One helmet is 丨 without wearing blood, you can protect your lives!The positive and negative case will take you to understand who the helmet is wearing!

Author:Henan Traffic Police Time:2022.06.30

Driving on the road

Develop good traffic safety habits

It is the greatest responsibility for yourself and society

"One helmet and one area" seems to be inconspicuous

For traffic safety

But play a very important role

Negative case

Case 1: At 23:26 on June 15, 2022, Huang drove an electric car along Chundu to the west to east of Chundu Road, about 7.5 meters east east. along. The unilateral traffic accident caused Huang to be seriously injured and damaged by the vehicle. Huang's driving an electric car without a safety helmet is an important factor in head injury.

Case 2: At 14:30 on June 4, 2022, Lu Mou drove an electric vehicle Chen Mou to the entrance of the Sand and Rock Factory in Luozhuang Village in Luoyi Road, Luoyili Road in Luoilong District. Traveling from the west to east along the Anhu Line to the east, the two cars collided. The traffic accident caused Lu Mou, Niu and Chen to be injured, and the two cars were damaged.

In the accident, Niu did not wear a helmet by driving an electric car, causing his scalp hematoma; brain shock; multiple skin scratches.

Case 3: At 00:35 on June 11, 2022, when Wang drove the two -wheeled motorcycle without the number of licenses along the Minquan Lane from the south to the south of Huaxia Road, the south of the south of the head The small ordinary passenger car parked on the east side of the Minquan Lane collided.

In the accident, Wang did not wear a safety helmet and caused severe head injuries.

If the car is "iron bag"

The electric vehicle is "meat bag iron"

The helmet is for drivers and passengers

It looks particularly important

It is the last line of defense when the cyclist encounters the danger

Positive case

Case 1: At 9:51 on February 26, 2022, when Wang drove a small off -road passenger car along Ruyang County, when he turned from west to east to the avenue of Rhododendron Avenue, he traveled from the east to west along the Rhododendron Avenue from east to west. The driving electric vehicle collided, and the traffic accident caused Zhou to be injured and the vehicle was damaged. Because Zhou was wearing a safe helmet correctly, the accident did not cause damage to the head and was only injured.

Case 2: At 17:40 on June 17, 2022, when Zhang drove an electric vehicle along the north side of Tanggong Road from west to east to the door of Shenglong Plaza, Li Mou drove a three -wheeled electric car from east to east to east to Traveling in the west and colliding there. Zhang was only injured because of the correct wearing a safety helmet.

Life cannot come again

Safety can't wait

Traffic police remind everyone

Cherish life, wear helmet riding

Let the helmet riding a beautiful landscape

Content source: Mengjin Traffic Police



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