The memories of the sadness of the hometown

Author:Putian Evening News Time:2022.07.20

During the summer period, I plan to write several memories of small articles, including the drama, and the other is the associations that I have occurred when teaching the origin of ancient Greek drama and the masterpieces of representative works; the second is the some time ago from various media some time ago I saw the propaganda of the Xianxian opera, "This is Putian: Millennium Xianxian, which is suffocating."

This memories Xiaowen can be written today, and the annoying epidemic in the nearby section is repeatedly related. It turned out that friends in the Putian literature circles have learned that the Xianxian Grand Theater is usually a wonderful drama performance on Saturday night. Mine Mr. Lin, a famous composer of a student many years ago, promised to accompany me to watch the show, but this time watching the scene conflict with my original plan and can only be changed. I wanted to wait for the next time I went to watch the show with Mr. Lin. Suddenly, yesterday morning, Ms. Lin, my hometown, invited me to watch the show, and invited me to go to her house for dinner. Eat, isn't this a good opportunity! So I simply packed up the luggage of overnight, walked to my elder brother's residence, and went to my hometown with my elder brother to my hometown.

What a pleasant thing this is! The scene of watching the drama in childhood immediately appeared in my mind. It was about 1978, before I was 14 years old. At that time, it should be a revolutionary model show in the countryside? In my impression, I have never seen my cousin's play. It is said that he has played Li Yuhe in "The Red Lantern", and there is any "Nanba Tian" in the show. Junlang, dumping all fans, is also a cousin who is still proud of his talks so far, and still likes to play with these operas. What really impressed me was that I especially liked to be invited to my relatives to watch the show during my childhood. In the 1970s, material life was relatively poor. Those who worked hard in the countryside may not be able to make their family full, let alone eat well. So if a relative dares to invite you to watch the show, it means that relatives have to control a meal. Although this meal is not a big fish and meat, it is at least a collection of foods that are usually rare. In my impression, there must have been with my mother to the uncle's family in Keju Village and my second uncle family to Dongpu Village, and more than once, and it seems that there is no one to other relatives' house. They either either either? Poor, either alienate. At that time, rural acting was usually one day, and sometimes played for two or three days. One day's drama was divided into the afternoon and evening, the weather was hotter in the afternoon, and the adult was busy. As a child at the time, the favorite is the almost big playmates who have been with relatives and relatives after eating the show, and come to the long and short stools who have already taken advantage of the good -looking drama. I still know each other, and say hello to each other happily, and sometimes they will also open up the territory to defend their own scenes of watching their own scenes. When the night fell temporarily, the organizer would hang a steam lamp in the upper and right corners of the stage of the theater. The dazzling light emitted the light to illuminate the entire audience area. Sometimes the lamp also emitted the smell of kerosene. The moths flying up and down. Just as we look forward to a little bored, the sound of gongs, drums and flutes came out from the side of the theater, and then sang the sound of cough and tip to increase. This is a momentum. The time was present, and at about 8 pm. With the various musical instruments on one side of the stage, the drama performance officially started. The disturbed people who had been disturbed immediately immediately calmed down and entered the world of drama consequences. So far I don't know what the show was at the time. It is speculated from the age that it should be a revolutionary model drama, such as "Red Lantern" and "Shajiabin". Among them, the three generations of Li family's bloody hatred became the imprint of the times. After the performance of the show, the audience left the field, calling friends and friends, and those who were sleeping needed to be held. The older people were supported by young people. The venue after the audience left was chaotic. We all like such happiness and look forward to the next time.

The college entrance examination was resumed in 1977. It happened to be my junior year. People already knew the importance of reading. With the continuous improvement of the middle school entrance examination and the college entrance examination system, competition increased, although local opera has gradually replaced the revolutionary model drama, Putian's place in Putian The drama Xianxian has rejuvenated. In the 1980s and 1990s, many wonderful dramas such as "Spring grass", "After the reunion", "Champion and Beggar" and "Fifteen Grand" and other dramas. There are also many, there are many plays, and the playwrights, Zheng Huaixing, and so on. Seriously, I have seen very little seriously. It ’s not that I do n’t like to watch the show, but I have no love for the drama, because the college entrance examination can change my destiny. Because of her livelihood, how many people may be like me, temporarily put away their hobbies. Fortunately, my old father has the hobbies of watching the show, and has always insisted on the present in his 90s.

