"New Book Recommendation" Chang'an Street Reading Club No. 20220802 Cadres Learn New Book List

Author:Chang'an Street Reading Club Time:2022.08.07

Chang'an Street Reading Club

Cadre learning new book list



"Biography of Contemporary Chinese Characters" series of the founding Marshal Biography Series

Press: Contemporary China Press

Author: writing group in this book

Recommended department: party building group

The Marshal of the Marshal of the Book of Contemporary Chinese Character Books is based on the decision of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Central Military Commission. It is compiled and composed of the final unit before the leaflet. It is a national authoritative version. The Lord is Peng Dehuai, Liu Bocheng, He Long, Chen Yi, Luo Rongyi, Xu Xiangqian, Nie Rongzhen, and Ye Jianying. After more than ten years, the biographical writing group interviewed the Lord's life, fighting and work, and the parties who had worked and worked. It collected countless precious historical archives and documents, and faithfully and completely reproduced the glorious life of the founding of the Republic.

The significance of these biographies is far beyond the scope of personal life. They are the founding history of the founding of New China, the history of the founding of the country, the foundation of the foundation of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the concentration of entrepreneurial history. Essence


"Fun: The Story of the Eighty Medal"

Press: People's Daily Press

Author: Ren Chuxuan

Recommended department: Zhongzhi Group

This book shows the advanced deeds of the "August 1 Medal" winner, encouraging the majority of officers and soldiers to actively participate in the great practice of the strong army and the army, and to achieve the unremitting struggle of the party's goal in the new era. This book contains articles published by authoritative media such as "People's Daily", vividly about Du Fuguo, Qian Qihu, Nie Haisheng, Mai Xiande, Ma Weiming, Li Zhonghua, Wang Zhongxin, Jing Haipeng, Wei Changjin, Wang Gang, Leng Pengfei The story of Yin Chunrong's 13 "August 1 Medal".

The "August 1st Medal" is the highest honor of the army decided by the Central Military Commission to issue a certificate issued by the Central Military Commission and awarded it.


"China in the New Era"

Press: China Yanshi Press

Author: Chen Jian

Recommended department: dry education group

Guided by Xi Jinping's thoughts of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, it is divided into new changes in the historical direction of China, the leadership of the Communist Party of China is as firm as a rock, the overall reshaping of the political ecology within the party, the significant steering of China's economic development, the Chinese style Democratic is a good thing, and the Chinese culture's soft power has gradually jumped. It fully shows readers a new new era, a Chinese that is booming, a people first, a love peace, and a China who is approaching the center of the world stage. This book takes into account all aspects of political, economic, cultural, social, social, ecological civilization, and party building. And historic achievements.


"New Forms to Human Civilization"

Press: Tianjin People's Publishing House

Author: Chen Xueming, etc.

Recommended department: political and legal group

The new form of human civilization is the new concept of General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech at the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Communist Party of China. Research and explanation. Based on this, this book focuses on the theoretical foundation for Marxism to create a new path of Chinese -style modernization and new form of human civilization. Western Marxism provides theoretical inspiration for creating a new road of Chinese -style modernization, new human civilization, and the great socialism with Chinese characteristics. Practice has created a new path of modern Chinese -style modernization and new forms of human civilization. It demonstrates the possibility and inevitability of China's possibility and inevitability of China's new form of human civilization from theoretical and practical. The social system and new form of civilization provide Chinese experience, Chinese plan, and Chinese wisdom.


"International Relations in the Great Power Game and Future World -International Relations in History and Philosophy"

Publishing House: CPC Central Committee Party School Press

Author: Han Zhen

Recommended department: media group

The century -old changes have superimposed the century -old epidemic, which has enhanced the uncertainty of the world. The negative impact caused by the epidemic is still continuing, and the impact of the Russian and Ukraine conflict is constantly fermenting, which has seriously affected my country's development environment. It can be said that the current international environment is the most concentrated period of challenges we have faced since the reform and opening up. How to maintain strategic determination and better deal with various risks and challenges is a question we need to face and think. Based on this background, this book, through the latest data and a large number of cases, conducts a profound interpretation and comprehensive analysis of several main forces such as North -South relations, east -west relationships, capitalism and socialism, and geopolitical games. From the perspective of historical philosophy, we have put forward unique insights on how to develop the development path with Chinese characteristics in the game of our country, how to seize the development trend of the future world, seek its own favorable position, and how to condense Chinese power for the national rejuvenation and the beautiful world. It provides beneficial materials for readers to comprehensively and systematically understand geographical politics, relations with great powers, and international situations.


