The finals of the 24th China Robot and Artificial Intelligence Competition (Gansu Division) were held in Lanzhou New District

Author:Lanzhou New District Release Time:2022.06.27

On June 26, the 24th China Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Competition (Gansu Division), hosted by the organizing committee of the Gansu Mechanical Engineering Society and Lanzhou Institute of Information Technology, co -organized by the Organizing Committee of the Gansu Mechanical Engineering Society and Lanzhou Institute of Information Technology The School of Science and Technology was held.

It is reported that the Chinese Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Competition is sponsored by the Chinese Artificial Intelligence Society. A long -established and extensive national grand event hosted by the CAAI Robot Culture and Art Specialist Committee has been included in the "2020 nationwide in 2020 nationwide published by the Chinese Higher Education Society. The rankings of the discipline competitions of ordinary colleges and universities "" Analysis Report of the National College Student Competition of ordinary universities in 2021 ". Since 1999, the competition has been successfully held for 23 sessions. The previous competitions have received the International Robotics Football League China Branch and the Ministry of Education's computer courses for computer courses of higher education universities. Guidance and support of the Teaching Guidance Committee and other units.

This competition is divided into innovation and application categories, intelligent cultural and creative competitions, industrial hotspot empowerment (smart home appliance direction) competition, robotic innovation competition, artificial intelligence innovation competition, smart home service, all -terrain small car, design and production race, smart car In the 7 competitions of the F1 Challenge, 69 participating teams from 15 colleges and universities in the province participated in the competition.

After a day of fierce competition, in the end, "clothes are the people"-smart wardrobe, "wisdom-eye" trash can based on machine vision to win innovation-industrial hotspot empowerment-the first prize of the undergraduate group of smart home appliances competitions; campaign- Intelligent switching epidemic prevention robot system, spider-type assisted measurement robot, based on machine visual arms to solve the cube robot to get innovation-the first prize of the undergraduate group of robot innovation competition; Picking robots to get innovation-the first prize of the undergraduate group of artificial intelligence innovation competition, 2ZB-1 electric self-walking multi-functional intelligent seeding machine won the innovation-the first prize of the artificial intelligence innovation competition in the specialist group; Training system, an elderly support software based on the Internet of Things and big data-Lao Yin Yiyi obtained innovation-intelligent cultural and creative undergraduate group; application-all-terrain car design and production competition group and application-smart car F1 challenge challenge each each The awards are also spent.

Text/Photo 丨 Lanzhou New District Report All Media Reporter Huo Hongyu

Edit 丨 Jia Yanhu

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