Industrial Yuan Universe is expected to give birth to a new model of economic integration

Author:Tianfu TV Time:2022.09.20

The development of the digital economy and the real economy has become an inevitable trend. The "Government Work Report" in 2022 pointed out that it promotes the development of the digital economy and strengthen the overall layout of digital China. The "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" Digital Economic Development Plan further clarifies the goals. The value -added of the core industry of the digital economy accounts for 10%from 7.8%in 2020 to 10%in 2025. In the process, based on the rise of the Internet, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), the rise of the Yuan universe with innovation and integrated applications, which is expected to develop the digital economy development Bring to a new height, it will be released with the in -depth combination of the physical industry, which will release huge value. To this end, a reporter from the Financial Times interviewed Professor Tao Dacheng, Dean of Jingdong Exploration Research Institute. He believes that the industrial universe has changed through technological breakthroughs and product innovation. The content supply chain of the Yuan universe is the core, which has spawned new models, new formats, and new industries.

The essence and characteristics of the industrial element universe

"Financial Times" reporter: At present, the concept of the Yuan universe has spread rapidly around the world and the entire industry chain. Can you detailed the evolution of the Yuan universe?

Tao Dacheng: The current definition of the Yuan universe is not uniform, which is a bit available: from AR, VR, expansion reality (XR) glasses to wearable devices, from the fifth -generation mobile communication technology (5G), seventh -generation wireless network (WIFI7) Go to the blockchain and the decentralized Internet (Web3.0) running in the blockchain technology, from the simulation rendering engine to the computer auxiliary technology (CAX) software, from digital twins to physical information systems, capture artificial intelligence from action to artificial intelligence to artificial intelligence to artificial intelligence to artificial intelligence They were all included in a large "Yuan Universe" term. The Yuan universe can be interpreted from multiple dimensions such as concepts, technology, products, ecology, ethics, and even philosophy. The understanding of the Yuan universe at home and abroad is generally classified as two categories: the first is the entrance side from real to false, build a digital world, and move entertainment, social, production activities, etc. into the digital world, such as Facebook Company (Facebook) believes that the Yuan universe is the whole real Internet and VR products and platforms; the second is the exit side from virtual to real, introducing the capabilities of the digital world into the real world, such as BMW and Nvidia to build an industrial element universe, and use digital twin technology Simulation and optimization of automobile production lines and manufacturing processes.

We simply review the evolution of the Yuan universe through several iconic events. On the one hand, the entrance of the Yuan universe, from the concept of real to false concepts, originated from the Paerbo Punk novel "Aparies" in 1992. In the novel, the author has created an immersive three -dimensional digital space that is parallel to the real world. People can enter this world through wearable devices and XR glasses and entertain and socialize through their own "incarnations". "Yuan Universe". The "Matrix" series of movies released in 1999 is the ultimate imagination of the entrance side. We see a large number of software and hardware companies practice this path, such as AR glasses released by Google in 2012, VR glasses released by Oculus in 2014, 2009 Sweden in Sweden in 2009 The sandbox game "My World" released by the game manufacturer Mojang, the open world game "Fortress Night" released by the 2017 American game manufacturer EPIC Games and the sandbox game company Roblox, which was listed in 2021, created virtual world and game. It is all the factors such as the factors such as the factors such as the factors such as the factors such as the factors of the real digital world.

On the other hand, the proposal of the exit of the Yuan universe and from the concept of virtuality to the facts is actually earlier. In the 1980s, Tektronix (Tektronix) developed a solution to modeling the manufacturing link using the three -dimensional (3D) technology in its CAX software; the first time the 20th century proposed a model -based enterprise (MBE) this one In concept, the concepts of physical information systems (CPS) and digital twins (DT) have also begun to rise, and the promotion of industrial software giants such as Siemens, General Electric, Dasau, and other industrial software giants are widely used in manufacturing. One of the most noticeable cases is the industrial element digital factory jointly constructed by BMW and Nvidia. Since 2019, BMW Based on Nvida's Omniverse platform unified more than 100 links and more than 300 software on the production line, and built a full -link Yuan -universe digital factory. , And promote it in 38 factories worldwide. In August 2022, Nvidia joined Walvo, Siemens, Autodesk, ADOBE, Industrial Light Magic and other industry giants to release the industrial element cosmic roadmap to manufacture, film and television, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, and entertainment. Design and other industries promotion.

Overall, the stage of the Yuan universe is now similar to the Internet boom in the 1990s. There are many reasonable and even bold prospects. It is an inevitable result of many cutting -edge technologies at the same time to mature and integrated with each other, but at the same time, it has also caused it to cause it. Interpret the complexity of the Yuan universe.