Study and graduate from the University of China and graduate to work in university literature and teaching. What is exposed to more Chinese dramas and foreign dramas, especially the study and research of European and American dramas. In the course of teaching foreign literature, it will involve the origin of ancient Greek drama. The different characteristics of development and tragedy comedy, from the father of ancient Greece's tragedy Eskoros, the father of comedy, Aristofen to the Shakespeare of the Renaissance, to the classical drama of France in the 17th century until Iboson in Norway, In the 20th century drama, the western saying "drama is a mirror of the times" sounded in the ear, so he often shared foreign dramas such as "Oedipus King", "Hamlet", "Macreta", "Doll Family "House" and other famous dramas. In this way, there are fewer opportunities to contact Chinese drama. Until the autumn of 2011 to the summer of 2012, during my visit to China Normal University, I once took several students to the Grand Theater in Wuhan to watch the national drama show. It was the Qin Qiang. It should be the first time I was sitting in the theater to watch. In order to watch it carefully, I sat in the position of the stage. The repertoire was forgotten. The performance moved me, as if bringing me into the drama, and the play was over. I really wanted to rush to the stage and express my heartfelt thanks to the actors! From then on, if you can watch the Xianxian opera at the Puxian Grand Theater, how good it is. With these thoughts, I became more urgent to watch the scene, especially after I wrote "The Movie Memory" is even more urgent. This opportunity finally came. I am a lucky one. Thanks to Ms. Lin, Ms. Lin, the village. My elder brother and I went to Ms. Lin's house. I saw the fidelity of the stage performed in the afternoon, the name of the troupe was hanging in front of the theater, and the audience was lined up with many neat long stools. The host's family is very familiar with my elder brother, but it looks more polite to me. After greeting, after a while, the so -called dinner started, and we did not dive in dinner. Words. At about 7:30, the prelude to the performance began, probably the reason and sponsor of the actor expressed tonight.

My hometown has a relatively strong drama atmosphere. When I was young, there were three actors in the small villages. Although I don’t know what role they play, there is an actor called "Paper Gongrui". Very high popularity, with the villages of these actors, giving people a different feeling. Later, some people in the village married a beautiful actress, and the couple of the village were actors. The audience is very respectful. Generally, an important holiday will be on the show for 1 to 3 days. If you have a happy event, you can also ask the village to see it for a day. It is said that the play is also divided into off -season and different levels of opera classes, ranging from 5 to 6,000 to 10,000.

The display screens on both sides of the stage appeared tonight to perform "Phoenix Love". After a lively firecracker sound, the positive play started. I moved a plastic back chair to the position of the stage and looked at it carefully. I want to look at the love tragedy of Romeo, Juliet or Baoyu and Daiyu -like love tragedy from the name of the play name. With the development of the plot, it seems to be developing towards the traditional Chinese comedy. It is said that there is a Shangshu about Hu Shangshu, the Ministry of War, and is busy fighting for troops all year round. There is a child in the family. They have reached the age of marriage and marriage. Hu Yuying and an ordinary scholar Li Jianfang met each other. They gave each other Feng Yan and copper coins as token. They were privately ordered to live for life. Helpless Hu Shangshu was poverty and loved, forcibly interfered. Looking for Jianfang's scholar, Hu Shangshu ordered the county grandfather to set off Li Jianfang for a fiery fire. Li Jianfang's mother's innocence, after a variety of triggers, Hu Yuying occasionally went straight to the country, and the country received Yu Ying as a righteous daughter. Jianfang also met with each other, and Brother Yu Ying also became serious. They took the test together and received the best results of the championship list. In the end, under the wiseness of the emperor, a lover eventually became a family member, and the wicked was also punished accordingly. I sat on the back chair, raised my mobile phone from time to time, and recorded some pieces to send it to my friends and friends to let them feel the happiness brought by the drama at this moment. The accompaniment sound on the stage is powerful, and the actor's singing is also serious. The audience is also serious, and in the eyes of the audience, I feel that I may be their alternative, and in my opinion, in my opinion, The Xianxian opera is the form of cultural and entertainment with their growth and lifetime. I have seen at least 100 audiences, most of them are women, there are some old people over 90 years old, a small number of teenagers, and some children. I think they are them. Happiness, perhaps the seeds of the drama are buried in the hearts of these children, becoming a nutrient of growth, and growing up to become a symbol of their hometown. I think if I am an actor on the stage, I will definitely perform well in front of my father's old and fellows. I think the occupation of the actor is noble. The sadness of the sorrow ended with the reunion of all the joy, which conforms to the history of the Chinese people's suffering from sorrow to joy. I really want to take the lead in applauding the wonderful performances of the actors on the stage. I also want the actors on the stage to be happy. They integrate into the role. During the performance, do not accept the evaluation of the leaders, the evaluation of the peers, the scoring of the audience, etc. It is a market profession.

At the end of the drama, a round of bright moon on the west of the sky was hung up. I think, at this moment, I am the happiest. In the year, how much blessing should be to revisit the scene in my childhood, I think, as a drama with a millennium inheritance, he is not only needed for the old and elderly people, especially the village audiences today, but also In order to promote traditional excellent Chinese culture and inherit the important carrier of regional culture. I sincerely hope that travelers at home and abroad can happily look at the Xianxian opera with strong local characteristics, so that the Xianxian opera becomes the memory of the hometown, the taste of the hometown, the complex of the hometown, is a touch of nostalgia. Friends can find the beauty of your hometown in your heart again. About the author: Zhuang Wenquan, a native of Lingchuan Town, Putian City, Fujian Province, a master's degree in literature, a professor of literature, a professor of Fujian Technical Teachers College, engaged in literary teaching and research, published more than 40 academic monographs, and publicly published publications and media Published more than 40 articles.

Source: Putian Evening News Zhuang Wenquan

Responsible editor: Lin Hongxia

Editor: Yan Shaoxiang

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