Do you know about consumption recovery, do you know these policies and measures?

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.08.12

Consumption has a long -lasting stiring force for the economy, which is related to protection and improvement of people's livelihood. Let's look at a series of policies related to consumption since this year

Car consumption

——Hou further release the potential of automobile consumption forecasts for increasing car and related consumption this year, about 200 billion yuan

Purchase support

New car purchase restriction measures are not allowed in various regions, and areas that have implemented purchase restrictions have gradually increased the number of vehicle incremental indicators, the qualification restrictions of car purchasers are encouraged, and encouraging the implementation of urban and suburban indicators differentiated policies in except for individual large cities. , Economic and scientific and technological means to regulate the use of automobiles, gradually cancel the purchase restrictions on automobiles according to local conditions, and promote consumer goods such as cars from purchasing management to management management.

The purchase date is from June 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022, and the price (excluding value -added tax) of 2.0 liters of 2.0 and less than 300,000 yuan will be reduced by half. Essence

Under the premise of compliance and risks in accordance with laws and regulations, financial institutions are encouraged to reasonably determine the down payment ratio, loan interest rate, and repayment period to increase the support of car consumer credit.

Support new energy vehicle consumption

Continuing the purchase tax policy for new energy vehicles.

Promote the freedom of cross -regional freedom and eliminate the protection of the new energy vehicle market. It is not allowed to set the record catalog of local new energy vehicle models in various regions, and to set unreasonable vehicle parameters for new energy vehicle product sales and consumer subsidies.

Carry out the activities of new energy vehicles to go to the countryside, encourage conditions for conditions to introduce support policies for the countryside, guide enterprises to increase the preferential activities, and promote the use of new energy vehicles in rural areas.

Actively support the construction of charging facilities, accelerate the construction of charging facilities such as residential communities, parking lots, gas stations, highway service areas, passenger and freight hubs, etc., and guide charging pile operating enterprises to adjust the charging service fee appropriately.

Active used car market

Open the traffic blocking point of second -hand cars.

For small non -operating second -hand cars, from August 1, the national (including the national clear air pollution control area) will cancel the restrictions on the migration of small non -operating used cars that meet the national five -emission standards. When the car sales enterprise is applied for the transfer registration, the temporary number plate is issued when the transfer registration is applied for transfer registration.

For automobile restricted cities, the second -hand cars purchased and used for sales of automobile sales companies do not occupy the number plate index.

Green Smart Home Appliance Consumption

——Speed ​​up the consumption potential of green smart home appliances

Encourage places to appropriately subsidize or loan discounts on green smart home appliances and green building materials.

Carrying out new activities for home appliances in the country, through government support and corporate promotion, to comprehensively promote green smart home appliances consumption.

Promote green smart home appliances to the countryside. Encourage conditions to provide policy support to the purchase of green smart home appliances, and guide enterprises to develop products that meet the characteristics of rural markets and the needs of the elderly.

Optimize the supply of green smart home appliances, promote green home appliances and smart home appliance certifications, promote smart home appliance standards compatible and interoperability, make good use of important exhibition platforms, and facilitate international high -quality home appliances to enter the Chinese market.

Implement the improvement of home appliances after -sales service, improve home appliance distribution, installation, and maintenance services, and promote standardization of full -chain services.

Strengthen the recycling and utilization of waste appliances, carry out the responsibility system for recycling, support the construction of home appliances recycling outlets, green sorting centers, build a system of circulation and utilization of waste supplies, accelerate the transformation of old cities and towns Fiber network deployment projects, in -depth promotion of the 5G application "sailing" action plan, and increase the protection of vaporwater network for use.

County consumption

——In 2025, in areas with conditions, the county has a comprehensive business service center and logistics distribution center, township and townships, and village and village express delivery.

Focusing on the relatively gathering towns and towns, it supports upgrading and transformation of a number of commercial and trade centers, large and medium -sized supermarkets, and marketing markets, and improves facilities and equipment such as refrigeration, display, packaging, settlement, food processing.

Improve the county and rural three -level logistics distribution system.

Guide large -scale circulation enterprises to sink the supply chain, deploy a number of county -level warehouses, logistics and storage facilities, and provide direct supply and direct sales, centralized procurement, unified distribution, inventory management and other services to allow farmers to directly purchase good products and new products.