"Financial Times" reporter: The rise of the industrial Yuan universe provides a new idea for the integration of the digital economy and the real economy. What is the essence of the industrial Yuan universe? What are the characteristics of attention?

Tao Dacheng: We define the definition of the industrial element universe to reconstruct and re -create a collection of social attributes and natural attributes in the real world. The main goal is to build an interface that introduces digital capabilities to the real world and the real economy, break the boundaries of false and real economy, and realize the deep integration of the digital world and the real world. The essence of the changes in the universe of the industry is the improvement of the connection efficiency of information technology -driven connections and deepening the degree of efficiency. In our opinion, the biggest difference between the industrial Yuan universe and the Yuan universe is to discuss the category of problems. The two understanding of the front and exit side of the front inlet is equivalent to a certain type of product technology. From the perspective of the transformation of business models and industrial changes, it discusses how the Yuan universe will combine with the industry and the path of changing the digital economic form and empowering the real economy.

These sound abstract, we can give an example. For example, fruit farmers sell fruits, traditional digital and informatization are like making a set of inventory management databases for fruit farmers. If the business model is not changed, the sales method of fruit farmers is still selling on the street, and the advanced database cannot solve the problem of slow -selling fruit farmers. However, the threshold for production of short videos is reduced through technical means, helping fruit farmers move the business model to the short video platform, and spread a lot through short video. In a short period of time, the index of sales can be obtained in a short time. We have seen many successful cases in agricultural products and industrial products. In the future, this growth on the Yuan universe platform will be more significant. The underlying logic is the transformation of the business model of connecting efficiency and deepening the degree of efficiency and deepening of the real economy.

We have summarized the five major characteristics of the universe of the industry, that is, the digitalization process of real integration, generalization, and decentralization, interconnected and shared content ecosystem and artificial intelligence -driven. Here I want to emphasize the trend of service generalization and artificial intelligence -driven. The digital service logic of the Yuan universe era is not simply moving the content of the mobile terminal into AR glasses. The digital service entrance in the mobile era is bound to the scene. The surrounding environment is not visible on the mobile phone. However, digital services based on AR glasses are penetrated and full -time. Users may trigger at any scene. Digital service providers need to have the ability to provide services based on real -time scenes and full scenes.

Therefore, the connotation and extension of digital services will expand in the future, and we summarize this expansion into three major stages. Taking the retail industry as an example, the first stage is the immersion and personalization of the digital content itself. The product details page in the current e -commerce APP is a long string of graphics on the mobile terminal. Users from upper to lower browsing, all users see the same pages. However, the logic of AR glasses is different. AR in AR is a 3D model that can interact with the user to appear in front of the user's eyes. According to the user portrait, you need to select the content of the user personalized display. For example, when buying a bottle of yogurt, girls pay attention to weight loss, and 3D glasses show yogurt and low sugar and low fat; while boys pay attention to muscle increase, 3D glasses focus on showing the protein content of yogurt; Display brand, price, shelf life, discount and other information. This is the thousand -person and personalized generation of content.

The second stage is the ability to perceive the environment and behavior and real -time feedback. AR glasses are penetrating full scenes and full -time use equipment. Users can see the surrounding environment and interact with the surrounding environment. The current search algorithm has only product portraits and user portraits in the input parameters. Then, the future search algorithm needs to add environmental portraits. In the future, retail service providers need to have the ability to understand the environment, the ability to be able to perceive and understand the environmental changes and behavior changes of the user, and provide real -time feedback.

The third stage is the extension of the digital service chain. With the ability to generate the personalization of content, perception and cognitive ability of the environment, the time and scene with customers will be extended, and it is necessary to provide users with more accurate and convenient value -added services. For example, if the customer opens the refrigerator, the algorithm detects the eggs, and the eggs can be reminded to buy eggs; if the customer opens the medicine cabinet, the algorithm can remind the medicines that they need to buy according to the prescription and the user's physical condition. The route plan is displayed in AR glasses. This is the extension of digital service extension.

Therefore, with the changes in user behavior and habits in the Yuan universe era, the form of digital services will also change tremendous changes. From a technical perspective, the Democratic content of digital content will be exceeded in the production method of digital content production methods in the Yuan universe era. In the future, it is necessary to use artificial intelligence to automatically generate content (AIGC) technology as a support in the future. Jingdong Exploration Research Institute also made preliminary exploration in AIGC technology. For example, in terms of understanding the environment, we have developed the auxiliary data labeling tool for human -machine collaborative data in the field of autonomous driving, which can minimize the data labeling work to rely on manual. In addition to autonomous driving, we can also expand to the field of industrial manufacturing, especially in particular, especially Reduce the cost of artificial intelligence application of small and medium -sized physical enterprises. For cutting -edge technology exploration, we also have related research in the reconstruction of automated three -dimensional structure, artificial intelligence (AI) art creation, and 3D industrial design. In the future, we will gradually land and accelerate the integration of the real economy. It can be said that AIGC will become the support technology of the Yuan universe era, which has spawned a new ecosystem that is generalized, personalized, and massive digital content. The application of the industrial element universe will have a subversive impact

"Financial Times" Reporter: What will the extensive use of industrial element cosmic technology will have a subversive impact on existing production methods and distribution methods?

