Chengdu's latest introduction!These situations must handle temporary driving number plates

Author:Published by Chengdu Time:2022.06.20

Recently, the Chengdu Economic and Information Bureau, the Municipal Public Security Bureau, and the Municipal Transportation Bureau jointly issued the "Implementation Rules for the Implementation of Chengdu Intelligent Connected Automobile Road Testing and Demonstration Application Management Specifications (Trial)" (referred to as the "Implementation Rules").

The "Implementation Rules" is suitable for the autonomous driving functional road test behavior activities (referred to as "vehicles") with intelligent connected systems (referred to as "vehicles") on various social public roads (regions) within the administrative area of ​​Chengdu. Abbreviation "Road Test"), and the behavior activities of the manned loading ("Demonstration Application") and its related supervision and management activities of the manned loaded and trial.

"Implementation Rules" stipulate

Intelligent connected cars carry out road testing and demonstration applications

Must handle temporary driving number plates

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Clarify the main body of road testing and demonstration application

Driver and vehicle

"Implementing Regulations"

Road (area) of testing and demonstration applications


The roads (regions) of ordinary testing and demonstration applications are proposed by the district (city) county government (management committee), and roads (regions) of municipal testing and demonstration applications in cross -district (cities) and counties are proposed by the Municipal Public Security Bureau. At the same time, third -party professional institutions should be entrusted to carry out road (regional) environmental security assessment of testing and demonstration applications, and the evaluation results are submitted to the management unit. Management units organize expert committees to conduct expert review. The road section or area planned to be demonstrated should not exceed the road test section or area of ​​the road test vehicle.

"Implementing Regulations"

The main body of road testing and demonstration application

Driver and vehicle


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Road test subject

It refers to a unit that proposes the application of intelligent connected car road testing, organizational road testing, and undertaking corresponding responsibilities. The main road test subject must comply with Article 5 of the Management Specification, and at the same time, it must have sufficient civil compensation capacity:

Purchase traffic accident liability for road testing; traffic accident liability insurance for no less than 5 million yuan/car or a self -driving road test accident with no less than 5 million yuan/car.

Demonstration application subject

It refers to one unit or multiple units of intelligent connected automobile demonstration application applications, organizational demonstration applications, and undertaking corresponding responsibilities. Demonstration application subjects must comply with Article 6 of the Management Specification, and have sufficient civil compensation capabilities at the same time:

In order to demonstrate the application of traffic accident liability for compulsory insurance; the traffic accident liability insurance for no less than 5 million yuan/car or a self -driving road test accident compensation letter with no less than 5 million yuan/car; The necessary commercial insurance such as insurance.

Road testing, demonstration application driver

It refers to drivers who are authorized by road testing and demonstration applications, responsible for road testing, demonstration application, and driver who implement emergency measures for testing and demonstration applications when emergency situations. The driver must comply with Article 7 of the Management Specification.

Road testing, demonstration application vehicle

It refers to a vehicle applying for intelligent network -connected autonomous driving functions for road testing and demonstration applications, including passenger cars, commercial vehicles and special operating cars. The vehicle must meet Article 8 of the Management Specification and the conditions in the relevant standards and specifications of Chengdu.


Carry out road testing and demonstration applications

Must handle temporary driving number plates

"Implementation Rules" also for road test subjects

Demonstration application subject submits a test application

Related procedures for review

Explain in detail with the working mechanism

In terms of road test application

The "Implementation Detailed Rules" stipulates that road tests must be processed for temporary driving number plates. The driving range specified in the temporary driving number plate shall be reasonably limited according to the test section and area of ​​the self -statement. The validity period of the temporary driving car number does not exceed the test time stated by the self -statement. The temporary driving number plate expires. The test subject can apply for a new temporary driving number plate within 15 working days before the temporary driving number plate expires with the validity period. There is no need to repeatedly perform the autonomous driving function test of the closed venue.

The road testing time is not more than 18 months in principle, and it shall not exceed the validity period of the security technical inspection certificate and the insurance voucher.

In terms of demonstration application application

The "Implementation Detailed Rules" stipulates that the development of demonstration applications must be processed. Vehicles applying for demonstration applications shall conduct a total of no less than 240 hours or 1,000 kilometers of road testing on the road section and area of ​​the demonstration application.

It should be noted that the leading department or district (city) county government (management committee) shall announce the road sections and areas of intelligent connected automotive road testing and demonstration applications to the society, especially on road testing and demonstration applications. Smart connected automotive road testing, time of demonstration applications, projects and safety precautions. Corresponding signs or prompt information should be set on road testing, demonstration application sections, and regions.

At the same time, according to the "Implementation Rules", traffic violations occur during road testing and demonstration application, and the public security traffic management department handles drivers in accordance with road traffic safety laws and regulations.

New Coronary pneumonia epidemic daily notice

Healthy Chengdu official micro-news, at 0-24 on June 19, there were no new local diagnosis cases, and there were no new local infections.There is no new overseas input diagnostic case, and one asymptomatic infection is added overseas.One case was discharged from the hospital, and 1 asymptomatic infected person lifted the centralized isolation medical observation.As of 24:00 on June 19, a total of 1694 cases were reported (1371 cases were entered overseas), 1679 were discharged from the hospital, and 3 cases were died.There are 22 asymptomatic infections (2 cases in the homeland, 20 cases of overseas input) are receiving centralized isolation medical observations.

1 case of new overseas input non -symptoms

Asymptomatic infection: Chinese nationality, departing from Singapore, flying to Chengdu on June 8th.

The isolated environment of the asymptomatic infection has disinfected.

Chengdu Business Daily-Chengdu Reporter | Peng Jing

Chengdu Published Edit | Tian Dou

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