What is the effectiveness of the first month of the car purchase tax of people's livelihood 丨 car purchase tax?

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.07.05

Some passenger vehicles implemented from June 1 have been reduced by half of the tax collection tax policy. According to the latest data of the State Administration of Taxation, in the first month of the implementation of the New Deal, a total of 7.1 billion yuan of taxes for vehicles were reduced in the country, and 1.097 million vehicles were reduced.

On June 25, the audience learned about a new energy vehicle at the 2022 Chongqing Auto Show. Xinhua News Agency reporter Huang Wei

For a period of time, due to multiple factors such as the epidemic of automobile consumption in my country, the implementation of the half -levy policy of the vehicle purchase tax has played a key role in releasing consumption potential and boosting the automobile market.

In late May, the Executive Meeting of the State Council further deployed a measure of stabilizing the economy and proposed that the purchase tax of some passenger cars was 60 billion yuan. On May 31, the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation issued an announcement that the purchase date was within June 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022, and the price of bicycles (excluding value -added tax) of no more than 300,000 yuan In the following displacement passenger cars, the car purchase tax is reduced by half.

"I have been planning to buy a new car before, but always hesitate to the price. This time the tax purchase tax is reduced by nearly 10,000 yuan, letting me make up my mind to start." Mr. Yan, who lives in Yingkou, Liaoning, on June 1st " The new car "new car has become one of the first beneficiaries for the purchase of taxes for half of the car collection.

The preferential policies for the reduction of vehicle purchase tax are not only benefited from the car buyer, but also brought real sales to car dealers.

On the weekend on June 26, a car sales service Co., Ltd. in Chengdu, Sichuan, was crowded. Many customers stopped in front of the new car to consult the relevant information of the vehicle.

Mr. Zhang, the person in charge of the company's sales, said: "Most of the brand models sold by our stores are within the scope of the taxation policy of half of the car purchase tax. Customers who have been watching before are now coming to contact the car purchase. There are more than 50 or 60 % of the month, and the transaction volume is considerable. "

According to Mr. Zhang, from January to May this year, the company's average car car sales of about 80 vehicles, compared with more than 140 vehicles in June, with a growth rate of 75%. "This policy not only benefits consumers, but also improves the living conditions and development confidence of our dealers," he said.

Data show that from June 1st to 26th, the passenger car market retail 1.422 million units, an increase of 27%year -on -year, an increase of 37%over the same period last month.

For a long time, the taxes levied by the car purchase tax have been specially used, and the special funds are dedicated to the construction of national transportation infrastructure. In the context of economic facing downward pressure, the issue tax purchase tax reduction policy was issued, and signals to fully support the recovery of the automotive industry.

Li Ping, deputy director of the Institute of Tax Research of the State Administration of Taxation, believes that the policy has made efforts from both sides of the consumption and supply side. On the consumer side, it can directly reduce consumer car purchase costs, effectively mobilize consumers' enthusiasm for car purchase, and help release car consumption potential and expand domestic demand. On the supply side, it will help alleviate the impact of the epidemic on the automotive industry, accelerate the process of re -production and production of automobile companies, and promote the overall recovery and sustainable development of the industry.

The convenient taxation model and extensive policy publicity also helped the car purchase tax minus for a smooth improving implementation.

Ms. Li, who was purchased by a car sales service Co., Ltd. in Chongqing, logged in to the Electronic Taxation Bureau and entered the relevant information about the unified invoice of motor vehicle sales. "I didn't expect it to be done so soon, and the tax payment is very convenient," she said.

It is understood that under the unified deployment of the State Administration of Taxation, the local tax departments quickly completed the development, testing, and upgrading of the management information system, comprehensively carried out policy propaganda interpretation, and implemented this policy faster and better. (Reporter Yan Fujing, Wang Yuxiao)

[Editor in charge: Zhou Chuqing]

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