The country indicates the path for the deep integration of cultural tourism in the top -level design- "Digital" sets up a bridge of cultural and tourism integration

Author:Jiangnan Times Time:2022.08.30

The "Opinions on Promoting the Implementation of the National Cultural Digitalization Strategy" issued by the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council proposes: integrated holographic presentation, digital twin, multi -language interaction, high realistic, cross -time and space and other new experience technologies, vigorously develop online online and offline integration A new digital culture experience combined with online and online. At the same time, it is clear that make full use of public places such as tourism service places to build offline scenes for digital cultural experience. This shows that the country has planned the path for cultural and tourism in deep integration of cultural and tourism.

Cultural and tourism integration is expected

Culture is the soul of tourism, and tourism is the carrier of culture. This concept is accepted by the tourism community and is continuously implemented. In 2018, the state of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism brought people not only the reveries of "poetry and the distance", but also the expectations of deep integration of culture and tourism.

However, the reality is that most tourist attractions are still dominated by natural landscapes. Tourists must appreciate local history and culture. They must enter the city, cultural museums, and art museums. Culture and tourism urgently need to further achieve deep integration.

Cultural digitalization

Build a new system for cultural supply

my country is an ancient civilization and a great cultural resource country. Over the years, the state organization has carried out many national cultural resources census, accumulating a large number of cultural resources data; various cultural institutions at all levels have undertaken many cultural digital construction projects, and have built many types of cultural special databases. The implementation of the national cultural digital strategy is to connect the scattered cultural resources data in accordance with the unified standards, and associate the cultural resources data in different fields such as ideological theory, cultural tourism, cultural relics, press and publication The cultural resources data of the form is associated with the cultural data and cultural entity, and the Chinese cultural database is finally formed. The materials and sources created have extracted Chinese cultural elements, symbols and signs with historical inheritance value, enriched the representatives of the Chinese national cultural genes, and presented Chinese culture in a panoramic view.

In order to ensure the security of cultural data, the state has clearly relying on existing cable TV network facilities, radio and television 5G networks and interconnection platforms to form a national cultural specialty network, serving the storage, transmission, transaction and cultural digital content of cultural resources data. Various cultural institutions in cultural tourism, cultural relics, press and publishing and other fields can build a digital cultural production line, collect, process, and dig cultural data, and use the "data supermarket" based on the National Cultural Special Network for data. Transactions stimulate the inherent motivation of cultural institutions and cultural workers.

Culture focuses on experience, and cultural experience requires sceneization. Under the current technical conditions, as long as there is space, you can create a scene. New experience of digital culture includes two parts: online and offline, online including large screens and small screens, and offline include cultural educational facilities and public places. Among them, cultural education facilities include the new era civilization practice center, cultural museum, museum, etc. Tourism service places, communities, shopping centers, etc.

The implementation of the national cultural digitalization strategy is to build a new system from cultural resources to cultural production to cultural communication and cultural consumption. The goal is to build physical distribution, logical associations, fast links, high -efficiency search, comprehensive sharing, key integration of physical distribution, logical associations, fast links, efficient search, comprehensive sharing, and key integration. The national cultural big data system, the panoramic view of Chinese culture, the achievements of the digitalization of Chinese culture, the sharing of the people, and the achievement of excellent innovation achievements at home and abroad.

It can be seen that cultural digitalization can build offline scenes for digital cultural experience for tourist attractions, and provide all -round comprehensive services for the production, transactions, and distribution of cultural digital content. Promoting the deep integration of culture and tourism is the meaning of the national cultural digital strategy.

Regional culture should become

Focus on the cultural experience of tourism place

One of the reasons for culture and tourism is "combined" without "melting". The cultural industry has not yet created the production of cultural experience products that are suitable for tourism. New concept layers such as "cultural and creative", "cultural tourism" and "digital collections" are endless. The proportion of cultural experience products that truly reflect cultural self -confidence and exert national education functions are not high.

The Opinions on Promoting the Implementation of the National Cultural Digitalization Strategy "proposed that the promotion of cultural resource data collection, processing, mining, and data services into regular work, promoting the social, professional, industrial, and industrial industries that promote cultural data development, reconstruction and presentation The aim is to activate cultural resources and solve the problem of disagreement between the emerging production system represented by Internet companies and the traditional production system represented by traditional cultural institutions.

Regional culture should be a dimension for data collection, processing, mining and data services. As long as there are places where the Chinese nation lives, there are distinctive regional culture, which can be tapped from the connotation and content of valuable. For example, there are "Yan Zhao Culture" in Hebei, "Sanjin Culture" in Shanxi, "Qilu Culture" in Shandong, "Zhongzhou Culture" in Henan, "Bashu Culture" in Chongqing and Sichuan, and "Wuyue Culture" in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Hubei has "Jingchu Culture", Hunan has "Huxiang Culture", Fujian has "Eight Minutes Culture", and Guangdong has "Lingnan Culture".

Cultural experience must not only have connotation, but also attractiveness, and create an immersive "scene".At present, technologies such as virtual reality (VIRTUAL Realization) and augmented reality (AR, Augmented Reality) have matured. These technologies can continue to express the realistic physical environment through the 360 -degree full perspective, creating a more realistic physical environment and creating a more realistic realistic realistic environment."Live".In addition, the offline scene of building a digital cultural experience in tourist attractions cannot follow the old road of theme parks, because the content of theme parks is often unchanged. It should be a cinema model, that is, the content of cultural experience can often be replaced. There is a national cultural big data systemAnd the support of countless digital cultural production lines, it can provide guarantee for the continuous replacement of cultural experience, and it is entirely possible to provide menu -style cultural services.

Gao Shusheng (the author of the author of the Cultural Reform Office of the Central Propaganda Department, the former deputy director of the Cultural Reform Office, the first -level inspector, the Deputy Director of the Cultural Big Data Industry Committee of the China Public Relations Association)

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