Tao Dacheng: From the perspective of micro -level, the industrial element universe will accelerate and enhance the trend and ability of privatization. Social distribution will be driven by data and more fair, which can provide a new idea for the realization of common prosperity. The deeper level of digital services is generalized and decentralized. The degree of privatization is proportional to the production and distribution capabilities. The stronger the information production and distribution capacity, the more transparent the information of the industrial chain, the stronger the personalization of the private domain. The supply chain will be flatter, and the more efficient the market -oriented configuration of the element.

We mentioned above that the Yuan universe is a leap in content production and distribution capabilities. Services can greatly reduce the technical threshold of the real economy to participate in the digital economy, and help small and medium -sized enterprises and even individual households cross content production, traffic acquisition and traffic conversion. This greatly enhances the ability of SMEs to perform private domainization and control the supply chain, and it also enhances its profitability. Therefore, the digital understanding of physical enterprises should not only stay in the Internet technology (IT), but also move the business model into the digital world. Through technical services, more small and medium -sized enterprises and individual households are transformed into high -efficiency small enterprises (B) to accelerate the rise of the real economy, origin economy and individual brands. In the past, the retail industry has achieved index -level growth through e -commerce. Today, the industrial element universe supply chain is opening the opportunity window for the growth dividends of agriculture, industry, and other service industries, becoming an important starting point for rural revitalization and common prosperity.

From a macro level, we believe that in the future, the supply chain of the Yuan universe will be born throughout the process, design, research and development to manufacturing, sales, and performance of the digital economy and the real economy to change the order and structure of the entire supply chain. The essence of the industrial element cosmic supply chain is to open up traffic platforms to help the real economy complete the transformation of a real -fusion business model, which fundamentally improves the profitability of the real economy. The new format of production and sales collaboration.

"Financial Times" Reporter: As the interface of the real world and the real economy as the introduction of the real world and the real economy, how to create common value for all walks of life?

Tao Dacheng: We believe that the industrial element universe can provide three major common abilities for the real economy.

First, the basic ability is digital twins. The theme of this stage is to combine digital technologies such as "ABCDE+5G" to accurately reconstruct the social attributes and natural attributes of the real world in the virtual world. The main task is to build universal and low -cost modeling tools, rendering engines and simulation engines to re -engraving the real world. Secondly, intermediate capabilities are numbers. The theme of this stage is the in -depth integration of AI optimization capabilities and the industry to establish a two -way link between virtual and reality. The main task is to support the optimization ability of artificial intelligence and enhanced learning. It uses the low cost and efficient simulation to optimize and solve the problems in the real world with the digital world. Finally, advanced capabilities are native digital. Using technologies such as super deep learning, multi -mode learning, AIGC, etc., new laws, new connections, and new opportunities in the digital world can be found in the digital world to achieve seamless integration of the digital world and the physical world. The theme of this stage is to improve the performance of hardware equipment. Through modular hardware equipment such as flexible manufacturing units and universal robots, the real world has strengthened the bearing capacity of digital solutions.

The three major capabilities of the industry's universe are not split, but a multi -level and multi -stage integration parallel development. For example, the steel plant may still be in the digital twin stage, while the automotive factory is close to digital native. Through these three major capabilities, the industrial element universe will greatly reduce industry knowledge barriers and realize the precipitation and reuse of knowledge in the industry, which may bring the next industrial revolution. The information revolution brought by data centers and cloud computing in the analog software industry, in the future, the real economy will also have distributed, shared production, and business models such as cloud factories and cloud manufacturing. At present, various types of enterprises are facing the dual challenges of redundant manufacturing capabilities and lack of manufacturing capabilities in different production cycles. The industrial element universe transforms the existing production capacity and production tasks of the enterprise into structured and structured through the production information data of the whole society. Informatization cloud manufacturing indicators are converged on the platform. Promote new manufacturing models such as equipment leasing, production capacity rental between enterprises, and society between enterprises and society in accordance with raw materials, employees, equipment, energy, factories and other resources, control the cost of enterprise, improve the efficiency of resource use, and solve the overcapacity of the enterprise capacity Insufficient with production capacity. We have summarized the implementation framework of the three major capabilities of the comprehensive supply chain of the three major capabilities. Cloud manufacturing and cloud factories relying on the Yuan universe supply chain are future development trends. By continuously precipitating industry knowledge on the industrial Yuan universe platform, accumulating user and manufacturers' information, human society will enter the new ecological ecology of cooperative development of the entire industry and society. System, profoundly changing human production and lifestyle. The industrial Yuan universe will reshape the manufacturing model, service model, business model and distribution system, which will give birth to new formats and new industries, bringing a transitional development of overall social productivity.

