Discovery for the first time!There is echo light behind the black hole. What is it?
Author:Astronomy online Time:2022.09.04
Black hole, a space -time area.
How is the black hole formed?
In a new study, scientists first detected the echo from behind the black hole. (Picture source: NASA)
For the first time in history, scientists saw the light behind the black hole.
The black hole is the area in time and space, where the gravity there is very powerful, and even the light cannot escape its control. However, although light cannot escape from the black hole, its extreme gravity will distort the space around it, which makes light "turn around" and bent on the back of the object. Due to this strange phenomenon, astronomers first observed the light behind the black hole.
According to a statement from the European Air Bureau, in a new study, researchers led by Celestial Physicists Dan-Wilkins, a celestial physicist at Stanford University in California, used the European Space Agency's XMM-Newton and Nustar of NASA Watch the light behind a black hole. The quality of this black hole is 10 million times that of the sun, located in the swirling galaxy I Zwicky 1 outside 800 million light years.
Describe the information chart of the light behind the black hole. (Picture Source: Oukong Bureau)
This study began with the hope of expanding our understanding of the black holes, and the corona is the source of X -rays that often radiate from these celestial bodies. The bright X -ray glorious spots are emitted by the gas fell into the black hole from the black hole.
The research team found a X -ray spots in I Zwicky 1, which was so bright that some light reflected on the gas that fell back to the black hole. When these reflected lights are bent on the back of the black hole by the extreme gravity of the object, the research team can use the European Air Agency and the Astronomical Agency's space telescope to find it.
The research team not only observed this light, this is the first time to observe it like this; they also noticed how X -ray light changes the color when bending and moving around the back of the black hole. By observing the trajectory around the back of the black hole, the researchers hope to understand what happened in the place where the vortex is so close to these gravitational whirlpools.
According to the statement, after this breakthrough study, the research team aims to create a three -dimensional map around a black hole. They also hope to better understand the black holes and the crown of the black hole, how can the crown of the black hole produce these bright X -rays.
The black hole is a space-time area, and the gravity in it is very powerful, so that there is nothing-there is no particle, and even the electromagnetic radiation such as light can escape from it. [2] The general theory of relativity predicts that a compact quality can deform time and space and form a black hole. [3] [4] The unable to escape the boundary is called an event horizon. Although it has a huge impact on the fate and situation of the objects that cross it, according to the general theory of relativity, it has no local detection characteristics. [5] In many ways, the behavior of black holes is like an ideal black body because it does not reflect light. [6] [7] In addition, the quantum field theory prediction of the bending time and space will emit Hawking radiation, and its spectrum is inversely proportional to the temperature of the black body, which is the same as its quality. For star black holes, this temperature is one -billion -dollar order of one -billion, so it is basically impossible to observe directly.
In the 18th century, John Michelle and Pierre Simon Laplas first considered that the gravitational field was too strong to cause light objects that could not escape. [8] In 1916, Karl Schwartzot discovered the first modern solution of general relativity, describing the characteristics of the black hole. David Finkstein first explained the "black hole" in 1958 and believes that it is a space area where nothing cannot escape. For a long time, Black Hole has been considered a math curiosity; it was not until the 1960s that theoretical research showed that they were a general prediction of general relativity. The neutron stars discovered in 1967 that Joslin Bell Bernell triggered people's interest in compact objects that collapsed gravitational collapse as a possible celestial physics reality. The first known black hole was Swan X-1, which was independently identified by several researchers in 1971.
The black hole of the star quality is formed when a large -quality star collapsed at the end of its life cycle. After the black hole is formed, it can grow by absorbing the quality of the surrounding environment. The large quality black hole with millions of solar quality (M☉) may be formed by absorb other stars and merge with other black holes. It is agreed that the large quality black hole is in the center of most galaxies.
By: Chelsea Gohd
Fy: Shihan Shihan
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