Integrate the existing county's rural e -commerce service outlets, coordinate product development, design, marketing, brand and other services, broaden the uplink channels of rural products, and improve the level of rural e -commerce applications.

Guide rural postal, supply and marketing, e -commerce, and trade -in enterprises from traditional wholesale, retail to comprehensive services, integrate services such as shopping, ordering, housekeeping, vocational agencies, leasing, and urban distribution, and improve the convenience and convenience of community, village and towns service quality.

Housekeeping service consumption

——In promote the improvement of the domestic service industry

In the community service (commercial) center and urban and rural community comprehensive service facilities, the housekeeping service outlets are embedded in the housekeeping service.

In the country to cultivate 50 furniture brand -based employee -made domestic enterprises with industry benchmarks and leading effects, encourage conditions for conditions to increase support for employee domestic and government enterprises, guide and explore the implementation of employees' rotation systems, and provide point -in and time -sharing services.

Vigorously develop home education services, encourage infant care institutions to cooperate with housekeeping enterprises, and provide home -to -child care services that meet the needs of community families.

Continue to implement the basic pension services of home and communities, support the disabled of the project area for economic difficulties, some disabled elderly to provide family pension bed construction and home care for home care. Promote the formulation of standards such as the standardization of housekeeping and food aid services, encourage eligible housekeeping companies to start community elderly rice dining rooms, and provide door -to -door delivery services for special groups such as disabled elderly people.

New consumer format

——Bules stimulate the new vitality of smart retail

Accelerate the integration of online and offline consumption and actively develop digital consumption.

Promote digital transformation and online and offline collaboration of physical shopping malls, supermarkets, convenience stores, develop new retail formats such as warehouse membership stores, "store to home" services, accelerate the cultivation of new scenes of experience, immersive consumption, and improve consumer intelligence, convenience, facilitation Level.

Encourage office buildings, residential communities, community business districts, etc. to accelerate the layout of supporting smart supermarkets, smart shops, smart bookstores, smart pharmacies, optimize new business services such as littering cabinets and cloud cabinets, develop without contact trading services, meet the "home economy", " New consumption needs such as cloud life.

Strengthen consumer rights protection

Continue to optimize and improve the national 12315 platform, give full play to the role of local 12345 government service, and the hotline of the civil service, and further unblock consumer complaints and report channels.

Improve the public interest litigation system, explore the establishment of a collective litigation system for consumers, and comprehensively implement consumer disputes.

Widely guide offline physical stores to actively carry out no reason to return the goods.

Strengthen the management and supervision of platform deposit, prepaid, margin and other expenses.

Improve the financial consumer protection mechanism, strengthen marketing behavior supervision, ensure that the information is true and accurate, and must not attract advanced consumption.

Accelerate the improvement and strict implementation of the recall system of defective product, promote market entities operating in multinational and cross -regional operations to provide consumers with unified and convenient after -sales service, further unblock the return channels for refunds and exchanges for different stores, and improve consumer after -sales experience.

Focusing on housing, education and training, medical and health, pension and education, promote the list of open consumer rights protection matters, and improve the measures for disputes.

Copy the impact of the epidemic, focus on stabilizing the basic consumer

Implement the help

In -depth implementation of the tax reduction and fees of tax reduction and fees for the support of manufacturing, small and micro enterprises, and individual industrial and commercial households.

Implement in -depth support policies such as catering, retail, tourism, transportation, and transportation, and comprehensively continue the value -added tax of the service industry to ensure that it should be enjoyed, and help the service industry market entity through difficulties and support consumption.

Conservation for stability, keeping through and keeping unobstructed

Do a good job of maintaining the price of basic consumer goods to ensure smooth logistics.

Scientific planning and construction of a group of large -warehouse bases with comprehensive functions, and under emergency situations, the nearby transportation of living materials.

Since 2022, we have concentrated their strengths in about 30 cities (including cities in urban agglomerations) in about 3 years to implement the national comprehensive freight hub supplementary chain.

(Source: China Government Network CCTV News Client)

【Edit: Fu Sakura】

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