Daily good poems | On the day, there is only a touch of deep yellow on the top of the mountain

Author:Sleeping Poetry Time:2022.08.13

● Secret

There are many things, unspeakable

I am in the world like a bottle

Then, then, then

Fingerprint, face, a series of numbers and symbols

Do not say to outsiders

Then, then, then

Facing large and small screens every day

Fang Fang Zhengzheng QR code

Disclose a secret

Then, then, then

Some words, holding in my heart

Tell yourself

And keep secret of yourself

Then, then, then

Spend four hours, pour three bus

See a doctor

It's like a believer, facing a priest

The same as confession, describing the hidden pain

The confession is the same, tell the truth

Then, then, then


Like a judgment

Don't accept it, you have to serve

● Towards Township Clean

On the day, there is only a touch of yellow on the top of the mountain

I am still alone on the mountain road

Those wet sounds

Splash from the grass

Like mother's grievances

Then, then, then

Sun stuck in Shushu

A little swollen

I, less than five feet

Drag the shadow of half a valley

Heavy is like his old age, you can't get rid of it

Pastening, pain, fatigue and loneliness

Then, then, then

The grass and trees are returning to green

Mountain, a little higher

Towards the love of the countryside

The nose of cough, dog barking and big animals


Wedge in the bone seam

Writers in the Wheels of Sleeping Poetry: Ma Weiju, male, born in 1957, Hoshima in Gansu, lived in Beijing. Former executive deputy secretary of the party committee of the Ministry of Railways and the China Railway Corporation, a member of the Chinese Writers Association, the Chinese Railway Writers Association, and the Chinese Poetry Society, and read the columnist of the sleeping poetry club. Poetry is published in hundreds of publications such as "Poetry", "Poetry Monthly", "Star", "Chinese Railway Literature" and "Ginseng", or have been selected as "Chinese New Poems" of the Chinese Poetry Society. Published a collection of personal poems, "Sets" and "Deep Snow".

Pay attention to sleeping, poetic habitat

Facing the sea, looking for light with black eyes. On November 16, 2015, the Poetry Society of Sleeping Poetry Club, the Poetry Club took the mission of "speaking for grassroots poets" and the purpose of promoting the "spirit of poetry", that is, the pursuit of the truth, kindness and beauty of poetry, the artistic innovation of poetry, and the spirit of poetry. Poetry friends have been published in the collection of poems "The Spring Blossoms of Sleeping Poems" and "The Grass Ying Ying Flying on Sleeping Poems".

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