The Party's Congress 丨 The Five Congress of the Communist Party: The Crossing of the Great Revolutionary Life and Death established the Central Supervisory Committee

Author:Study time Time:2022.06.17

From April to May 1927 to May, the party's five major party was held at the emergency convergence of the life and death of the Great Revolution. Although the conference criticized Chen Duxiu's right tilt mistakes, he did not put forward specific measures for how to cope with the intricate situation at that time. Therefore, he did not solve the problem of solving the emergency moment of the revolution, making the revolutionary situation even more serious.


In May 1926, the Fourth Army of the National Revolutionary Army with the backbone of the Communist Party and the Communist Youth League Ye Ting Independence Regiment and the Seventh Army were ordered as the pioneer of the Northern Expeditionary Army to the front line of Hunan, which opened the prelude to the Northern Expedition. On July 9, a total of about 100,000 people of the National Revolutionary Army officially officially issued a northern expedition.

The Northern Expeditionary Army was divided into three roads, marched all the way to two lakes, and pointed all the way to Fujian and Zhejiang, and entered Jiangxi all the way. Among them, Hunan and Hubei are the main battlefields of the Northern Expedition. With the support and cooperation of the workers and peasants launched by the Communist Party of China, the Northern Expeditionary Army was progressing rapidly. After the Fourth Army of the Northern Expedition and the Seventh Army and the Eighth Army in Hunan, they entered Changsha on July 11. On August 22, Yuezhou was occupied. The Northern Expedition then advanced into Hubei, and started a fierce battle with the main force of Wu Peifu in Tingsiqiao and He Shengqiao in Wuhan, and eventually overcome the two places. Then, the Northern Expeditionary Army attacked Wuchang. After more than a month of siege, Ye Ting's independent regiment took the lead in boarding the city. Other departments also entered the city one after another to wipe out Wu Peifu's main force. The fourth army where the independent regiment was located has won the title of "Iron Army" due to repeated military achievements.

After the Northern Expeditionary Army achieved a major victory in the two lakes, he adjusted his strength to attack Jiangxi and destroy Sun Chuanfang's five provincial coalition forces. The Northern Expeditionary Army once occupied Nanchang in September, but Sun Chuanfang mobilized the main force to counterattack. Nanchang was lost. The first army of the first army under the command of Chiang Kai -shek suffered a major loss. In order to support the Jiangxi battlefield, the Fourth Army of the Northern Expeditionary Army and the Seventh Army successively entered Jiangxi, and won the victory of the Dian and Wangjiapu battle, occupying Jiujiang and Nanchang. From October 1926 to March 1927, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Shanghai District Party Committee organized Shanghai workers to launch an armed uprising in a row, and achieved the third armed uprising. The Shanghai Special Municipal Government was established to effectively cooperate with the Northern Expeditionary War. Successfully.

The Northern Expedition achieved a major victory. In just half a year, the revolutionary forces were promoted from the Pearl River Basin to the Yangtze River Basin. During the Northern Expedition, the party organizations of various provinces along the way carried out extensive organizational mobilization among the masses, and strongly cooperated with frontline operations; the party carried out outstanding ideological and political work in the Northern Expeditionary Army. Pioneer model effect.

Shortly after the Northern Expeditionary Army, with the help of the Soviet Union and the Communist Party of China, on September 17, 1926, Feng Yuxiang's National Army who retired from the northwest of the National Army in Suiyuan was the commander -in -chief of the National Army coalition and announced the participation of the National Revolution. Then Controlled Gansu, Shaanxi and other provinces. According to Feng Yuxiang's request, the party organization selected more than 200 Communist Party members and young activists from Liu Bojian, Deng Xiaoping, and other members of the National Army to engage in political work.

At this time, the party and peasants led by the party also developed unprecedentedly. The farmers' movement in Hunan was in full swing. By January 1927, there were 2 million members of the Farmers Association in Hunan, and 10 million people who could directly lead the masses. The farmers' movements in Hubei, Henan, Jiangxi and other provinces have also developed rapidly. These three provinces have successively established the province's chief union, and there are 100,000 workers participating in the union of Wuhan alone. There is an unprecedented climax of the Chinese revolution.

While the development of the revolutionary situation, a serious crisis was also hidden within the revolutionary united front. Chiang Kai -shek used the opportunity of the Northern Expedition to obtain more power, obtained a wide range of social impact, and his strength also expanded rapidly, so he became increasingly reactionary. In March 1927, the Northern Expeditionary Army occupied Shanghai and Nanjing and controlled the richest downstream of the Yangtze River in China. The reactionary forces of Chinese and foreign reactionary forces were unwilling to lose their dominance status, so they pinned their hopes to Chiang Kai -shek. With the enthusiasm of imperialism and the support of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang consortium, Chiang Kai -shek finally torn off his camouflage. In April 1927, with the cooperation of the New Gui Department, he took the hooligan as a thug, and the army was backing. The counter -revolutionary coup, massacre the Communist Party members and the revolutionary masses. On April 18, Jiang Ji Nanjing's "National Government" fans appeared and publicly opposed the Wuhan National Government. The Chinese revolution is facing a serious crisis.

