Please set the alarm clock, Neptune is here, this is the best time to observe it

Author:Astronomy online Time:2022.09.14

Don't be excited. Before watching, you have to have a large -caliber telescope, because Neptune is relatively dim!

This picture shows the place where Neptune hedged night on September 16, 2022. Pisces's ring and Jupiter can guide you to find this hazy planet. Here are more information about Neptune hedging. The chart comes from Stellarium-Web.

On September 22, 2022, the earth will pass between the sun and Neptune, which means that the yellow meridian of the sun and this distant planet is 180 °

2022 Neptune Surgery

When to watch in 2022: Before the sunrise of April 2022, Neptune appeared in the East. On September 16, the Neptune rose from the east during the sunset, and it can be seen all night. During the remaining time in 2022, Neptune rose at night. Knowing that in January 2023, the good binocular telescope or telescope can be seen in the night sky

When the earth flys between an external planet (such as Jupiter) and the sun, it will occur. The illustration is from Heavens-Above.

What is the Daily Cycle of Neptune?

Neptune is the last one of the eight planets. The year on Neptune is equivalent to 165 Earth Year. Because the trail of Neptune is far away, in contrast, the earth is very fast around the sun. Neptune is only a few days later during the day of the day.

2022 Neptune Chong Sun Day -September 16th

2023 Neptune Chong Sun -September 19th

2024 Neptune Chong Sun -September 20th

2025 Neptune Chong Sunda -September 23

2022 and 2023 Neptune Incident

January 28, 2022: Neptune began to be reverse exercise

September 16, 2022: Neptune Star Chong Sunrise

October 3, 2023: Neptune stopped reverse exercise

March 15, 2023: Neptune at the planet aggregation point

June 30, 2023: Neptune began to be reverse exercise

September 1, 2023: Neptune hiding the moon

September 19, 2023: Neptune rushing to the sun

In 1989, the National Aerospace Aeronobe Traveler No. 2 became the first exploring Neptune Aerospace. The picture is derived from the National Aerospace Astronum Astronum. More pictures come from the traveler number.

Earth and Neptune

Earth and Neptune are usually closest to hedging. In 2022, the Earth and Neptune were separated on the day before hedging, that is, September 15. If the Earth and Neptune are around the sun around the same plane with the sun, then Neptune will be closest to the earth on the hedge. However, in 2022, the Earth and Neptune were recently 20 hours before the hedging. By the time of hedging, the earth was closer to the sun (therefore, Neptune was farther away from the earth).

Earth and Neptune

Earth and Neptune are usually closest around the day of Neptune. In 2022, Neptune and Earth were closest to the distance on September 15, that is, before the rushing day. If the Earth and Neptune are running around the sun with standard circular orbit and the sun on the same plane, then Neptune and Earth will be the closest to the day of the day. But this year, the closest time from the earth and the Neptune star in about 20 hours before the rush date. When the sunrise happened, the earth was a little closer to the sun (therefore, it was farther away from Neptune)

Although it is closest to Neptune every year, it does not mean that we are very close to it. During the day, Neptune was about 2.7 billion miles (4.3 billion kilometers) from us. Visit the HEAVENS-Above website to obtain the distance expressed by the current Neptune as an astronomical unit.

You need optical assistance to see Neptune

The planet is the brightest. But for Neptune, the eighth planet has never been really bright. It is the only big planet in the solar system that cannot be observed. This world is five times darker than the darkest night in the dark night sky without the moon. You need a binocular telescope to observe Neptune, plus detailed sky maps.

Because we are generally between Neptune and the Sun, Neptune will rise from the east at sunset, climb to the highest place in the sky at midnight, and land from the West at the time of sunrise. From the perspective of the earth, it can be seen in front of Aquarius and the right side of Jupiter below the Pisces ring.

Even with optical auxiliary tools, Neptune may look like a weak star. You need to put the Neptune about 200 times larger in a quiet night in order to see this distant world as clear as a small disc.

In a word: Hedar of Neptune-when it is 180 degrees with the sun on the sky-when it comes on September 16, 2022.

You need optical auxiliary tools to discover it.


FY: Astronomical Volunteer Team

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