Sold out in 1 second!The first phase of the National Cultural Park theme digital collection was issued

Author:China Technology Network Time:2022.07.27

In order to actively respond to the national cultural strategy and help the construction and dissemination of the National Cultural Park, the China Cultural Media Group, the United Nations Internal Head Head Head Comprehensive Entertainment Enterprise, issued the first national cultural park theme digital collection on July 24.

On July 24, 2019, the Central Committee of the Central Committee of the Central Committee of the Central Committee reviewed and approved the "Great Wall, the Grand Canal, and the Long March National Cultural Park Construction Plan", which clarified the timetable and roadmap of the national cultural park construction. On July 24, 2022, the third anniversary of the three major national cultural park construction plans was reviewed. The release of this series of digital collections was of great significance for the value dissemination of the national cultural park and the shape of the brand image.

Building a national cultural park is a major decision -making arrangement made by the Party Central Committee, and a major project to promote the prosperity and development of the new era. The Chinese nation represented by the National Cultural Park generally enjoys and recognizes the spirit of the Chinese nation. In the new era, how to let the spirit of the Chinese nation enter the vision of more people and let Chinese culture go to the world is an important issue that we need to think about.

With the rise of the concept of the Yuan universe, digital collections, as a new way of expression in the field of culture and art, have become a pioneer in the trend of the new era. Compared with traditional ornamental and collection methods, digital collections make culture and art close to the public through faster ways and diverse forms. In this context, China Chuan Cultural Investment Investment Co., Ltd. and Sanqi Interactive Entertainment jointly launched the first set of national cultural park theme digital collections, which were officially released on the Chinese platform of Digital Tibet, totaling 12,500 copies, and sold out for a second.

"Great Wall"

"Canal Family"

"Long March Epic"

"Jiuqu Yellow River"

"Song of the Yangtze River"

According to the relevant person in charge of the China Cultural Media Group, digital collections break the restrictions of regional and space -time, and it is an innovative practice that integrates contemporary culture in traditional culture. On the one hand, the release of the theme digital collections of the National Cultural Park is to better push the image of the National Cultural Park to the public by the attention of young people to the public, and more intuitively show the magnificent and national spirit of the motherland mountains and rivers more intuitively. Be precious, further sublimate Chinese culture and Chinese expression, and inspire the younger generation's sense of belonging and identification with the excellent traditional culture of China. The theme digital collections of the National Cultural Park in this issue include the five national cultural parks of the Great Wall, the Great Canal, the Long March, the Yellow River, and the Yangtze River. Each collection has its corresponding design elements and meanings. The elements involved in the works are based on the cultural heritage and natural heritage of cultural parks in various countries, showing the unique charm of Chinese culture. This series of digital collections is the first attempt for digital construction in the national cultural park related theme IP, and it is also a new exploration of the development of digital collections in the direction of national cultural engineering.

In recent years, the digitalization of cultural heritage has been highly valued by all parties. The "Opinions on Promoting the Implementation of the National Cultural Digitalization Strategy" issued by the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council pointed out that by 2035, it is necessary to realize the presentation of Chinese culture panoramic views and the achievements of the digitalization of Chinese culture. In this context, the issuance of the national cultural park theme digital collections gives cultural inheritance a new vitality in a digital form, which is of great significance to promote the creative transformation and innovative development of the excellent traditional culture of China.

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