The April Two anti -revolution coup is only a local failure of the National Revolution. At this time, the Wuhan National Government is still under the control of the Kuomintang left. The workers and peasants movement of the three Hunan, Hubei and Jiangxi provinces under its jurisdiction are still rising. If resolute measures are taken, the revolution can still turn the tide. It was in this case that the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to hold the party's fifth national congress.


From April 27th to May 9th, 1927, the Fifth National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held in Wuhan. The representatives of the five major members were: Chen Duxiu, Cai Hesen, Qu Qiubai, Mao Zedong, Ren Bishi, Liu Shaoqi, Deng Zhongxia, Zhang Guozhang, Zhang Tailei, Li Li San, Li Weihan, etc., representing more than 57,000 party members across the country. Communist international representatives, Luo Yi, Dorio, and Wishi, attended the meeting.

The opening ceremony of the conference was held in the auditorium of the First Affiliated Primary School in Wuchang Higher Normal University. The conference was formed by Chen Duxiu, Cai Hesen, Li Lisan, Li Weihan, Luo Zhanglong, Qu Qiubai, Zhang Guozhen, Tan Pingshan and others, and set up a political committee composed of 13 people including Chen Duxiu, 10 people including Tan Pingshan and other land committees. The employee sports committee is the secretary of Qu Qiubai, Mao Zedong, and Deng Zhongxia, respectively. In order to avoid aggravating the "redization" color of the Wuhan government and preventing the attack of reactionaries, the meeting did not publicize the news, and after the first day, it was no longer held in Wuchang. The agenda really started the agenda, and it was separated in the middle.

The Huangpi Club is a rectangular building with a door open with one head and standing in a three -open bungalow. The middle hall is arranged as the venue. The left room is the place where the secretariat of the conference and the oil printing documents, and the room on the right is empty. The hall to the gate is across a rectangular yard. There is a stone road, the grass on both sides, and the wall outside the grass. The two houses outside the gate lived in several guards to defend the safety of the conference.

In the early stage of the meeting, Chen Duxiu first made a 6 -hour political and organizational report on behalf of the Fourth Central Executive Committee. Chen Duxiu's report has a total of 11 parts, which mainly expounds the following issues: the role of the bourgeoisie in the revolution; the relationship between the proletariat and the petty bourgeoisie; Base and Northwest theory; Kuomintang issues; reorganization of military issues; establishing revolutionary democratic regimes; fiscal and economic policies. It has not properly summarized the lessons and lessons since the cooperation of the KMT and the Communist Party, nor did it propose a practical and feasible policy method for the rescue of the time.

In the following days, the representatives discussed the report. Many representatives were dissatisfied with this report and criticized Chen Duxiu and Peng Shuzhi's mistakes, and Chen Duxiu had to admit some errors.

On the five major party, the Communist International representative Luo Yi made a speech such as "The Revolution of China and the role of the proletariat". Although he criticized Chen Duxiu, he walked from one extreme to another, saying that the possibility of the promising future of the Chinese Revolutionary non -capitalism greatly exceeded the possibility of the future of capitalism. Economic development period. Luo Yi's "non -capitalist future" is actually a socialist revolution immediately. However, when the five National Congress was held, there was no such condition at all. The Chinese revolution was still a bourgeois democratic nature, although it must be led by the proletariat. Luo Yi's "left" that was separated from the actual situation could not help solve the problem that the revolutionary process urgently required to solve the problem at that time. Luo Yi also emphasized the importance of the land revolution and believes that it is both necessary and possible. This was not wrong, but Luo Yi's land revolution theory was based on the subjective exaggeration of the revolutionary forces. It believes that the Communist Party has the power to control the Wuhan government and the power to stop Wang Jingwei and others shake. Can hold the Wuhan government to promote the land revolution. This is obviously Luo Yi's wishful thinking.

