In Shuangxiong's change of the three strong bureau, who is the main theme of domestic high -end mobile phones?

Author:New entropy Time:2022.08.29

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Author 丨 Gu Fu

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After the ups and downs in 2021, the Chinese smartphone market came to the tough period in 2022.

Unlike the radical shipments in the first quarter of 2021, manufacturers have adjusted the rhythm of the listing of new products in the second and third quarters, followed by 86.6 million shipments in the fourth quarter, and finally exceeded 33 million throughout the year. The shipping volume of thousands of units handed over the year -end answer sheet.

In the Chinese smartphone market in 2022, the overall market is relatively calm. On the one hand, it is a new cycle for users to change to the growth of the market as a whole.

On the other hand, after the market competition that ran wild in 2021, with the slowdown of the market growth in 2022, for the market terminal brand, in the high -end mobile phone market pattern of endurance and toughness, it has quietly ushered in a new Variety.

The change of the pattern of domestic high -end mobile phones

According to the latest monthly report data of mobile phone sales, the sales volume of Chinese smartphones in the second quarter of 2022 decreased by 14.2%year -on -year. The sales volume of this quarter was 12.6%lower than the first quarter of the first quarter, which was less than half of the peak historical sales in the fourth quarter of the Chinese market in 2016.

However, with the slowdown of the overall market growth, the Chinese high -end smartphone market in the second quarter of this year has maintained adversity growth.

On the one hand, from the overall perspective, although the market share of 400 US dollars and above China's high -end smartphone market in the second quarter of this year decreased by 10%compared with the same period of 2021, it decreased by 14%lower than the overall smartphone market in China; on the other hand, in the overall In terms of sales, the sales of high -end models of 400 US dollars and above account for 33%of the total sales volume of smartphones, compared with 31%of Q2 in Q2 in 2021.

Not only that, if the observation focuses on the price range of $ 600-799 and $ 1,000 or more, both sales will increase, of which 1,000 US dollars and above mobile phone sales will increase by 110%year-on-year.

Obviously, compared with the overall slowing mobile phone market, the high -end mobile phone market, which is growing against the trend, is undoubtedly the core of the industry's toughness in 2022. In this core market, from the perspective of subdivided brands, the top 6 are Apple, vivo, Huawei, Honor, Xiaomi, OPPO.

Among them, Apple continued to maintain its first market share with a market share of 46%, which was further improved by 43%of the 2021 Q2. It is mainly due to the long -term occupation of China's high -end smartphone market. The high -end image of the iPhone series products has remained stable in market recognition.

As Apple's long -standing old opponent, Huawei ranked third with 11%of its share, from the second place to third place, 19%from Q2 in Q2, 2021, and the market share declined significantly. Under the influence of multiple factors such as limited parts, shortage of stock, and lack of new products, Huawei's current market share is also expected by the market.

However, it is surprising that vivo ranked second with 13%of the market share, becoming second only to Apple. Thanks to the promotion of vivo X80, at the price range of $ 600-799, it increased by 504%year-on-year. In terms of overall market share of $ 400 and above, compared with the 6%market share of the same period in 2021, this year has doubled market share.

With the growth of vivo in the domestic high -end mobile phone market, the previous long -term Apple and Huawei high -end hegemony also ushered in the new pattern of the top three in the three years after the domestic mobile phone collectively impacted the high -end. Vivo is gradually becoming a domestic brand force that will have the opportunity to compete with Apple.

Test the dual -domestically produced dual reaches to the top

As the mainstream brand of domestic mobile phones, the leading lead of Vivo's high -end market share is not overnight. For vivo, the steps of the steps under this division, stepped up step by step, is the path of vivo to grasp the main theme of the high -end mobile phone market.

From the perspective of product series planning, before the X series reached the domestic high -end mobile phone market, Vivo covered the mid -to -high -end price market with the S series models and achieved good results.

Taking the data of the 2022 Q1 quarterly data as an example, according to the Counterpoint's Chinese mobile phone model sales data tracking report shows that in the 250-399 US $ 399 mobile phone market segment, Vivo leads the market with a 28.2%share. Among them, of the 145 models of the mid -to -high -end market, VIVO's S12 sales topped the list, accounting for nearly 9%of total sales.

While the S series is successful, the S series is used as the golden stone to test the path of the Chinese mobile phone market. Standing on the basis of the S series, the X -series impact dual giant pattern is the key to the top of vivo in the second quarter.

