The summer elimination artifact of the Cantonese must be it

Author:Authentic style Time:2022.07.18

Each Guangdong soul

Both are cast with sugar water

Sugar water, the supreme summer heat in summer, soothe the fairy drink of the soul. It is a partner of the Cantonese, it is the soul harbor, and it is also a food belief. In the midsummer temperature, Lingnan, which is close to 35 ° C at any time, the day of the Cantonese may be opened like this:

Get up early in the morning, a bowl of slightly frozen kelp custard green bean paste, wake up you who listen to you all the night; in the afternoon, a bowl of heart -seeking poplars of Yangzhi Ganlu, you are so hot that you will be resurrected immediately; in the evening, The work banquet eats you "rice qi and attacking the heart", a pot with the warm bamboo cane root water, scrape oil and relieve greasy; at night, a bowl of warm rock sugar Sydney horseshoe is refreshing, fill your stomach, soothe your stomach, soothe your stomach, soothe your Heart, life is so beautiful and sleepy peacefully.

Yang Zhi Ganlu, Internet celebrity desserts, it is seductive.

Figure/Figure Worm · Creative

It is said that girls can grow the second stomach for desserts. Then, in order to sugar water, Guangdong girls can also evolve their third stomach. In Lingnan, the ingredients of sugar water must be sincere, the liquid must be thick, and the solid must be rich. It is best to go down a spoon to feel the full resistance from the fingertips. Therefore, Cantonese usually does not say "drinking sugar water", but "sugar water".

You can't help doubt that the kind aunt in the sugar shop has a two -acre and three -pointers in the northeast?

Cantonese sesame paste, the texture is extremely thick.

Figure/Figure Worm · Creative

you are wrong. Although the sugar water is bold, the cantonese is comparable to the electronic computer in the proportion of sugar. If the sugar is too heavy, it will "cause sputum", too little and it will be tasteless. Only when the ratio is accurate, the taste of sugar water will be lively, the taste is rich and sweet, and the stomach is full of the third soul.

Because of this, sugar water is still "weight loss food" in Guangdong. A bowl of sugar water roof a meal, although others were shocked, did it be the reason for eating sugar? Only Cantonese smiled slightly. This is the faith and the true meaning of life.

Coconut juice stewed milk. In Guangdong, a whole fresh coconut must be made.

Photo/Visual China

This is the magic of sugar water. It has a variety of shapes and taste. It can be thirsty and full, and firmly occupies the top of the Cantonese dessert contempt. What kind of ice cream and what milk tea, in front of the colorful and ten -colored sugar water rivers and lakes, neither body, nor soul.

Why are Cantonese so sweet and sweet?

Cantonese are sweet and sweet.

Lingnan is located in the subtropical subtropical, and the climate is dull and humid all year round, and it is easy to appetite. At the same time, Lingnan is rich in sugar cane, and sugar resources are extremely rich. Compared with the old fire soup, the sugar water is easier to make. Whether it is the kitchen or the streets at the end of the home, a bowl is full of energy.

Sugarcane horseshoe root water, heat and thirst, double the sweetness.

Figure/Figure Worm · Creative

Eating is the belief of Cantonese, and seasonal is naturally important. Sugar water is available throughout the year, but because of the different seasonal ingredients, the "main sugar water" is naturally different. The kelp custard green bean paste we mentioned earlier is one of the protagonists of sugar water in summer.

You read it right, kelp. Friends who come to Guangdong for the first time will be very surprised: Did the kelp choose the wrong casserole? I thought I was going to stew pork ribs, but entered the mung bean field?

Kelp custard green bean paste.

Photography/Santo; Figure/Figure Worm · Creative

Don't worry. This flavor kelp is exactly the finishing touch of mung bean paste. The taste of sugar water is not enough. It is best to have a little freshness in the sweetness and freshness of the sweetness of sugar.

The Guangdong Auntie who knows this well will go to the vegetable market early in the morning to find fresh kelp, keep cleaning and soaking, and filter the salty and fine sand of the sea, leaving only a full taste. On the other side, the mung bean paste on the stove is half boiled. The bean shell and the beanca have been separated. First remove the bean shell, then add the kelp cut into fine diced, and finally add the tank peel to boil a pot of summer flavor until the sand. Cool summer after ice.

