Funding ratio is higher and faster appropriations!"Relying on Putchor" helps small and micro enterprises to recover and revive a set

Author:Report Time:2022.06.29


The proportion of scientific and technological service coupons has increased from 50%to 75%, and the progress of science and technology funds has been shortened from one month to one week ... Recently, science and technology enterprises have felt in Putuo District that the government has helped enterprises' "full sincerity".

The reporter learned that in order to promote the recovery of economic recovery, Putuo District took the lead in launching the "Ten Articles of Pu" to support policies to help companies relieve it. "Relying on Putchuang" is a tailor -made teeth policy tailored by the Putuo District Science and Technology Commission as a small and medium -sized enterprise in the district, and has formulated detailed implementation rules from various aspects such as policy application, redeem, and consultation. Technology power.

More: funding ratio increased from 50%to 75%

"The proportion of funding for technology service coupons is higher, and it has reduced the cost pressure of many operations for us." Lion Control (Shanghai) Internet Technology Co., Ltd. is a small and medium -sized and micro technology enterprise in Putuo District. The company's main shared charging treasure And related products, corporate legal person Chen Shiping recalled that the scientific and technological service coupons applied for during the epidemic can be directly used to deduct relevant science and technology service fees, which is very practical.

"Especially the proportion of funding has also been adjusted in a timely manner, from the original 50%to 75%. Whether it is an enterprise's intellectual property service, accounting and legal professional services, the company's own expense is less, which reduces the cost of science and technology innovation costs, which has reduced the cost of science and technology innovation costs. . "Chen Shiping told reporters for example that taking a 3200 yuan practical new patent application service as an example. After adjusting the proportion of funding, the company's own expense is only 800 yuan, and it can apply online and one -click deduction, which is convenient and affordable.

Not only for enterprises and various types of science and technology incubators in the zone, it also means new assistance to incubation services. East China Normal University National Science and Technology Park is a national university science and technology park in the district. It is also a science and technology enterprise incubator that is included in the construction of the innovation and entrepreneurial carrier cultivation system of the Municipal Science and Technology Commission. Services, solve various problems encountered by the park and enterprises in the development. He Lingchun, director of the park incubation service, said: "The application and use process of the technology service voucher are very convenient, and the services of professional service institutions are also in place. Development provides a lot of help. "

According to reports, the execution period of the science and technology service coupon enhancement coupon assistance ratio from April 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022, the use of science and technology service vouchers in this period of time can deduct the contract according to the proportion of 75%. Internal service fee. Enterprises can apply and use online through the "bidding" Putuo flagship store.

Fast: Accelerate the progress of all kinds of scientific and technological funds allocation

"Recommended reporting is faster." The relevant person in charge of Shanghai Jingdong Zhilian Information Technology Co., Ltd. received the feedback from successful reporting within one week after filling in the report materials of the special development funds of Zhangjiang. It is recommended to recommend it in the morning, which means that we can get special funds one day earlier. This is good news for the corporate revitalization after the epidemic. "

The reporter learned that in order to escort science and technology enterprises to fight against the development of the epidemic, the Putuo District Science and Technology Commission Licensed Regional Investment Center, District Finance Bureau and other units opened a synchronous processing mode. "The Science and Technology Commission conducted online review, the regional investment centers promoted centralized recommendation, and the district finance bureau and other departments jointly reviewed to do a good job of investigating the project. In the end, only 5 working days completed all the recommendations of 96 projects. The relevant person in charge of the Putuo District Science and Technology Commission told reporters that 96 projects involved a total of 35.503 million yuan in special funds in the urban area. Recently, 83 projects have been publicized by the municipal review.

Not only that, but also opened the "accelerated fast -forward keys" in various types of science and technology special declarations. Shanghai Mingshan Information Technology Co., Ltd., the science and technology innovation enterprise in the district, has reduced nearly 300,000 yuan VAT due to technical contracts. "We are a science and technology innovation enterprise for the research and development of cold chain technology. The income of R & D services is an important operating income of the enterprise. The reduction of these taxes and fees not only reduces the burden, but also means incentives for R & D innovation innovation. It helps enterprises to enhance innovation capabilities and core competitiveness. "The person in charge of the enterprise told reporters.

According to reports, as of now, Putuo District has identified 225 technical contracts, with a transaction value of nearly 1.224 billion yuan. Three newly recognized high -tech achievement transformation projects, and 300 technology -based SMEs have been completed.

Author: Zhang Xiaoming Ding Wanxing

Edit: Zhanyue

Editor in charge: Zhu Yue

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