Foshan Chencun: "Art Yi Hongde" Chen Jinzhang's calligraphy works exhibition development

Author:Yangcheng Evening News Yangche Time:2022.08.14

Wen, Picture/Huang Peiying Chencun Xuan

On August 12, the "" "Arts and Hongde" Chen Jinzhang Calligraphy Works Exhibition of the "Huo Township Culture" series was launched at the Huaxiang Art Museum in Chencun Town, Shunde District, Foshan City. Hall). In addition, the "Chen Jinzhang Calligraphy Works Exhibition" will also hold related tour exhibitions at the Fengcheng Art Museum of Chencun Town from August 22 to September 15.

The reporter learned that Chen Jinzhang was born in 1929. People from Huazhou, Guangdong are good at Chinese landscape painting. His works have participated in the National American Exhibition many times. The creative features are to cleverly integrated the advantages of traditional pen and ink and Western painting in their own creations, so that the picture has a sense of reality and the atmosphere of the times.

Chen Jinzhang's representative work "Forest in the South" was compiled "Complete Works of Modern Chinese Art", and "Twilight" was compiled "Centennial Chinese Painting Collection". For the prize, "Zaoyuan Spring" won the first prize of Guangdong Fine Arts and was collected by Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall. "The Pearl River Chunxiao" was collected by the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, the "Spring Map" was collected by Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport. Publishing works include "Chinese Contemporary Painters · Chen Jinzhang", "Chen Jinzhang Landscape Painting Collection", "Chen Jinzhang Painting", "Chen Jinzhang Landscape Painting Draft".

It is understood that in the second half of the year, Chencun Town will continue to carry out the "Huaxiang Culture" series of exhibition activities. In addition to the exhibition of local painters, it will also introduce exhibitions from outstanding domestic artists.

Source | Yangcheng Evening News · Yangcheng School

Responsible | Chen Yueyue

School Division | Li Hongyu

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