The taste of the sea, the taste of the ocean.

Photo/Visual China

The summer along the coast of Lingnan is the taste of the ocean. This flavor kelp is like a catalyst in mung bean paste. As long as it is a little bit, the taste of the whole bowl of soup is vivid -sweet and fresh, sweet and sweet, and there is a taste of sea breeze. The mung bean paste is soft and dense, because of the toughness of the kelp, the texture becomes more three -dimensional, and it has a bit of silky and delicate chewy.

This is the combination of Cantonese sugar water. The beauty of the seaside is full of kelp in the bowl. After a sip, the waves turned into a refreshing sea breeze, which made people feel comfortable.

Dongguan, Guangdong, make Chenpi.

Photo/Visual China

Another supporting actor Chenpi, on the surface, adds a taste for sugar water, in fact for "curative effect". Cantonese believes that the mung bean and kelp are too cold, and they must balance it with warm ingredients, and drink it without psychological burden. Others listen to metaphysics, but this is exactly the belief in the life of Cantonese.

Another C position of sugar water in the summer is the white horseshoe (荸 荸) that is as white as jade. It is crispy and sweet, it is delicious and hot, delicious and white. It has a banquet and can also make the main ingredients of sugar water. It has a well -deserved summer taste.

The horseshoe is being peeled.

Photo/Visual China

The sugar made of raw raw horseshoe is collectively referred to as "horseshoe", and the taste is the same as the name.

It is also the main ingredients of many sugar water in Guangdong in summer: raw horseshoe with rock sugar water, which is the rock sugar horseshoe that can be seen everywhere in summer, drinks lightweight, refreshing and clear; add coconut juice and corn to make it. The horseshoe is refreshing, the color becomes moving, and the taste is even more jumping; it is cooked with Sydney and Tremella, and it becomes a mother -brand Tremella Sydney Horseshoe. It is accompanied by the fire. Deep in the soul, full healing. No matter how tricky you are, in the midsummer when you are steamed by the summer heat, as long as there is a horseshoe, you can go back to God and even appetite. This C position is well deserved.

Mung bean horseshoe sugar water, it is better to eat with air conditioners in midsummer.

Figure/Figure Worm · Creative

Summer without sugar water is incomplete for Cantonese. If they leave their hometowns, they will definitely try to search for ingredients. When they are quiet in the middle of the night, they will sweat in the kitchen. They just make a pot of summer from Guangdong in accordance with the mother's secret recipes. After all, no matter how far the hometown is, you must take care of your stomach.

Sugar cane forest planted in Nansha District, Guangzhou. The soul of sugar, sugar water.

Photography/Ear East Dust

Eating a bowl of sugar water is the belief of Cantonese. If you are salivating at this moment, congratulations, the sweetest poison of sugar water.

Guangfu, Zhanjiang, Chaoshan, ask you who is the sweetest

In the world, it is estimated that only Cantonese who are deeply poisonous can be exhausted for a bowl of sugar water.

Most of the goals of long -distance running are Shunde. At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, Shunde chefs went to the sea and pushed Cantonese cuisine to the whole country and the world. Shunde was regarded as the birthplace of Cantonese cuisine. According to the "Shunde County Chronicle", which was repaired in 1996, there was a saying that "eats in Guangzhou, kitchen out of Fengcheng (Shunde)", which shows the status of Shunde's food.

Red bean double -skinned milk, fresh milk stewed eggs, rock sugar lily lotus seeds, fruits.


The most famous sugar water ICON here is the Shunde double -skinned milk from all over the country.

Shunde double -skinned milk.

Photo/Visual China

The production process of double -skinned milk is slightly complicated. After stewing the milk, pour it into a small bowl and become a milk 1.0. After cooling, the cream is condensed and then gently poured out. This is the milk skin 1.0. Pour out the milk 1.0 with an appropriate amount of sugar and egg whites, mix well and become milk 2.0, pour it into the original small bowl. Be careful not to destroy the milk 1.0. Finally, stew the whole bowl for 15 minutes, and form a milk skin 2.0 after cooling, and a bowl of double skin milk is ready.

