2022 Changping summer car buying carnival in the summer is in progress

Author:Beijing Changping officially r Time:2022.07.02

At present, the 2022 summer car purchase carnival event is in full swing. From June 21st to July 24th, consumers can receive a total of 10 million yuan of car purchase consumption by paying attention to the WeChat public account of "Changping E Life" Bond. As of June 30, the cumulative sales of auto consumption vouchers in this issue have exceeded 50%, and the sales of car sales have exceeded 289 million yuan.

In the exhibition hall of Beijing Penglongchang Hongxing Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd., the reporter saw that the sales staff was introducing the participation and characteristics of this car buying carnival event. Consumers could test and drive the vehicle.

Consumer Ge learned online the summer car buying carnival event and came to the store to learn about the details. "This time the car coupon is quite suitable. You can also enjoy the discount of car purchase coupons while buying a car. ","

"This summer car buying carnival event can indeed feel the rise of customers' emotions, and the passenger flow of entering the store has also increased significantly, and at the same time, it also increases the sales of our store." Sun Zhenxuan, manager of the exhibition hall of Beijing Penglongchang Hongxing Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd., introduced Sun Zhenxuan. This event is not only a huge return to customers, but also a huge assistance to enterprises.

Since the beginning of this year, the District Commerce Bureau has carried out two car purchase carnival activities in spring and summer. From March 10th to 31st this year, the Spring Festival car purchase carnival cumulatively drove more than 2,600 new cars, which strongly boosted the car consumer market.

"In the next step, we will continue to play the role of" Several Promotional Measures for the Construction of the International Consumer Center Consumer Innovation Consumption Innovation Demonstration Zone "in Changping District. In addition to directly issuing consumer vouchers, it will also introduce implementation rules The healthy development of the industry. "Du Wei, deputy director of the District Commerce Bureau, said.

Photo/He Yuan Video/Wang Qi

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