Industrial Yuan Cosmic Assistance Number of Practical Integration and Development

Reporter of the Financial Times: In recent years, the digital economy has entered a stage of rapid development. my country's digital economy has increased by 15 times in 16 years, and last year has exceeded 39 trillion yuan. How can the industrial Yuan universe help the high -quality development of the digital economy?

Tao Dacheng: The connotation of high -quality development is very rich, which reflects the new development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness, and sharing development. The path of industrial element universe to promote high -quality development can be summarized as micro and macro -macro.

At the micro level, the industrial element universe will help the real economy to achieve the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure, from the growth of quantitative growth to the leap in technology and innovation -driven quality. There are two paths for the realization of the real economy to the real economy. Through the simulation technology of super deep learning and model reduction, you can create a high -precision DT scene, map the problems in the real world into the Yuan universe, find solutions in simulation in the Yuan universe, and then deploy the optimal resolution back to reality. The world, thereby reducing the tuning and trial and error of the physical world, and achieving the effect of shortening the R & D cycle and the improvement of innovation capabilities. The second is to optimize the change of paradigm. A big pain point in the traditional manufacturing industry is the long -term information islands in the long production environment. Only one -point optimization can be performed. Efficiency is restricted by shortcomings. By constructing an industrial Yuan -Universe integrated supply chain, breaking the data island, expressing the full -link information with a unified Yuan cosmic information model, and upgrading the single -point optimization paradigm into a full -link collaborative optimization to improve the efficiency of full -link production efficiency Bring multiplication growth and index level growth. In the future, the industrial Yuan universe will be used as the discovery tools, efficiency tools and innovative tools of the real economy. While achieving cost reduction and efficiency, it will stimulate the innovative vitality of the real economy.

The long -term practice of also shows that the industrial element universe can help the real economy to better reduce costs and increase efficiency and achieve business model innovation. In terms of artificial intelligence,'s weaving female model (VEGA V1) developed by ranked first in the world in the world's top natural language test (GLUE). JDChain) has become the earliest open source underlying engine in domestic Internet companies. At present, it has realized the throughput of 20,000 transactions per second, and natively supports the national password algorithm. These breakthroughs provide technical support for the transformation and upgrading of the real economy.

At the macro level, the industrial element universe will transform the business model of the real economy, fundamentally enhance the profitability of the real economy, and realize the coordination, openness and shared development of cross -industry and regions. For a long time, the pain points of economic development are uneven profitability between the industry and regions: compared to the digital economy, the business model and profitability of the real economy are relatively limited; compared to the eastern coastal areas, the industrial layout and profitability of inland areas Relatively restricted. In general, traditional digitalization and informatization are the purpose of improving production efficiency, more need to serve large enterprises and high -tech enterprises to reduce costs and increase efficiency, and do not fundamentally change the profitability of the real economy. In practice, the digital needs of a large number of SMEs are not cost -reducing costs and efficiency, but income, which causes the wrong layer of supply and demand at the level of digital and informatization. As mentioned earlier, the industrial Yuan universe has the characteristics of decentralized digital processes, digital services generalization, and accelerating the trend of privatization. , Sharing the growth bonus of the digital economy for different levels of physical enterprises open the opportunity window.

In terms of giving birth to a real -fusion business model, creates a C2M reverse custom supply chain for more than a thousand manufacturing enterprises, and drives production from the needs of consumer differentiation, which not only enhances the development capabilities of new products, but also better meets consumers' diversityneed.Compared with traditional methods, JD C2M reverse customization reduces product demand survey time by 75%, and the average shortened listing cycle of the new product will be shortened by 67%.In the next three years, will create a C2M reverse supply chain for more than 10,000 manufacturing companies.Technologies such as simulation and 3D image rendering are leading new supply and creating new demand.Overall, the construction idea of the industrial Yuan universe is the power of large enterprises and small enterprises.On the one hand, the transformation and upgrading of real economic productivity through industrial element cosmic technology has enhanced the innovative capabilities of the real economy.At the same time, through the construction of an industrial element universe integrated supply chain, the large -scale integration of large -scale integration, enhancing the profitability of the real economy, and accelerating the realization of rural revitalization and common prosperity.

Source: Financial Times

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