So the question is, why do Lao Guang drive for N hours and go to Shunde for drinking a bowl of double skin milk?

The answer is in that bowl of water milk.

Water milk, the soul of authentic double -skinned milk.

Figure/Brother Qi

Shunde has a wide arable land, and buffalo is the main labor; the fat content in water milk is about twice that of ordinary milk, which can form a much thick and better flavor. As a result, this bowl of "Shunde buffalo double -skinned milk" has become the pursuit of senior customers; if you use ordinary milk, you must have nothing to do with the old tongue of the old lady.

Zhanjiang, Guangdong. This is a seaside city, with a mottled wall in the old city.

Photography above/nb Lin Jia; Photography below/Li Qiong

Another goal is Zhanjiang.

Zhanjiang is located on the southernmost tip of the Leizhou Peninsula in mainland China. It is close to the sea. In addition to the fierce seafood in summer, the protagonist is a local sweet potato. However, Zhanjiang people usually do not bake them, but make it into a noodle.

The sugar water made with Zhanjiang noodles is called "potato pink". This "译" is a transliteration. Zhanjiang potato flour is particularly slippery.

The above picture of soybean potato powder sugar water. Figure/Figure insect · Creative;

Below corn potato powder sugar water. Figure/Figure Worm · Creative

The method of potato plenty of plenty of plenty of plenty of plenty of plenty of them: cook sweet potato flour and sieve out the ice, pour the cooked brown sugar water or rock sugar water when eating. This kind of sugar water is simple and indifferent, and it looks plain in the rivers and lakes, but it is the childhood memory of countless Zhanjiang people. Even today, it is also the iron signboard of Zhanjiang Sugar Store. After all, no matter how good the flavor outside is, it is not as good as the hometown with a call.

Sweet potato sugar water can be seen everywhere in Guangzhou.

Figure/Figure Worm · Creative

Potato flour has variants in Zhanjiang, which is "potato powder". Make potato flour into a granules -like granules, cook until seven -point transparency, and match the stewed mung bean soup with a well -stewed and hard granules. It's full. You see, you are both chewy, can also cool down, and can be full, full of wisdom of the working people.

Chaoshan Caoyu, also called black jelly. The grasshopper is different from the Guiling paste. The former uses jelly grass as the bottom, and the latter is grinded with a turtle deck and mixed with Poria. Photography/Ye Guangjie

There are also people who have a soft spot for Chaoshan Water.

Generally, Cantonese desserts are called sugar water, and Chaoshan desserts are called "Sweet Decoction". As the name suggests, Chaoshan desserts are fierce with sugar, often sweet than first love, which is enjoyable. If the old sugar water is beautiful and pleasant, Chaoshan water is a dose of fierce material. From the tip of the tongue all the way to your brain pituitary gland, stimulate your endorphin secretion, and let you walk in a pleasant ocean.

The picture above Chaoshan desserts, cake burning sweet potato taro. Figure/Figure insect · Creative;

Figure below sweet potato taro round water. Figure/Figure Worm · Creative

Chaoshan loves sweetness, and a lot of sugar cane is planted. One of the household desserts is the "cake burning" series. For example, common dessert cakes are burned to sweet potato taro, cut sweet potatoes and taro into pieces, and then marinated with the same amount of sugar -yes, use sugar to dehydrate, basically a bowl of honey, do you say not sweet? It is also cooking mung beans, and the process of Chaoshan people is much more complicated: first grind the mung beans into two petals, clean and peel it, drain and steam it; prepare a pot of white sugar water, wait for the sugar to be opened, and then add the prepared potato. Powder paste, slowly boil into crystal clear sugar paste, finally pour the steamed mung beans, stir on the table. This is the thick taste, the clear, sweet and smooth mung bean, and you can also add the cooking eggs.

Duck mother twist: Based on glutinous rice dumplings, add quail eggs, ginkgo, horseshoe, lotus seeds, etc.