The last agenda of the conference is to elect the central leadership agency. The central members of the conference were Chen Duxiu, Cai Hesen, Zhou Enlai, Li Weihan, Li Lisan, Qu Qiubai, Zhang Guozhen, Liu Shaoqi and other 31 people. At the Fifth Plenary Session of the Fifth Central Committee, Chen Duxiu, Cai Hesen, Li Weihan, Qu Qiubai, Zhang Guozhen, Tan Pingshan, Li Lisan, Zhou Enlai, etc. were elected as members of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee. Qu Qiubai and Tan Pingshan) were members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and Zhou Enlai was the secretary -general. Zhang Guozhang, Cai Hesen, Zhou Enlai, Li Lisan, and Tan Pingshan were appointed as organizations, propaganda, military, workers and farmers. Because Chen Duxiu made some reviews on his mistakes and expressed his criticism of everyone. In addition, the party's harmfulness of Chen Duxiu's right tilt error still lacks a deep understanding. Chen Duxiu was still elected as the Central Committee and General Secretary.


The party's five are a conference held at a critical moment when the Chinese revolution encountered a serious crisis. After more than 10 days of disputes, the conference passed documents such as "Political Situation and the Party's Task Mission Decision", "Organizational Issues Decision", "Land Procedure", "Resolution of Employee Movement" and "Declaration of the Fifth National Congress of the Communist Party of China".

These resolutions rejected Chen Duxiu's right to claim and criticized Chen Duxiu's right tilt error in the past leadership work and pointed out his harm. The "Political Situation and the Party's Task Award" states that from the "May 30", the proletariat began to fight for the leadership of the anti -imperialist struggle. It ignored the struggle to fight for the revolutionary leadership with the bourgeoisie. "As a result, the Zhongshan ship incident occurred. Before the beginning of the Zhongshan Ship incident to the beginning of the Northern Expedition, "because the party did not know well in the revolutionary stage of the large bourgeoisie in the revolution, so when talking about the joint front, it was not committed to the benefits of the workers with sufficient guarantees to protect the benefits of the workers. "," The proletariat should put forward the request of rapid progress in land improvement to consolidate the unity with farmers, and fight against feudal elements and bourgeoisie. This party does not implement this task to lead the proletariat to lead the proletariat. " After the beginning of the Northern Expedition, it was not necessary to fully pay attention to the need to enable the social foundation of the revolution at the same time. Instead, the strategy of using the second stage of helping the bourgeoisie to obtain the regime and then entering the revolution. "Strong", so that they "implement their split revolution policies." The party's five clearly clarified the main tasks of the revolution at the stage of the stage, "it is a solution to the rapid progress of land issues." The "Land Procedure Cuivation" adopted by the conference states: "At the current period of the revolution, the peasant movement -the class struggle of the peasants in the countryside to resist the gentry and landlord. The trend is a period of destroying the feudal ancestral law and starting to solve the problem of land. This is the main feature of the current new stage of the Chinese revolution. " The land, with the poverty -stricken farmers as the backbone, establishes farmers' regimes, and implements the economic status of improving farmers until the land is allocated. "All these are undoubtedly correct.

However, the theoretical principles cannot replace specific measures. Although the five major of the party proposed the problem of proletarian leadership, how to transform the Kuomintang, the Kuomintang, grasp the power of the Kuomintang, master the party power, establish and expand the revolutionary armed forces leading the party's leadership, etc. The question did not make a practical answer. Some problems have been caught in emptiness, and some problems continue the right leaning errors.

The party's five believers believe that China's bourgeoisie has rebelled, and the Chinese revolution has reached the stage of civil dictatorships that must establish work, agriculture, and petty bourgeoisiers. Development of the future. It regards the betrayal revolution of the Chiang Kai -shek Group as a rebellion of the entire national bourgeoisie, and regards Wang Jingwei as a representative of the petty bourgeoisie. Follow the facts. This has led to the left action on the on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is insufficient for Wang Jingwei's shake and rebellion, and the right to the right to the right is a passive situation.

Although the conference proposed to carry out the land revolution and made the "Land Procedure", which proposed 7 strategies to solve the land problem, at the same time, it emphasized that the land issue must first obtain the consent of the "petty bourgeoisie", which is to obtain it. The consent of Wang Jingwei and others made this question an empty words that cannot be realized.

At this time, the most important problem was the revolutionary army led by the party and the development of the party. However, this conference did not seriously discuss military issues, and did not propose specific measures in this regard. Therefore, the five major historical regrets of the party lies in that although it has realized the harm of right tilt errors, it cannot make specific methods to correct such errors.


It is worth mentioning that the Five Congress of the Communist Party of China established a special party disciplinary inspection agency in the history of the party, the Central Supervision Committee.

