Please pour the garbage in your heart

Author:Ten o'clock reading Time:2022.08.02

The ancients said: "Everything is large in mind, and everything is ill if everything is small."

If a person is wide, you can see everything; if the heart is small, everything is a problem.

People are like water cups and limited space. When you keep adding water, there is always a day overflowing.

If you are filled with garbage emotions, it will be overwhelmed sooner or later.

Only by clearing zero in a timely manner and regulating the garbage in your heart can you live easily.

After hearing one sentence: "The stupidest thing in the world is myself."

For small things with big sesame, accumulate qi in your heart.

Over time, if you have a bad temper, your body is wrong.

Netizen@kidney beans and Yudou once shared their aunt's story on Weibo.

There was an unscrupulous relative who came to aunt to borrow money. At that time, her aunt declined the relative for various reasons.

Unexpectedly, the other party scolded and said she was stingy.

The aunt was soft -tempered and did not return. But after the incident, she kept this matter in her heart, and every time she thought of it, she felt wronged and tears kept crying.

Two months later, my aunt felt uncomfortable and went to the hospital for examination.

As a result, the inspection report showed a big hard block in her breasts.

The aunt was scared. Fortunately, after further inspection, she found that it was benign.

After that, the blogger said so much on Weibo:

"If who is provoked for no reason to make you angry, what is unpleasant to say is to hurt you.

You said everything you want to say, get angry, the psychological balance, and comfortable.

If you don't be wronged, don't hold it, your body is naturally okay. "

In daily life, similar things often happen:

"Every time I get angry, I feel my stomach is uncomfortable. I panicked, I have no appetite, and I always want to vomit."

"I once quarreled with my boyfriend. After quarreling, he was like no one. I was so angry that I had difficulty breathing."

"Every time my dad has anything to do with his heart and sulking. Last time, he felt uncomfortable to see the doctor. The doctor suggested that he keep a happy mood and take a good rest."

... ...

As the saying goes: "Hundred diseases are born in qi."

If a person is boring in his heart, he will only lay hidden dangers for his health.

Life is alive, unsatisfactory things, ten or nine.

In the case of bad intentions, there are too many calculations, not only wasting time, but also hurting others.

People live for a lifetime, and happiness is the most important.

Instead of hurting the body in the heart, it is better to look away, calm and live.

Some time ago, at the party, Xiaoli talked about her annoyance.

She said that her husband worked overtime for more than 10 o'clock a while ago, and the two had no time to chat. Moreover, due to the long -lasting sitting, her husband's figure gradually went.

One day, she told her husband: "You should not have work in your life."

She originally wanted her husband to accompany herself, communicate more, and enhance her feelings while working.

But she was embarrassed to export the true thoughts in her heart.

After listening, the husband thought his wife was disliked him.

So he went to a fitness class and went directly to run away after get off work.

During that time, Xiaoli was unhappy all day, thinking that her husband didn't care about herself, and for several days with him.

I never thought that I did not express clearly, so that my husband would be wrong.

Speaking is vague and easy to misunderstand; bending around, it is easy to make people think about it.

There is a fragment in the third season of "Happiness Trio":

One day, Xie Nan and Qian Qian went to Xun Mengyao's house as a guest. Several people talked about the way to get along with her husband.

Xie Nan said, "We both discuss."

Later, Qian Yan asked Meng Yao: "Who is your family?"

Xi Mengyao said:

"Both of us will express our bottom line and talk clearly.

For example, for a while, I think he has too little time with me, and I will say that it will not work, and then he will gradually remove what you want to open at night.

But one day he was free at night, but I asked friends to go out to play, and he would say that you can't go out at night. "

After that, they will arrange their time reasonably and leave the time for the other party.

In life, many people think that "I don't say it, you know too" is care.

As everyone knows, the feelings of the two sides have disappeared in "You don't say, rely on guessing".

As Confucius said: "You can say it without words, you lose."

It is obvious that you can say straightforward, but pretending to be implicit, it will only cause more misunderstandings and even lose trust.

Life is short, everyone is facing all kinds of troubles.

Instead of telling the heart, you may wish to learn to open up the public, so as to avoid unnecessary tangles and internal consumption.

There is such a dialogue in the movie "This killer is not too cold":

The girl asked, "Is life always difficult? Or is it only childhood?"

The killer said, "It's always the case."

There is no word "easy" in the life of adults, and everyone will face various pressures.

Many people choose to hide the pressure in their hearts, and bow their heads to walk forward.

After a long time, the accumulated pressure is getting more and more, and in the end, it will only overwhelm itself.

When a friend Xiaomi first went to work in Shenzhen, the house rented was far away from the company, so she needed to get up at 6 o'clock every day.

Walk from home for 15 minutes to the subway station, then take another 20 minutes of the subway, and continue to transfer to a 30 -minute bus after arriving at the station. Every time I arrived in the company, Xiaomi was exhausted.

At work, Xiaomi is not familiar with many businesses as newcomers, so it is often criticized by leaders. A solution has been done many times, but it is still being beaten back and re -changed; the PPT reported by the report was too fancy by the leader, and she had to change it countless times.

For a while, because the company was going to hold an event, she went home several times until early in the morning.

Insufficient sleep at night, not good during the day, coupled with heavy work tasks, Xiaomi, who lived at that time, lived on the edge of collapse every day.

This day lasted for a long time, and she realized that she couldn't go on like this.

So she began to look for decompression.

When you encounter a problem, communicate with colleagues and discuss solutions, instead of doing it with his own head.

When I feel impetuous, let myself stop the stories of my hands and buffer my emotions, instead of writing the plan absently.

When the nerves are tight, return home, let yourself listen to music first, and continue any negative emotions.

Balzak said:

In the storms of life, we often learn the appearance of the captain, throwing away the bulky goods under the wind and rain to reduce the weight of the ship.

When your own pressure load is overloaded, the brain is pulled out of the working state.

Finding some ways to relax for yourself can be relieved, you can listen to music for a while, or you can talk to people who are close.

After decompression, focus on the present. Focus on the process without being disturbed by the results.

Turn pressure into motivation in order to take a calm road on the road of life.

There is such a sentence in the book "Disposter": "You have to learn to subtract your mind, and you will freely come in in your heart." Happiness will come in. "

Whether it is complicated or annoying emotions, it should be broken and cleaned in time.

Do not hold your anger in your heart, look away, calm your heart; do not hide the truth, treat each other frankly, and settle each other; do not block the stress, decompress regularly, and relax.

Life is short. Only when you pour the garbage in your heart on a regular basis, can you be light in your footsteps and make it lightly and live comfortably and happy.

Author | Dazzling, a southern girl who loves toss, likes to read code words, records life

Picture | Visual China

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