The city of Dongfeng snails in our city

Author:Zhanjiang Published Time:2022.06.23

In recent years, the city's Dongfeng snail breeding has quietly risen and has become a new star in the aquatic industry. The city's Dongfeng snail breeding is distributed in Xuwen, Lianjiang, Suixi, Leizhou, Wuchuan and other places. There are both traditional individual farmers and large factory breeding enterprises. The annual breeding scale is about 40,000 tons.

Dongfeng snail belongs to flowing aquaculture. It has high requirements for the breeding environment and almost does not cause pollution. The unique drilling sand habits also have a improvement effect on the geological of the beach coating. And due to its short growth cycle, it has a great advantage in aquaculture.

In 2000, scientific researchers conquered the seedlings of seedlings, so that Dongfeng snails shifted from natural breeding to artificial cultivation. Zhanjiang Dongfeng snail seedlings are relatively small, and the temperature is lower than Hainan. It can only be raised at the end of March each year. Hainan has been raised more than a month ago. Many farmers will choose to buy seedlings in Hainan.

In recent years, due to the large -scale banning of Dongfeng snail farms in Hainan and other places, the market has been in short supply to a certain extent, and the price of Dongfeng snails has been steadily increased. Nowadays, people can eat Dongfeng snails every season. Due to the strong hypoxia ability of Dongfeng snails, the aquatic product market across the country has almost the Dongfeng snails. The ice cubes are required to cool down during transportation. After nearly a day of transportation, the survival rate of Dongfeng snails is still above 90%.

Source: Zhanjiang Daily

Text: Reporter Zhang Yongxing

Editor: 实 伭 Intern Liu Yanglin

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