With the climax of the Great Revolution of the Communist Party and the Communist Party, the influence of the party has expanded rapidly, and the party team has also grown rapidly. From the less than 1,000 people in the party's four major people to nearly 60,000 people. At the same time, due to the cooperation of the KMT and the Communist Party, many party members have served in party departments, military and government at all levels of the Kuomintang. It is inevitable that some party members have lost the revolutionary principles and revolutionary positions in front of their powers, and have emerged as corruption and degeneration. In July 1926, in the "Central Political Report" adopted by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Executive Committee of the CPC Central Committee, it clearly stated that "although the number of party members has increased and the quality is indeed degraded." Viewing, especially the theory can be used to actual work "; the second is" responsible work comrades, there is a tendency to hire labor, and lack of the spirit of hard work and spontaneous revolutionary emotions. Therefore Disadvantages of organs. ". Third, "one of the comrades, corrupt officials (that is, the affection and disadvantages such as the economy are unclear)."

In particular, Chiang Kai -shek implemented white terror after launching the April Two counter -revolutionary coup in Shanghai. Faced with the cruel struggle environment, some of the weak will in the party have pessimistic shakes, and some people have posted a statement that they have reported their organizations from the party. Some people face intimidating sales and comrades to become shameful traitors, so and so on. Under such circumstances, the establishment of a party disciplinary inspection and supervision agency is very important to strengthen the education and restraint of party members. To this end, the five major party decided to establish the first central supervisory agency in the history of the party, the Central Supervision Committee, elected Wang Lao, Xu Baihao, Zhang Zuochen, Yang Xunan, Liu Junshan, Zhou Zhensheng, Cai Yichen as members of the Central Supervisory, Yang Peisen, Xiao Shiyue, Ruan Xiaoxian, For alternate members. Soon after the party's five major closures, the "Third Amendment to the Communist Party of China" adopted by the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, which specially set up a chapter of the "Supervision Committee", emphasizing that "to consolidate the party's consistency and authority, at the National Congress The Central and Provincial Supervisory Committee, the Central and Provincial Supervisory Commissioners of the Provincial Congress shall not be concurrently appointed with the central committee members and provincial members. " At the same time, the central and provincial supervisory members may participate in the meeting of the Central and Provincial Commissioners, but only the right to speak has no voting rights. When necessary, you must participate in various meetings of the party department. The central and provincial committees shall not cancel the resolutions of the Central and Provincial Supervision Committee; but the resolutions of the Central and Provincial Supervision Commission must be consent of the Central and Provincial Committee to take effect and implementation. This is an institutional arrangement for the party's disciplinary inspection and is of great significance to strengthening the party's disciplinary construction.


After the five major of the party, the revolutionary crisis became increasingly serious. Chen Duxiu and others saw that Wang Jingwei would break with the Communist Party and did not prepare for cope, but tried everything to please Wang Jingwei Group. They canceled the Hunan armed uprising plan and ordered the relieving armed forces of the Wubia Workers' Ponders, and even the Wooden Sticks of the Scouts were collected. They thought that this could avoid Wang Jingwei and others split. The weakness has encouraged its counter -revolutionary spirit.

The serious situation of the Chinese revolution has attracted great attention from the Communist International, and sent an emergency instruction to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the famous "May instructions". The main points of the instructions are: reorganization of the Kuomintang Central Executive Committee to add more workers and peasants leaders in the Central Executive Committee; to armed 20,000 Communist Party members; selected 50,000 workers and peasants to join the Kuomintang army, so that the Kuomintang army could be completely transformed and excluded the reactionary reactionary. The general replaced by the Chinese Communist Party members and the firm Kuomintang left; the Land Revolution, resolutely implemented the property of the landlord's land and the gentry from below.

This instruction is indeed a little late, and it is difficult to achieve these goals in the short term. However, if you follow the instructions as much as possible, you can also prepare Wang Jingwei's rebellion and not suffer overly heavy losses. However, neither the Communist International and the CPC Central Committee did not do this. On June 1st, the Communist International representative Luo Yi made an appointment with Wang Jingwei to his apartment without discussing it with anyone, and then showed the Communist International's secret electricity to Wang Jingwei. Luo Yi did this, just to let Wang Jingwei accept the telegram and engage in the land revolution with him. Luo Yi thought that such Wang Jingwei would go according to the road he conceived.

On July 15, 1927, Wang Jingwei's resolute opposition from the left of the Kuomintang and other Kuomintang, in Wuhan, held the so -called "sub -communist meeting" in Wuhan and decided to break with the Communist Party. Subsequently, Wang Jingwei Group, like the Chiang Kai -shek Group, launched a big search and massacre of the Communist Party members and revolutionary people under the slogan of "would rather kill three thousand, not to make one person miss the net". This is the July 1st anti -revolutionary coup with the April 12 counter -revolutionary coup. At this point, the vigorous national revolution has failed, and the Chinese revolution has shifted from climax to temporary low tide. [Author Unit: Central Party School (National Academy of Administration) of the Communist Party of China]

Article Source: "Learning Times", June 17, 2022, 5th edition 5

Editor in this issue: Dong Dawei

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