Earlier in the first quarter report, institutional analysts believed that "what vivo is doing is a good example of promoting smartphones from the mid -to -high -end market. From the recent release of the X80 series, X Note, especially X, It can be seen in FOLD that vivo has successfully completed the on -see from mid -to -high -end models to high -end flagship models. "

Taking the Vivo self -developed chip as an example, as the main product series that impacts the high -end flagship market, V1 is the first to be used in the X70 series after landing, creating the industry's dual -core mobile phone configuration. A chip that can support the image independently makes the hardware performance stronger, combined with a more advanced algorithm, bringing mobile images into a new height. After following, this year, equipped with the X80 series that upgraded the V1+chip, while inheriting the long -term status of Vivo's excellent imaging industry, it further realized the first multi -platform adaptation of self -developed chips, making flagship mobile phones more versatile, satisfying users' comprehensive comprehensive need.

Eventually, through the overall product layout, use the S series to put the mid -to -high -end market demand, and carry the top -end high -end flag ship price market with the X series, step by step in the entire high -end market from the fifth place last year to the second place, becoming the Chinese market in China The first place in high -end models of production, forming Apple, VIVO, and Huawei high -end pattern.

The determination of the post -hairline

In the past two years, with the influence of Huawei's international factors, it has fully entered the decline. In the post -Huawei era, Chinese mobile phone manufacturers' impact on the high -end market was obviously lively.

On the one hand, Xiaomi first announced the comprehensive benchmarking apple, followed by Huawei, and has also become Xiaomi's main strategy in the past year. For example, the co -branded main partner Leica, the main partner of Huawei image, updated Xiaomi's image strategy. At the same time, it has become the second brand of folding screen mass -produced mobile phones after Huawei.

However, while impacting the high -end market, the overall market of mobile phones has fallen into a slowdown in the growth rate, which has made many mobile phone manufacturers open a second path. For example, Xiaomi's car building and OPPO's IoT ecological business seem to bloom in full bloom, and it has made a lot of high -end market share.

When the entire industry comes to the tough period, who can know what you want more firmly, you can more effectively resist market noise. If you are willing to adhere to the S+X dual -series products for a long time, the main theme of the domestic high -end mobile phone market in China is vivo to remove market noise, and adhere to the user experience as the first hair loss effect.

For example, in the rhythm of domestic impact on the high -end market in the past two years, whether it is a self -developed chip or the release of folding screen phones. From the perspective of market competition, often pay attention to the premissions, grabbing the starting, and the first time it has become the main theme of many mobile phone brand conferences. But for vivo, market competition is not a competition between peers, but the active choice of users.

Under this brand concept, vivo is often as a post -hairker. Taking the current category of folding screen mobile phones as an example, as a long time, it has begun to study folding screen mobile phones very early, and even manufacturers with special teams and patent layouts. Vivo is the last mainstream mobile phone manufacturer to launch folding screen mobile phone products.

Previously, it was restricted by craftsmanship. There were some problems in the mainstream folding screen phones in the mobile phone market. Either sacrificed the external screen experience, or lost the essence of the mobile phone.

This kind of uncomfortable folding screen mobile phone does not meet the productism of the Vivo user experience first. Therefore, it insists on slowing down, developing more innovative technologies, optimizing more user experience, and making folding screen phones from innovative early adopters to innovation and practicality.

Dare to become a post -hairker, it is vivo technology first.

Inside vivo, by creating a technical lighthouse, two handshake, product innovation "iron triangle methodology", and four technology long tracks, their own unique technical concepts and product innovation methodology have been formed.

The technical lighthouse is mainly dedicated to the follow -up research of the new product form. It indicates the direction of products and technical planning for more than 3 years. It exists in the form of the Central Research Institute in the vivo. The Vivo "Iron Triangle" research and development system mainly focuses on the combination of products and technology within 36 months, covering three aspects: "product planning, technical planning, and technical pre -research".

One look at one look within three years, one focuses on three years. Under such organizational architecture design, the user is the original point and the technology as the means. The effective combination of long and medium and short -term will make VIVO technology innovation and track focus on a comprehensive guarantee.

The design of the organizational structure is essentially the embodiment of brand values.

For Vivo, which insists on the fundamental division of operations, in order to go further, he does not mind more stable than competitors. The key to seeking a stable victory is to wait in such an uncertain era. As a post -hair loss, it will give consumers a certainty answer to consumers through excellent products.

In such a win -win long -termism of a brand and users, obviously every consumer is also willing to help them with practical actions. In this change of domestic high -end mobile phones, vivo, who has written against the trend, undoubtedly wrote a trip to the top of the brand and consumers in two -way.

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