Texas: Cherykai wings who have been bought for less than three years have reached an agreement between the two sides of the coordination

Author:Qilu.com Time:2022.08.13

Qilu.com · Lightning News August 13th. Among the domestic cars, the brand of Chery can be said to start earlier. Recently, some owners in Texas have reported that a Chery SUV he bought a few years ago was wrong. What's going on?

Chery Kay Wing has bought rust for more than three years

Mr. Wang from Texas said that he bought a Cherykai wing in 2019. After driving for more than two years, he found that the four doors of the car include hoods and trunks. He felt incredible.

"I opened the front cabin and found that there was a place where the drainage port was still rusty, and the paint was arched out." Mr. Wang said that at the time, the car was chosen because of the price of the people, the space was large, and the space was large. It is more comfortable to ride; now the rust of the vehicle should not be. He is worried that if you do not do it, it will affect the later use.

Mr. Wang was worried that after the position of the screw was rusty, the front cabin could not be covered. Mr. Wang found that the car was rusty, and contacted the local Texas Kaiyi 4S store, but the response result of the 4S shop, Mr. Wang was not satisfied.

"They said to the front cabin (engine) cover, other rusty places polished, and spray paint after polishing." Mr. Wang felt that the method of treatment was not cured. If the vehicle has a warranty period, who will the vehicle go for such a problem?

Mr. Wang believes: "By one year or two years (after), the paint is eliminated (rust) elsewhere, and the manufacturer does not care."

Why does the vehicle have been used for 3 years and are still rusted during the warranty period? What will the 4S shop explain? The reporter came to the 4S shop where Mr. Wang bought a car to learn about the situation. The staff of the Texas Chery Kaiyi 4S store said that they did not accept interviews with reporters.

Kaiyi car is not processed after multiple rust, which is not a solution to the problem. What is Mr. Wang's car now? What response will the 4S shop give?

4S shop: The door has been over -replaced. Reporter coordinating: The door is sprayed and it is procrastinated for a year

After communication, the staff agreed to answer the question of Mr. Wang's car.

It can be seen that Mr. Wang's vehicle has been obviously rusty in the position of the hood, and now the paint surface has fallen off. This hood alone has 9 rusty situations.

In the Chery Kaiyi 4S shop in Texas, the staff told reporters that Mr. Wang's Cherykai wing car has multiple rusts, which does not rule out the affected by the external environment.

The staff of the 4S shop said: "The paint paint surface is not corroded from the inside. It has acidic substances outside, or other things corrode the paint surface, and then corrode the iron skin."

The reporter noticed that there were some rust in the trunk. What was caused by this?

The staff explained: "There are accidents in the trunk, and there is an accident in the back cover. This can be found. Because of the accident, once the fire is moved, the iron skin must be different."

Subsequently, the reporter came to the repair workshop with the staff. The staff explained that the vehicle rusted and had nothing to do with the material of the vehicle, but could not be separated from the usual vehicle cleaning water. The staff believes: "If there is a problem with the material, the cover will be corroded, and the body will (corrosive). If the car washing is underwater in the countryside, the groundwater content is too high, it will also cause corrosion of the paint."

However, Mr. Wang did not agree with the staff's statement. Mr. Wang said: "I go to the gas station on the roadside and go to the car washing shop to wash. I don't wash it at my own home."

The two sides argued for a long time on the rust problem. Mr. Wang still put forward the demand for replacing the entire car door. The 4S shop said that it had exceeded the change of changes.

Finally, under the coordination of the reporter, the two sides reached an agreement on this issue.

The staff finally agreed: "The paint surface can be treated for free, anti -rust and anti -corrosion treatment. If you are not assured, we will give you another year. After I do it, if there is a problem, I will give itYou replace it for free (door), don't care. "

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