"New Book Recommendation" Chang'an Street Reading Club No. 20220804 Cadres Learn New Book List

Author:Chang'an Street Reading Club Time:2022.08.14

Chang'an Street Reading Club

Cadre learning new book list

No. 20220804


"Taiwan Issue and the New Era China Unified Cause"

Press: People's Publishing House

Author: Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, News Office of the State Council

Recommended department: party building group

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council and the Journalism Office of the State Council published a white paper on the 10th of the "Taiwan Issues and the Unified Cause of China in the New Era", which further reiterated that Taiwan is part of the facts and status of China as part of China. The Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese government in the new era to promote the realization of the unity of the motherland in the new era.


"New Era Global Governance: Concept and Path"

Press: China Social Science Press

Author: Xie Fuzhan, (Russia) Ivanov, Ivanov, etc.

Recommended department: Zhongzhi Group

Today, the world has experienced a great change in a century. Global risks are frequent, and the current global governance system deficits are serious. As a builder of world peace, a global development contribution, and a maintenanceer of international order, it has a unique role in promoting the reform of the global governance system and practicing the true multilateralism. Sino -Russian relations are a model of new -type relations, and it is also an important starting point for building a community of human destiny. As the international situation changes, it is of great significance to discuss the path of China and Russia to further enhance global governance capabilities and face to answer "what happened to the world and what do we do" to contribute "Sino -Russian wisdom" in this era.


"Red Engine: Promote the High -quality Development of State -owned Enterprises"

Press: Research Press

Author: Wu Dongxiao

Recommended department: dry education group

The hearts of the people, the business is in danger, is the crisis of the new party committee secretary and chairman of Yuepeng Group. In the face of severe challenges, members of Zhou Zeming and Discipline Inspection Party Secretary Lu Jinglin, Fang Yishu, executive deputy general manager Fang Yishu, etc., adhered to the party's comprehensive leadership, strengthened the party's construction, tried to turn the tide, inspired the governance of the employees, resolved risks, got out of the predicament Promoting the high -quality development of enterprises, reflecting the vivid practice of the party's eighteenth National Congress since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. This book is a novel that organizes corporate management and action learning, key dialogue, interview evaluation and other methods.


"Story of the Marshal of the Republic of the Republic"

Press: Modern Press

Author: Shi Quanwei

Recommended department: political and legal group

This book is a masterpiece that reflects the anecdotes of the founding of the Republic. It shows the most gorgeous chapter of Rongma's generals during the peaceful construction period of the revolutionary war. Classic reading. During the Revolutionary War, they wielded the war, planned, and decided to win thousands of miles. In order to build the motherland, they took the lead, worked hard, and worked hard. They have established the achievements of the historical book for the birth and prosperity of New China. They are the pride of the Chinese nation and the founding of New China.


"Communists in Old Movies"

Press: China Yanshi Press

Author: Yu Bo

Recommended department: enterprise dry group

This book sorted out the domestic old films released from 1949 to 1966. In the form of graphic and text, they introduced people, especially younger generations, and introduced the Communists in 46 film works. These films reflect the spiritual temperament and times of the Communists in different fields. On the one hand, the classics are relocated; on the other hand, it provides a learning reference for the majority of party members and cadres to strengthen their ideals and beliefs. The content is mainly based on 46 old movie pictures, characters, classic lines, and behind -the -scenes tidbits; in the form, each movie occupies two pages of butterfly pages. The book is attached to the note page, which can be memorized.


"Silk: Qian Xuesen Biography"

Press: CITIC Publishing House

Author: (beauty) Zhang Chunru

Recommended department: Yingcai Center

This book tells the legendary life of Qian Xuesen's 20 years of traveling to the United States, tortuous returning to the country, and exhausting the Chinese aerospace industry. How Qian Xuesen leaned from a descendant of Qian Qian, who was born on the bank of Xizi Lake in the late Qing Dynasty to become the most outstanding Rockets power expert in the American aerospace industry, and how to become the founder of the New China aerospace industry in the New China aerospace industry. Become the "father of missiles" in China? This book all answers.


"The inertia of hegemony: the National Security Council and the US International Strategy"

Press: Social Science Literature Publishing House

Author: Yang Nan

Recommended department: media group

The National Security Council is a legal organization in the US Presidential Staff team. Since its establishment in 1947, it has always occupied a unique position in the process of assessing, planning, and coordinating US national security strategies. Starting from the perspective of organizational behavior model theory, this book has re -examined the development history of the National Security Council for more than 70 years, discussed the role of the organization's long -term mobilization of various domestic resources in the United States and responding to the changes in the international political pattern. Explore the relationship between the National Security Council and the government's long -term adherence to the "primary status" international strategy.


"Ten Zhiqing: The meaning of the meaning of literati things"

Press: Peking University Press

Author: Li Xi

Recommended department: doctoral group

This book selects ten kinds of things in the life of literati, telling how literati gradually swayed the power and the "turbidity" of the time and customs in the use of poetry, painting, and daily use. Ling Xichi's true face. In the meaning of the meaning of this literati, the faces of things may be useless, ugly, mottled, and bland, but this means that they are separated from all fame and prejudice, and finally He appeared in the heavens and the earth. The writing of literati to things is actually telling them themselves. Compared to any social relationship, the meaning of these things is more solid, determined, and eternal. Therefore, they often say that only these things are "confidant" that they are not easier in their lives. 9

"Ji Lianhai Comments China Five Thousand Years · Event Volume"

Press: Chinese Workers Press

Author: Ji Lianhai

Recommended department: Publishing Group

This book presents historical development with major historical events and interprets the inheritance password of China for 5,000 years. The 30 major historical events, the construction of important systems, and major scientific and technological inventions of this book have a very significant impact on the historical process of China and the world. As an important part of Chinese history, the ins and outs of these major historical events, the construction of important systems, and the invention of major scientific and technological inventions are not only to intuitively understand the glory of the ancient Chinese history of 5,000 years, but also to better look forward to China more. A glorious future. This book is a youth inspirational book. The 30 major historical events, the construction of important systems, and the invention of major scientific and technological inventions selected in this book have a lot of inspiration for us. Through learning these, it can help us establish the correct outlook on life and values.


"Garden Walk"

Publishing House: Jiangsu Phoenix Literature and Art Publishing House

Author: Liu Tianhua

Recommended department: local group

From the perspective of 10 appreciation of the garden, this book guides you to discover the beauty of the art of the garden. From the landscapes and poems in the garden, to the exquisite ideas of the layout, space, and route in the garden home, counting the traditional Chinese culture related to the garden ... more than 200 full -color illustrations in the book, from Jiangnan To the north, from Shuzhong to Lingnan, it includes the high -definition images of gardens in various places. In the process of reading this book, you are also in the garden and enjoy the details of the bricks, a grass and wood.

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