Photography/Wu Fei

Speaking of eggs, there is a sweet soup called ginger potato sweet eggs. The sweet quail eggs made with sugar and then boiled with syrup are used. Put the sweet eggs in the cooked ginger potato (also known as Xiaohuai Mountain) sugar water, and it must be paired in pairs, but the number of orders will be abandoned.

There is also a Chaoshan signboard -Haishi Hua San. Sea stone flowers are a kind of glue -rich seaweed. After cooking and cooked, it becomes transparent jelly. Put the sea stone flowers frozen or cut into pieces, add any ingredients you want (fruit diced, peanuts, red beans, Guiling paste, everything can be), and finally top with honey or syrup, which is the sea that is difficult to find outside Chaoshan. Stone flowers.

Haishi flower sweet soup.

Photo/Visual China

With so many sugar water, so much sweet, even if you are tired of running, a bowl of a bowl, you can forget what the boat and the car does it.

Lao Guang, city well, a bowl of sweet

In Guangdong, the well -known "big food province" is important. As a dessert of the four seasons, sugar water has naturally risen to "intent" (symbol), which is the cultural level.

Red bean jelly. Cantonese thinks that red beans are hot and can be neutralized by adding sago and jelly.

Figure/Figure Worm · Creative

For example, on the day of wedding joy, newcomers must eat a bowl of red bean lily lotus seed sugar water. Red beans mean to celebrate red fire. Lily means a hundred years of good combination.

Rotten white fruits egg sugar water, clearing in summer, one at one time to satisfy the two desires of nutrition and sweetness, usually full of mother's love, the daily life of the student party. It is really delicious, but it must not appear before the exam -ginkgo symbolizes "no results", and eggs symbolize "zero eggs". At this time, a bowl of red bean barley rice sugar water symbolizes "red fire" and "Ruyi", which is right.

Red bean barley sugar water, the previous flag opened the winning series.

Figure/Figure Worm · Creative

Cantonese believes that no matter how heavy things are, they can't eat. Thousands of thresholds, not a bowl of sweetness.

The banquet can't help but pay attention to the punch, but the diet falls into life, and after all, it will return to the truth. Sugar water, the most intimate is the mother card. I boiled a long -time, but also the most simple, but the most simple, but the bowl of the Auntie at the end of the alley, a few cents of money to a few pieces, changed the little fart children nowadays. The unchanged is the blindness in the bowl.

A bowl of warm sugar water.

Figure/Figure Worm · Creative

In the early years, the sugar water shop was not sold "two sand and three paste": red mung bean and two sands, sesame walnut almond three paste, the advantage is easy to do, open the stall after lunch, and collect the stalls after the things are sold. There is no disturbance. No pressure.

No one knows how much trading is talked about in the sugar water in the bad alley. No one has counted, how much emotions have gradually sublimated in a bowl of sweetness. No one pays attention to how many warmth and warmth, melting in delicate time, in the end it is just a bowl of sweetness.

There are thousands of life, but eating men and women. No matter how exaggerated and miscellaneous, eating the belly is the same.

Guangzhou, Sugar Water Shop on the street.

Photography/Ye Guangjie

Because of this, the sugar water shop must be in the market, it is best to hide in the village of the streets of the streets. Several old tables, a small bench, a blackened old stove, the familiar Guangpu, the plastic menu faded on the table, the old dust that has been accumulated in the corner for decades, and inadvertently brought a bowl of almonds. This is the sweetness of Lao Guang from snacks to old.

No sugar. The dumplings of the dumplings are cooked with hot syrup and sprinkled with peanut powder to eat.


Therefore, if you are single, some Cantonese people ask you to eat sugar water, and you are also in the old shop. You should be happy, because this is the most trustworthy taste of TA, and naturally he believes in you. If TA deliberately noticed the sugar, you should be even more happy. It symbolizes the sweetness between couples, and it is difficult to distinguish between each other.

Are you hungry? I cooked sugar water, remember to go home to eat.

What we miss, but the taste of our hometown.

Photography/Ye Guangjie

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