"China Open Economics"

Press: China Social Science Press

Author: Pei Changhong

Recommended department: doctoral group

Adhering to dialectical materialism and historical materialism, this is the basic view and methodology of Marxism, and the watershed of Chinese economics theory and Western economics theory. The basics of the path are: "Starting from the national conditions, from the practice of Chinese, to the practice of Chinese, write the paper on the land of the motherland, so that theoretical and policy innovation meets the reality of Chinese and has Chinese characteristics, and continuously develops socialism with Chinese characteristics. Political economics and sociology. "This book contains the basic principles of Marxist international trade and the world market, the practice and understanding of foreign economic and trade relations in New China, the new development of contemporary international trade and economic globalization, global economic governance and the West Twelve chapters such as international economic theory evaluation, the basic practice of China's open economy, and the formation of its theory. 7


Press: Peking University Press

Author: Yang Hua

Recommended department: Yingcai Center

The theme of this book is the internal and external social competition of the current rural society. Competition is an important driving force for social progress and an important source of social vitality. Without competition, there will be no prosperity and wealth of Chinese country society today. What kind of competition will the rural areas have faced since the 21st century, and what impact will competition affect individuals, families, villages, cities, and even the entire Chinese society? This book has conducted a collective investigation with the Huazhong Rural Research Team in the past few years, and conducted a comprehensive study of this theme in accordance with the five dimensions of "rural marriage", "family relationship", "north -south society", "village competition" and "income structure". The land presents the inherent mechanism and logic of rural social changes, providing a very valuable reference for the decision -making of the three rural issues in my country.


"The essence of the universe: the future super intelligent system of human beings"

Press: CITIC Publishing Group

Author: Cai Hengjin, Cai Tianqi, Geng Jiawei

Recommended department: enterprise dry group

This book reveals the essence of the Yuan universe from three dimensions: 1. The migration of consciousness is the root cause of the realization of the Yuan universe. 2. The theory of consensus value is the basic operation rules of the Yuan universe world. 3. Blockchain token technology is the underlying technical guarantee for the Yuan universe. By reading this book, all readers who are interested in the Yuan universe and participants who want to further explore the Yuan universe will be able to understand the nature of the Yuan universe, understand how to judge the value of the Yuan universe, and understand the development trend of the Yuan universe.


"Patient, Doctor, Jianghu Langzhong: Medical and Society of modern Britain"

Press: Chinese Workers Press

Author: (English) Roy Potter

Recommended department: Publishing Group

Medicine before science is seriously dependent on performances, rituals, and rhetoric. Almost every street and villages have many scammers, mediocre doctors and rivers and lakes. Medical collection is a tool for spiritual and psychotherapy, a tool for mental and psychological treatment, a sarcastic knife, a medium of moral preaching, and a placebo or corrosion agent of society. 124 wonderful illustrations and bizarre things, Potter reviewed the interaction of patients, doctors, and Jianghulang in the context of modern British culture with a critical perspective, and explored the performance of the body in death, disease and health. By analyzing spirituality and meat, goodness and evil, beauty and ugliness, Potter reveals more extensive metaphor and symbolic significance of diseases and medical care.


"Listening to History and Top Chinese Medicine"

Press: Tsinghua University Press

Author: Xiong Yiliang, Lin Nan

Recommended department: Health Group

In this book, in accordance with the original principle of Qingyuan, from the history of the 26th history, the history of Tongzhi, and the history of the Tongqi, the history of the ancient medical system, the development of traditional Chinese medicine education, the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine, and the training of talent training The catalog of medical books, at the same time, adopts a novel, combined with modern discipline attribute classification, to clarify the subject category of history and traditional Chinese medicine. In the book, the ancient Chinese medical system is abolished, and we can learn how to establish rules and systems; book Chinese medicine inheritance, talent training, the development of traditional Chinese medicine education, and the details of details; Medical inheritance and future generations have profoundly influenced doctors' outstanding contributions and interests in medicine. These introductions are rigorous and interesting. At the same time, the booking of the medical books catalogs in the past first is first divided according to historical status, followed by detailed categories such as medical classics, grass, medical prescriptions, acupuncture, health, veterinary, and fetal products. "Listening to History of Chinese Medicine" is suitable for historical enthusiasts to fill in the gaps of knowledge. Relevant scholars look for the path of Chinese medicine progress and intend to have a young student who has made a solidity in the cause of Chinese medicine. Important reference readings.

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