiuqu Hongmei is similar to the practice of brewing the small species of Zhengshan on weekdays.

For tea sets, it is recommended to choose a white porcelain bowl to the best tea color.

When making tea, there is no need to listen to the so -called 85 ℃ warm water soaking black tea.

Good tea is not afraid of boiling water, so brew it in boiling water directly.

In the soaking time, pay attention to "fast first and then slow".

The first 5-6 rinse, quickly inject boiling water, quickly cover, and immediately pour out the tea soup.

Black tea with rich internal texture, even if there is only a few seconds of soaking time, is enough to brew the taste of tea with a strong and fragrant and fragrant mellow.

As the inner tea smell is constantly consumed, in the tail water stage, you can sit in the cup.

After the three or four -rushing tea soup, the tea can be used to draw a perfect ending when you can't make the tea smell.

The ring wall is injected into boiling water. When dried tea is exposed to the boiling water, the tea aroma has been raised.

At this time, a sweet fragrance and dried fruit fragrance was scattered in the air.

Quickly produce soup, drain the tea, and reveal the covered incense while it is hot.

In the cover, the flavor of the smell is more comprehensive, including sweet fragrance, floral fragrance, and longan fragrance.

After a little cold, the tail tone appeared a bit of sweetness.

Raising the transparent glass fair cup, facing light, the soup is orange -red.

Slightly deeper than the soup color of Zhengshan.

But the soup floats with slim tea, and the tea is clear and bright.

On the performance of tea soup, the soup is clear, transparent, and bright, and the soup color is not dull, which has met the basic elements of a bubble of black tea.

The real highlight is to taste the soup.

After pouring tea and soup, the small mouth was sipped in, and the tea entrance was smooth and slightly sweet.

The aroma in the soup is still dominated by dried fruits, and the fragrance is not obvious.

The tea taste is thick, and the throat can feel a bit cool when drinking tea into the throat.

On the whole, sweet, refreshing, mellow, and slippery.

Unfortunately, returning to Gan Shengjin is not fierce enough.

And in the tea soup, the level of water fragrance is not clear.


From the trial experience, the jar of Jiuqu Hongmei was in the middle of the rules, and the dried fruits were picked.

However, from Wen Xiang to Taste soup, none of them could not meet the legendary plum fragrance.

The same month in the same window is different.

The aroma of plum blossoms is quiet and elegant, very recognizable.

Jiuqu Hongmei's tea name comes with a bit of dark fragrance.

But Jiuqu Hongmei's representative fragrance is not so -called plum fragrance.

It is rumored that it is thoroughly orange -red.

The tea soup, like the red plum in winter, is a warm -warm landscape, so it is named.

The snow -capped, red plums are beautiful, red and white, and the contrast is obvious.

Jiuqu Hongmei was born in the green tea production area.

No matter what, it is always a special existence of "a little red in the green bushes"!

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Chen Chen, the aunt Chen of Xiao Chen, the columnist, the original innovative media of the tea industry "Xiao Chen Tea" the main pen, and has published the Bai Tea monograph "White Tea Taste". From 2016 to 2020, more than 4,000 original articles have been written.

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