The countdown of the Internet of Vehicles!Wuxi introduced the nation's first local regulations to legislate to ensure the development of intelligent connected cars

Author:Huaxia Times Time:2022.09.09


Huaxia Times ( reporter Xia Gaoqin Ge Aifeng Nanjing report

Recently, the Office of the Standing Committee of the Wuxi Municipal People's Congress issued an announcement on public soliciting opinions. Previously, the "Regulations on the Promotional Regulations of the Development of the Internet of Vehicles in Wuxi" (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations") passed the 17th People's Congress of Wuxi City In order to enhance the scientific and democratic nature of local legislation and improve the quality of legislation, the Standing Committee of the Wuxi Municipal People's Congress of the Wuxi Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee publicly solicited opinions from all walks of life in the "Regulations".

It is understood that the network of car network refers to the comprehensive network connection of the car, car and car, car and road, car and people, car and car and service platforms. In accordance with the agreed communication protocol and data interactive standards Exchange information physics system. Wuxi City, as the first country -level network pilot area and the first batch of "double wisdom" pilot cities in the country, is also the only national sensor network innovation demonstration area and new smart city construction pioneer city. In conjunction with the reference to urban relevant policies and experiences of Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and other cities, creatively introduced local regulations in the country's first network of car networking in China to legislate to ensure the development of new technologies and new formats and new models and new formats and new technologies.

In an interview with the reporter of the "China Times", Wang Peng, the Center for Intelligent Social Governance of Renmin University of China, said: "The core connotation of the Internet of Vehicles is the result of a diversified technology in the field of cars and travel. The technologies involved include cloud computing, big data, mobile Internet, terminal sensors, artificial intelligence, including maps, and some communication technologies. Therefore, if the Internet of Vehicle said from its connotation and technical perspective, it is a diversified Integration, the cooperation of the upper and lower industrial chains and the supply chain requires the characteristics of its development. "

The Internet of Vehicle will promote the development of the urban industry

With the profound evolution of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial changes, electrification, networking, and intelligence have become the strategic direction of the global automotive industry. The network application architecture based on 5G and Honeycomb direct connection technology (C-V2X) gradually became clear and clear , Moving the verification and promotion of driving automation related technical tests, accelerated the application, and the Internet of Vehicles and the intelligent connected automobile industry entered a period of rapid development.

From the perspective of industry insiders, Internet of Vehicle, as a deep integration of an emerging industry ecosystem such as automobiles, electronics, and information and communication, has become an important driving force for promoting the high -quality development of the manufacturing industry, accelerating economic transformation, and building a new development pattern.

Qi Haihuan, the president of Beijing Sunshine New Energy, told the reporter of Huaxia Times: "The Internet of Vehicles is also an excellent product for the smart city to break through the existing development bottlenecks and obstacles in the future. It is also the future smart manufacturing industry. A great opportunity for development is expected to have two important evolution paths: one path is that automotive products are more intelligent, digital, and electrified; the other evolution path is that the city will be smarter and smarter, and the sense of vitality of the city will become increasing. The construction of new infrastructure in the need for the United Economy and the Internet of Things Economic will grow rapidly, reflecting all aspects of smart transportation, smart home life, and urban operation management. "

In Qi Haiyu's view, the new industrial development and operation of the city in the future will accelerate the replacement of existing governance models and improve the level of urban governance. The industrial competition between cities will become more and more intense. Quickly promote the concentration of industries such as new energy vehicles and integrated circuits, and the efficient synergy of the industry will also promote the transfer or migration of the industry, change the development direction, division of labor, and resources of the industry, and then promote the innovation and development of future industries. This is the market demand and the result of the comprehensive force of national industrial policies and capital -driven.

However, there are still some constraints in the current development of the Internet of Vehicles. Wang Peng told reporters: "There are still difficulties in the development of the Internet of Vehicles. First of all, the infrastructure construction is not perfect. For example, the 5G coverage rate may be achieved in the core areas of some large cities, including some high -level national highways and highways. The complete coverage of the entire city, and even the entire country takes time to complete; in addition, how to share data during the operation of the Internet of Vehicle, and how to achieve business collaboration between different car companies, it still needs to be optimized and opened; It involves not only data, environment, etc., but also personal information privacy data. How to protect data also needs to be considered. "

The "Regulations" injecting forces in the field of car networking

The "Regulations" issued by Wuxi this time, as the local regulations of the country's first network of vehicle networking, not only put forward requirements for the development of the Internet of Vehicle Industry in Wuxi, but also pointed out the solution direction of the existing difficulties of the development of the Internet of Things industry from the legislative level.

The "Regulations" have seven chapters to make corresponding requirements for infrastructure construction, promotion and application, technological innovation and industrial development, security guarantee, and promotion measures. Among them, the "Infrastructure Construction" chapter "Infrastructure Construction" is set up to incorporate the construction of the network of car network into the new urban infrastructure category and realize the "three synchronization" with the new and expand of roads. In addition To promote the sharing of data sharing of multi -department coordinated data, encourage government departments to take the lead in applying the Internet of Vehicles to enhance the level of urban governance; Process. In terms of security, the "Regulations" proposes that the government and relevant departments should establish and improve the network of connected vehicle networks, data personal information, and vehicle operational security guarantee systems, and put forward multiple protection opinions. In Wang Peng's view, the "Regulations" affirmed the important position of the development of the car network in the form of local legislation, and also gave support and guarantee to the development of the Internet of Vehicle. responsibility. "Then I think Wuxi, including Jiangsu in recent years, has made a lot of investment in the field of intelligent connected cars and car networking. This time, through local legislation, it has once again demonstrated determination." He said.

At present, in the process of publicly soliciting opinions from all walks of life in society, according to relevant industry inspectors, it is to further support the relevant needs of the Regulations, Wuxi will also recently adjust and update the "Wuxi Smart Connected Automobile Road Test and Demonstration Application Application Application Application Application Application Application Application Application Application Application Application Application Application Application Application Application Application App Management Implementation Detailed Rules (Trial) "increases innovative content such as intelligent connected car owners driving unmanned, demonstration operations, and functional low -speed unmanned vehicle applications, in order to match the" Regulations "related concepts to optimize road test -related processes.

Editor -in -chief: Xu Yunqian Editor: Gong Peijia

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